No trade Subscriber Rewards. Sorry, that's a deal breaker.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vladamir Begemot, Oct 4, 2019.

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  1. Khal Drogo

    Khal Drogo Avatar

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    99% of the people i know ingame have at one time bought or sold stuff for cash . RMT is the backbone of this game .

    How is it gonna work ?

    Buy a 7600 $ POT but dont try to resell it in our forums because we are done with RMT ?


    Buy our POT transfer tokens but we will assume you are giving away the POT for free cause we dont endorse RMT anymore ? We want to sell you features that helps you rmt safer but we will pretend rmt is not allowed ? Its just one example out of many .


    Im guessing the monthly income is not reaching the targets need it so port sees rmt as a competitor . The real problem though is the lack of players ... its not rmt that makes people rage quit when failing an enchant twice at 95 %... its not rmt that makes people quit hen they realise they cant even say hello in uni chat ... rmt is not the reason we dont have an endgame even after so many years .... and as Majoria said all the core systems in the game are incomplete ...they keep releasing new incomplete stuff and then we spend years wondering how good that system could actually become ...but nohing happens.

    Priorities in my view

    1. Create an endgame - Give old players reasons to stay and new players something to aspire too...
    2. PVP - Keeps getting pushed back ...i think its a mistake to ignore the hundreds of posts pvp players have made over the years ..demanding systems or core systems improved ..make it fun ..make it rewarding .
    3. Guilds - Should be your main recruiting tools ... should bring new players to the game and should keep their members involved in daily activities that feel fun and rewarding ( daily guild quests .. so on)
    4.Improve the core systems you already have ingame ...they are all incomplete .

    Theres alot more to be said /add ...but those few need immediate attention in my view , RMT should be the last of your worries port ...bring in more players and your revenues will spike ....but for that the game needs fixing ...
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
    Dread Pirate, K1000, yinki2 and 6 others like this.
  2. Paulie Walnuts

    Paulie Walnuts Avatar

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    That's what happened to me and a lot of people I know. And while I'm being completely transparent, the only reason i stuck around as long as I did was the prospect that one day all of the time I put in grinding away (not a very fun grind at that) would pay off by being ahead of the curve if the player base expanded. That and I enjoyed hanging out with some great people I met. But as time went on and it became clear that the direction we were headed wasn't conducive to player growth and my friends started dropping out, frustration started outweighing interest and that's when I had to take a step back.

    Heck, when I first started I nearly quit when I saw the prices of housing in the site. The saving grace was learning that I could obtain deeds through trading with other players. But I had to figure that out myself after being initially turned off thinking housing was gouging players behind a ridiculous pay wall. I could be wrong, but It sounds like the decision that is being made now is a decision that would have practically guaranteed me leaving the game right off the bat instead of putting 4k hours over a couple years knowing I could grind and trade for it (or find it in game).
    Mishikal, K1000, arcdevil and 2 others like this.
  3. Greyfox

    Greyfox Avatar

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    What is the most ironic part of the entire experience are the facts. Portalarium started off with a rabid fan base, unique and interesting IP, wealthy patrons supportive of their ideas, a "big" industry name (not really but LB was well known to most of us at least), Ultima players looking for a new experience, millions in funding, and a team of veterans.

    If Portalarium had simply delivered a 3D copy of Ultima Online (Felucca with minimal PVP) and some RMT for property/rares they would have a money tree. I suppose Portalarium is so WOKE, they moved past the need for money?
  4. CarlNZ

    CarlNZ Avatar

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    Problem is that most people remaining are older players who participate in RMT who don't realize just how massively unpopular RMT is. RMT has been one of the (several) things that keeps players away.
    K1000, arcdevil and Cordelayne like this.
  5. Greyfox

    Greyfox Avatar

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    I think you and those who hate RMT fail to realize the fact RMT is in every single MMO and has been since Ultima Online. Some games like Entropia Online, Guild Wars, and Second Life turned RMT into the primary focus of the game and those companies are making millions a year in profit. Even games like WoW have RMT integrated into the game.

    Portalarium won't remove RMT, they are not capable. Portalarium simply removed their ability to profit off RMT.
    Mishikal, K1000, Cordelayne and 3 others like this.
  6. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I go to the Player Marketplace to look for say wood, all I see are people trying to sell it for real money and nobody lists their wood for in-game gold. I personally can't wait for RMT to be removed from the forums.

    Also, you all seem to think that it's the end of RMT but they're just removing it from the forums.
    Cordelayne and Elwyn like this.
  7. Khal Drogo

    Khal Drogo Avatar

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    Right so thats why eve and wow have only 500 players daily login in because theres no rmt in them . Rmt in eve , wow and star citizen has prolly reached hundreds of milions $ . There will always be people willing to pay for a service/ product ...least in this regard port had the ... to be upfront about it .
  8. CarlNZ

    CarlNZ Avatar

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    And what happens if you rmt in Wow, or Ffxiv, or any popular mmo? A couple of weeks later you go to log in to find your account banned. That's not really rmt.
    Elwyn likes this.
  9. CICI

    CICI Avatar

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    twitch streamers kind of RMT Also by asking for bits/sub for giveaways ect
    in any mmo ppl do this so kind of rmt like
  10. Khal Drogo

    Khal Drogo Avatar

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    ... i dont play eve anymore ... but when i did i sold so many PLEX i lost count ...never had any issues . Companies like to spread these myths like we banned 100 accounts last month for rmt ...but when you consider wow, eve, star citizen these 3 probably have milions of players .... myths are the only thing that can deter some people to rmt ..truth is theres nothing they can do about it ...the manpower need it would be gigantic.

