Lost Whiteguard Silver Mine

Discussion in 'Text-Bug Reports (French)' started by BlackKiwi, May 12, 2018.

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  1. BlackKiwi

    BlackKiwi Avatar

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    Here are my translation comments about the Lost Whiteguard Silver Mine.

    The name of the scene itself is not translated. Usually names (Whiteguard) are not translated, but the "lost" and "silver mine" parts probably should (for instance the "Catacombes de Solania" have been translated)
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  2. BlackKiwi

    BlackKiwi Avatar

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    At each entrance of the mine, there is a letter (the same on each side) on a wooden post that is not translated.
    Letter is named "Guide Utile pour l'Exploration, Page 3"

    "and when the threats presented by wolves and bears begin to feel too mundane, intermediate explorers will seek out new challenges in new areas of the world.
    You may stumble upon murderous elves refusing to abandon an ancient temple high in the mountains, be waylaid by a bandit clan protecting their ill-gotten treasures deep within the swamps, or be pursuing a contract to clear out a skeleton-infested dungeon under an ancient keep.
    Many an adventurer has made a name for themselves with the moderate challenges with comfortable rewards that exist off the beaten path."

    "et quand les menaces que représentent les loups et les ours commencent à sembler trop banales, les explorateurs plus avancés pourront partir à la recherche de nouveaux défis dans de nouvelles régions du monde.
    Vous pourriez tomber sur des elfes tueurs refusant d'abandonner un ancien temple dans les montagnes, être pris en embuscade par un clan de bandits défendant le fruit de leurs pillages au fond des marais, ou tenter de remplir un contrat en nettoyant un donjon infesté de squelettes dans les sous-sols d'un vieux fort.
    Nombre d'aventuriers se sont fait un nom par eux-mêmes grâce à ces défis modérés - accompagnés de récompenses intéressantes - que l'on trouve hors des sentiers battus."
  3. BlackKiwi

    BlackKiwi Avatar

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    The letter "My dear Sada" which can be looted when working on the Solania quest "Trouver la preuve que Wen repose en paix" is not translated.

    "I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on your beautiful face. In my heart, I knew we would be together, forever. All I thought about was spending time with you. Now, all I can think about is spending time away from you.
    I apologize if my tone seems cruel, but I have to believe that you also know we've been growing apart. Your curious quirks have become annoying habits to me, and doubtless I must have habits that do the same to you. I'm sure you must agree that it's best that we cancel our engagement and go our separate ways.
    When I am done with my current tour in the Whiteguard Silver Mine, I plan on moving to Broochash to attend university. I wish you a good life in Solania."
  4. Ikas

    Ikas Avatar

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    The Hague Area, Netherlands
    Merci pour les informations et pour la proposition de traduction @BlackKiwi.
    Je viens de transmettre a l’équipe de traduction.
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