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(out of sync issue) Sleeping in all beds in all scenes is out of sync

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by Morgana Pendragon, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. Morgana Pendragon

    Morgana Pendragon Avatar

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    Caracas, Venezuela
    08/31/2018 5:23 PM
    Title: (out of sync issue) Sleeping in all beds in all scenes is out of sync
    Reproduction Rate: 3/3
    Blocker? no
    Sleeping in all beds in all scenes is out of sync:
    The others see you sleeping in a wrong position while you see yourself sleeping in a right position.
    See the screenshots for more information.

    Tested beds:
    • the 'Bed'
    • the 'Renaissance bed'

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1) Have two Avatars in the same scene
    2) Have two beds in the same room in the same scene
    3) Have both Avatars to sleep on the beds at the same time

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8) System RAM: 12239
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 GPU RAM: 4063
    Area: BasementSceneDungeonVillage_2Floor
    Area Display Name: Village Stone 2-Story Basement
    Loc: (10.3, 5.0, 12.2)
    Debug: QmFzZW1lbnRTY2VuZUR1bmdlb25WaWxsYWdlXzJGbG9vcnx8KDEwLjI5NywgNS4wMDYsIDEyLjE5Mil8KDAsIDAuOTc1LCAwLCAwLjIyMyl8NDcyLjI1MTV8MzIuNzI1MTN8NC4xNzE4MDg=

    Screenshot #1 (Rumplestiltskin's client):
    Rumplestilskin is seeing himself sleeping in a correct position and seeing Morgana Pendragon sleeping in a wrong position in the Renaissance beds.

    Screenshot #2 (Morgana Pendragon's client):
    Morgana Pendragon is seeing herself sleeping in a correct position and seeing Rumplestiltskin sleeping in a wrong position in the Renaissance beds.

    Screenshot #3 (Rumplestiltskin's client):
    Rumplestilskin is seeing himself sleeping in a correct position in the single bed.

    Screenshot #4 (Morgana Pendragon's client):
    Morgana Pendragon is seeing Rumplestiltskin sleeping in a wrong position in the single bed.
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