1. All posts concerning Shroud of the Avatar player to player transactions or services are limited to this section of the forums. Unwanted solicitation in other sections of the forums or via chat or private message is prohibited, and could result in account restriction or ban. Posting more than once per week within your own thread, "bumping" it to keep it on top, bumping within a week of the first post, and daily replacing a post with a new one is also considered spam and is therefore, prohibited. Bumping is allowed once per week, if the new post contains information that is meaningful to the original thread (i.e. price updates).

    Activities that involve real money exchanges between players are not allowed. Account transfers are not supported. Items purchased in the SotA Store, such as Pledge and Bundle Rewards, Add-Ons, Stretch-Goal items, and Player Owned Towns, as well as services that can be immediately fulfilled in-game (such as renting existing in-game property or items) are the only permitted exchanges in the Player Marketplace.

    Be sure to include the types of payment accepted in your post [In Game Gold, COTOs/Crowns, or in game item trade]

    We will not restrict exchange of goods but we will not officially endorse these exchanges due to liability issues and staffing bandwidth. No in-game or chat based real money exchanges are allowed. Exchanges are at the players own risk and governed by the Terms of Service of whatever third party platform. Catnip Games reserves the right to restrict any activities if they cause widespread issues for our community or if these activities involve exploits of any kind.

Market place posting rules (updated 3 June 2024)

Discussion in 'Player Marketplace' started by Ravalox, Jun 3, 2024.

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  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Greetings shoppers and buyers, traders and browsers of wares! Welcome to The Marketplace!

    The Marketplace is organized as follows:

    Write out your post offline first. proofread it and then submit and review it right away:

    Posts in the Marketplace section will not be editable or deletable 5 minutes after posting them. Additional posts can be added to your thread to make updates or pricing adjustments.

    When the item(s) have sold, add a post clearly stating the updated quantities available. Once a thread no longer has any items left, a moderator will move the thread to the Completed Items Marketplace section.

    Please use appropriate sub-forums: Please aid moderators and post your trades in the appropriate sub-forum related to the trade type.

    Multiple Items:
    If you have multiple items to buy or sell, place them in one post for Buy, and one post for Sell. Limit of no more than 5 active and unique posts per forum at any given time. Do not unnecessarily separate out items that could be listed in one post.

    Bumping Posts:
    • One bump per week max
    • Bumps must also contain meaningful change or updates to the thread
      (not just a bump)
    The title of the post should include:
    • The intent of the post. Always start with WTB (Want To Buy), WTS (Want To Sell), or WTT (Want to Trade)
    • The item in question
    • Price (specify a price in Gold or COTOs)
    Is your list an auction? If you intend to sell or trade your item through an auction process, mark it as such. Auctions can run for a maximum of 1 month.

    Player will bid on the auction in replies to the thread. (Blind Auctions are not allowed)

    Example Thread Titles:

      • WTT Scottie Kickstarter Painting (Alternate Frame) for a Castle
      • WTS Scottie Kickstarter Painting for 10,000,000 COTOs
      • WTB Scottie Kickstarter Painting for 10,000,000 Gold
      • Auction: Scottie Kickstarter Painting (ends on June 30th)

    The body of the post should include:

    • DESCRIPTION: The item description and if possible, accompanying pictures
    • PRICE: Prices in the listing must be in Gold or COTOs. Real Money Transactions are not permitted on the forums, in game, Discord or on any official SotA social channel. If you don't know what to ask or offer for a particular item, try researching previous sales or asking for a price check before you post for buy, sell, trade.
      Items without prices might be suspected as an RMT advertisement and subsequently deleted by moderators. Always indicate, if you do not know of what price to place, that you're looking for a recommended in-game gold, Crowns of the Obsidian or item-to-item trade suggestion.
    • RUNTIME for items being offered at auction, state your end of auction date and time. Remember to edit the OP with auction updates and stay mindful of forum rules regarding thread bumps

    The post should not include:
    • Personal information. Don't post your email address or personal account information
    • Extensive backstory on why the buy, sell, trade post is being placed. Because this is a multinational community, many players will be translating the information they read and post. Keeping things as concise as possible will limit potential confusion (and problems) with trades
    • Links or references to off-site sales, markets, auctions, or anything else not related or helpful in the completion of the transaction of the item.
    • Any reference or indication that the transaction is or could be an RMT. Actual or suspected RMT trades will be deleted. Be sure to clearly indicate what the trade is for so moderators do not mistake the trade as RMT. RMT (Real Money Transactions / Real Money Trades) are not allowed to be posted or linked to on ANY official Shroud of the Avatar communication platform. Please see community guidelines for additional information.
    If you have questions or concerns about The Marketplace, please contact support (support@shroudoftheavatar.com).

    Happy trading Avatars!
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