New Idea for Combat and Character Creation/Development

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Smurfwizard, Apr 30, 2015.

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  1. Smurfwizard

    Smurfwizard Avatar

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    Re-do Combat
    Character Attributes:
    1. Strength -- Strength often controls the maximum weight the character can carry, melee attack and/or damage, Also controls what type of armor and weapons can be worn or used
    2. Constitution -- Constitution often influences hit points, resistances for special types of damage (poisons, illness, heat etc.) and fatigue.
    3. Dexterity -- Dexterity controls attack and movement speed and accuracy, as well as evading an opponent's attack.
    4. Intelligence -- Intelligence often controls a character's skill in magic, learning new things, and amount of skill points gained per level.
    5. Charisma -- Charisma generally influences prices while trading, and NPC reaction.
    6. Wisdom -- Wisdom often controls a character's ability to cast certain spells, communicate to mystical entities, or discern other characters' motives or feelings.
    7. Perception -- Perception controls the chance to detect vital clues, traps, or hiding enemies, and might influence combat sequence, or the accuracy of ranged attacks
    8. Luck -- Luck might influence random items, encounters and outstanding successes/failures critical hits.
    These are the core of the start of D&D games, how your character is built helps determine the type of character they are. If you put your points into Strength and Constitution, and some in Dexterity, most likely you are going to play a Fighter, where you could place points into Constitution, Dexterity, luck, and perception and have your character as rouge. These combinations of the points spent are what define your avatar at the base level. You then can lean different skills for the weapons or spells that you are using. Each of these skills may be based on learning from trial and error or from a trainer in town based on your attributes. You can gain more points through the game life experience, if you are fighting with a sword then you can gain more strength, dexterity, more you learn through training or exploration can increase the intelligence and constitution just for examples. This is all for the avatar you create basic skills that you want to play as.
    Character Skills:
    Weapon/Magic – Crafting
    1. Weapon/magic skills can be both passive and active, passive skills like able to dodge better, increased strength can do more damage with item. Magic with higher intelligence and wisdom could cast a basic spell that does more damage or able to cast a special spell. As your experience gains through use then you would be able to use these more effectively.
    2. Crafting – have the different modes as they are but have the specialty of armor and weapons here so you could make a burning sword, or may be sharper so it does more damage when hits, or balanced to be able to have more successful hit chances.
    All of the skills could progress based on your character attributes and through the use of the item/spells.

    With all of this said I get to combat, since this is all character driven the combat system then can be directed to how you move and the right/ left mouse.


    Items in belt for quick use.
    I see that whatever you have in each hand could drive from what you have skill points in that specialty to show below the item, which you choose which one is active for special attack. You left click for main attack and if available double click could then trigger the special if available if not then do a regular attack. Sam for magic you have a base class of fire then could have your spell as fireball, and a secondary hand as heal and spell choose as heal group. Breaking it down this way there would be now button smashing since it is drive through mouse click, even double click will either do special or regular based on if available. You can change but as if you were to change something in real life it takes time and you are more vulnerable during this time to attack, so your movements as you do this will help, moving could drive the avoidance rolls dodge etc. in having the basics already there you can then concentrate on your movements and attacks by concentrating on the screen more.

    Moonshadow and Lord Baldrith like this.
  2. Smurfwizard

    Smurfwizard Avatar

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    sorry the picture sis not come through?
  3. Mishri

    Mishri Avatar

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    Great Falls, MT
    sounds like just about every mud i've ever played... At least, it's pretty much exactly like Sojourn/Toril MUD which everquest was based off of.
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