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[Need More Info] Combat Deck Glitched

Discussion in '*** Bug Report Archive (After R75) ***' started by Raven Swiftbow, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. Raven Swiftbow

    Raven Swiftbow Bug Hunter

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    1. Title: Combat Deck Glitched
    2. Reproducible? 100% (well, it was until I deleted that specific combat deck)
    3. Blocker? No
    4. Details: I had an odd thing happen last night while in combat.
      - My 'shooting star' - which was locked in the 3rd slot of my combat deck - would not stack to 6 when held down. (I do have 120 in that skill) I had never seen this issue before. It would stack to 2, but no further.
      - I had full focus. At one point something flashed across the screen about needing 27,000-something focus to cast (which was, of course, ridiculous, but aside from that number I was still at full focus).
      - I logged out and back in - still just a 2 stack.
      - I had an identical deck titled "Winter" (for winter clothing rather than summer clothing (so much better for Jotungrund) - that was the only difference between the 2 decks), and when I switched to that deck, my Shooting Star would stack to 6 just fine.
      - At that point, we thought that perhaps some piece of my gear was causing the glitch.

      Sooo, when I returned home I did the following test:
      - I began with the glitched combat deck and one at a time removed all of my gear. Even when totally in the buff, shooting star would only 2-stack.
      - I switched to the Winter deck and again removed all of my gear one at a time - and even in the buff I had my 6 stack.
      - Back to the glitched deck, I slowly put on my Winter gear one piece at a time and still had only a 2 stack of Shooting Star. [My guild had a hoot of a time in Discord as I 'stripped' during this testing btw.]
      - I then copied the "Winter" deck, put on all of my "Summer" gear - and was still able to cast my 6 stack. So I renamed that copied deck "Summer." and deleted the offending 2-stack deck.

      And I apologize - I probably should not have deleted the 2-stack deck that so ya'll could have taken a close look at it, but it was late and I was tired. (sorry!)

    5. Steps to Reproduce: I am hoping that ya'll can go back into the logs for last night (around 11 pm NBT) and locate information regarding the glitched deck. Again, apologies for having deleted the offending deck. This was on my Marie Laveau character. [That's it! Someone had put a Voodoo Hex on her!]

    6. User Specs: (RAM, CPU, GPU and Operating System only)
  2. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    @Raven Swiftbow, screenshot the deck, please, including multiple shots if you need to scroll the upper right pane
  3. Jack SinAssist

    Jack SinAssist Avatar

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    @Raven Swiftbow Merrick Dragon suggested testing on QA if you are able since you deleted that deck on production.
  4. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    You very likely had an unlocked Shooting Star glyph in the deck.
  5. Raven Swiftbow

    Raven Swiftbow Bug Hunter

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    Apologies to all! I've gotten so busy at work that I never have time to log in here anymore. :( I suspect that Barugon may have the answer to this one - I may have had some unlocked glyphs in the deck, although there shouldn't have been. I probably was interrupted at some point when I was modifying decks because I do recall that I had been playing around with different options. In any event, I couldn't re-create or check because my 'solution' was to simply delete the deck and rebuild it.

    But with that being said, should it ever happen again, I will remember to go into the deck and check for errant glyphs! Thanks.
    Flair and Alley Oop like this.