My Skill Analysis: Pole Arms

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Bowen Bloodgood, Aug 10, 2015.

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  1. Bowen Bloodgood

    Bowen Bloodgood Avatar

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    Caer Dracwych
    I feel like discussing this skill tree is a little redundant for me. My biggest concern here is with push & pull which I've made cases about before. The rest of the skills I don't have much to say about.

    A major selling factor of pole arms are their reach. Ideally you want your opponent to be within your striking distance while staying out of theirs. You want to keep them at long range in that sweet spot where you can attack them but they can't get close enough to attack you.

    Push: Should move an opponent into that sweet spot I just mentioned.. not beyond it.

    Pull: Why? Why? Why????? Why would you pull an enemy inside your defenses so they're close enough to attack you?? Do you have a death wish???

    Yes I know.. that's not how it works now.. especially with mob attack ranges being farther than yours even when you have a pole arm. However, if/when attack ranges are properly balanced.. that sweet spot I talked about should be right where a pole arm is most deadly and that's where you want to keep your opponent.. not beyond it.. not inside of it.

    Another problem I have with pull is that not all pole arms have anything that can be used as a hook. How is a spear for example.. going to pull someone in?

    Skewer: I'm still wrapping my head around this one.. you run someone through they're more than just rooted.

    Armor Weak Points: All weapons have their own version of this.. and they should.. I just find the name unfortunately since it implies an ability that isn't weapon specific.. Perhaps all of the skills should have the same name? Or variation on the same name?

    Defensive Positions: Another misleading name. The functionality of this skill is more about deflecting incoming blows than it is about stance.
    MalakBrightpalm, Aldo, Budner and 5 others like this.
  2. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    I see the Polearm as the team support weapon. If I had a free hand, first, I'd boost the range significantly, 2 or 3 times what it is now and then add a minimum range equal to normal melee range. Then toss in a card for damage in close range (Haft strike or something). Next, add some bonuses that encourage using the weapon in groups, pushing into wall causing extra damage, and break the movement of anyone hit by a polearm such that say 3 similarly armed pike-wielders would be able to hold an enemy at bay. Finally, add some bonuses that work well when the polearm wielder is working with non-polearm wielders, like pull granting an opportunity for flank attacks.
    MalakBrightpalm likes this.
  3. Sara Dreygon

    Sara Dreygon Avatar

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    Yes, yes, yes!

    Thanks for the breakdown, Bowen!
    Bowen Bloodgood likes this.
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