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Overworld encounters - too much at the same spot

Discussion in 'Release 45 Bug Forum' started by Rentier, Sep 22, 2017.

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  1. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Dragomir Mori
    9/22/2017 8:20 PM
    Reproduction Rate:eek:ften
    Blocker?not for my main char, but new chars can get exhausted
    find a plains encounter in the overworld, take your time to beat all enemys and harvest all there is and then leave the plains encounter

    oh something new caught my attention ..

    another plains encounter (after respawning in overworld you can't react before you get caught again...)

    rins repeat (ok after 3 bandits i got 1 wolf...)

    same with other encounters too, but this one is deadly for low to mid level chars
    Steps to Reproduce: see above
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz (4) System RAM: 16264
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4007
    Area: RandomEncounter_Plains02/Predators_Tier5
    Area Display Name: Plains Encounter
    Loc: (-77.3, 33.2, -22.3)
    Debug: UmFuZG9tRW5jb3VudGVyX1BsYWluczAyfFByZWRhdG9yc19UaWVyNXwoLTc3LjI3MSwgMzMuMTg5LCAtMjIuMzEpfCgwLCAwLjcyLCAwLCAtMC42OTMpfC0xNTIwLjUwNHwxMC41MzUxNXwzLjk1NTYzMQ==

    my spot in overworld was near longfall swamps - sorry can't type /loc as fast as the encounters come and the loading pic is there again

    Edit: after the fourth encounter they left me...

    here is my novia loc
    Area: Novia (Novia) Loc: (-437.8, 12.8, -210.0) DBG: Tm92aWF8fCgtNDM3Ljc1MSwgMTIuODQ3LCAtMjA5Ljk4NSl8KDAsIC0wLjk3NCwgMCwgLTAuMjI4KXwxNTMuMzQyfDMxLjA4OTA1fDQw
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