    But i digress the fact is rmt is a sensitive subject... while countries like china decided to tax rmt and games like eve have rmt auction houses implemented in them there and eu are still behind on this subject .

    Im still of the opinion shroud problems dont come from rmt but from systems which are incomplete and from management decisions that upset players ...each month seems to be a new thing popping out that enrages players or simply makes them ragequit . This month i guess is rmt removal from forum and account bound items ....
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
  11. CarlNZ

    CarlNZ Avatar

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    Games that allow rmt are the exception rather than the rule. And yes, in Wow and FFXIV they do get banned. Note the names of the RMT players down when you encounter them, look them up after a ban wave, you don't see them ever again.
    I agree incomplete systems and certain decisions are also responsible, but if an anti rmt stance was taken at the start, we'd have more people here to complain about those today. RMT just isn't okay with the majority of gamers.
    arcdevil and Cordelayne like this.
  12. Sulaene Moon

    Sulaene Moon Avatar

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    Very true! But isn't making most items account bound slowly taking RMT out of the game
  13. Sol Stormlin

    Sol Stormlin Avatar

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    My feedback is to stay consistent, and it would be great to have an explanation posted as to why things are headed in this direction. Not all of us can watch the live streams because the live streams happen during working hours. It bothers me that I can't watch the live stream and then have these changes spring up on me suddenly and I have no idea why or what's going on. I get most of my information from these forums.
    K1000, Rinaldi, calkano (PAX) and 5 others like this.
  14. FrostII

    FrostII Bug Hunter

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    Chris once told me in a PM that he doesn't read the forums, but always responds to direct PM's.

    That was my first PM with him, and it was about 3yrs ago.

    My 2nd PM to him was very short and linked him to a single post that really broke down the major problems with loot and crafting.
    That was about a month or so ago.

    He has not responded......
  15. Khal Drogo

    Khal Drogo Avatar

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    Thats another myth anti rmt-ers like to spread ....if it was true how come rmt companies make hundreds of million of dollars ?

    The age of blockchain mmos is about to my estimates in about 5 years we gonna have some major ones coming out ...

    Anyway people who say they dont like rmt do it because they think someone else with a big wallet can just come in and buy everything they want , no stress no time invested .... and thats exactly whats happening in wow and eve... you can go buy as many plex /tokens you want sell em for gold , buy everything you need and bypass all the blood and sweat .... thats rmt also just one sided ... companies dont want players to share in profits its ok to bypass the blood and sweat through rmt as long as they profit ..but not ok if the players try to profit . Its all about the money and has nothing to do with what players like or dont like .

    I think thats one of the reasons many people invested huge amounts of cash into port ..because they saw it as trusted partner willing to share its profits with their investors/ player base ...guess now theyre reconsidering .
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2019
  16. Sulaene Moon

    Sulaene Moon Avatar

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    3 years ago they had a CM to read the forums for them, now they don't
    arcdevil likes this.
  17. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    San Antonio, TX
    I am probably one of the more patient players, and I'm seriously considering reducing my subs from 4 to 3. If that sounds weak to you, think of it as a 25% reduction, what if you got 25% less every month? I'm subtle and measured like that.

    I'm going to agree with those who say that the problem Port seems to be having with players leaving and selling off all their stuff is really a problem with players leaving, period, and also a problem with insufficient new players to pick up the economy. I understand the need to patch up stuff like NUE before trying an ad campaign to get those badly needed new players, but it's been many months since I last saw NUE tweaks, much less since the start of them. I can also understand that E2 is right around the corner (or is it?) and waiting to put the ad campaign along with it.

    I can understand making login reward items NT because it's too easy to get more by spamming new accounts, and that is not good. I can also understand Heritage items being NT because of items that were (IMHO) foolishly expired or otherwise made exclusive to early backers that maybe shouldn't, or should have had a sunset, like "no PA water or keep+ deeds until episode 2". But I am against any monthly sub rewards being marked NT.

    Oh well, at least I can wait a week to hear what's up.
    K1000 likes this.
  18. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    You're comparing finished games to Shroud, where almost all systems are stuck at 80% done.

    This might come as the news flash of the century, but if they finished up Ep 1 systems, the game would make money. It has nothing to do with RMT and everything to do with finishing what you start.

    But hey, we got dungeons now, right? Oh wait, that isn't done either.
    Mishikal, K1000 and arcdevil like this.
  19. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    You're right about that. I wish I had a few tens of millions of dollars to be creating a Cyberpunk MMO who's monetary system is Etherium or whatever is coming next.

    I really hope it isn't EA or someone that nails it.

    Like I said before, Port is sitting on a gold mine trying to run a national park.
    K1000 and Khal Drogo like this.
  20. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    And anyone that likes their items to be tradeable.
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