Magic Channeling: Improvement for caster weapons by allowing them to modify basic spells

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by Aetrion, Jun 6, 2018.

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  1. Aetrion

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    I think this game isn't very friendly for pure spellcasters currently. The way the system is set up basically forces you to hyper-specialize in a single spell school if you want to be running with a high attunement, and weapons tend to do oodles more damage than any spells do. There are a few caster weapons, but they aren't all that spectacular. You can't really cast any spells that are significantly more powerful than what you can cast while wielding a regular weapon.

    To help this issue I think caster weapons should be improved by allowing them to modify certain spells that are cast through them.

    The general idea for this came to me when I observed Elven Mages casting spells. They seem to be throwing a single target fireball that does somewhere in the realm of 200-300 damage, which is an ability players simply cannot learn. They can cast ground targeted fireballs with meh damage, fire arrows with meh damage, flame fists with meh damage, but nothing that resembles what those elves can do.

    Adding these kinds of spells to the game as straight up new abilities isn't really a good option, because I'm pretty sure the reason we don't have them in the first place is because this game tends to have a really hard time limiting powerful abilities to specific characters. Especially when it comes to magic you can't simply say that Skill X belongs to Weapon Y and therefore can't be used if you're wielding weapon Z... Or can you?

    So the idea is: The first spell in all spell trees is always a straight up invocation of its element. You say a single word of power, and the spell usually takes shape in your hand (with some exceptions). What if magical weapons and grimoires were able to channel that raw energy into more complex forms, and thereby grant you access to a variety of spell effects that don't currently exist?

    So for example, if you use Flame Fist your character simply shouts Ignis and manifests some fire in their hand, and can then sort of hurl it at someone. Let's assume you had a specialized weapon that is built to channel that raw burst of elemental power into a more complex form though. For example, a staff could turn that raw fire into a more powerful long range projectile, akin to what elven mages use, or a wand could turn it into a spray of small fire bullets, or a grimoire could turn it into a flamestrike.

    This would make magic weapons more attractive by allowing them to give you access to some powerful spell effects that you simply can't unleash without such a channeling implement. That way magic could be made more powerful for wielders of such magical focus objects without making hybrid characters that also wield weapons too powerful.

    Ideas for how different types of magic weapons could channel raw energy:

    Wands: A spray of small magical bullets in a narrow cone, with a range of about 15-20 meters. Think of dual wands as the gunslingers of the mage world.

    Staves: A powerful long range beam or missile, making staff users into magic snipers that excel at long ranges.

    Grimoires: A new type of magic weapon that is simply a big old book that has no weapon stats at all. (I really loved this in Ultima Online), causes a slow, powerful long range AoE effect, turning grimoire users into magical artillery.

    Other types of weapons could also have special ways of channeling raw magic, but for most of them the effect would remain with the fist style, which is just manifesting raw magical energy in your hand and then manually applying it.
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