1. Threads will remain in the main wishlist section while being discussed. After being reviewed by the Devs for initial feasibility, and depending on thread activity, the thread may be moved into one of the two subsections
    How to post your idea:
    Create a thread with a clear title that describes what the idea is about. Only one idea per thread!
    Please specify either in the title of the thread (if there is space) or at the very top of your post, what type of idea it is, For example: Housing (Houses, Lots, etc)
    Example title: Housing: Epic Keep and Castle Size Homes other than Pirate Ships
    Be sure to include details about your idea. Devs, and or players may reply to your thread asking additional questions, so please be willing to provide more details.
    Please see the sticky thread marked **READ FIRST** for more details...

Looks like Lord British was right

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Vladamir Begemot, Jan 16, 2020.

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  1. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    People, it's what's for dinner!
    Alleine Dragonfyre and Anpu like this.
  2. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    Who said it was fine? You know all those humanoids and animals generally try to kill you without a second thought right? I'm just happily walking through the woods, minding my own business. Suddenly here comes a giant tree from out of nowhere trying to eat me. Of course I'm going to defend myself. That's the world we're playing in. There is a huge difference between what the game throws at you.. and what is entirely in the hands of the player. If we were running around slaughtering innocent civilians every day you might have an argument here. We're not.
    Alleine Dragonfyre and Sentinel2 like this.
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