Pet skill bar

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by thesometimeslurker, Jan 10, 2019.

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  1. thesometimeslurker

    thesometimeslurker Avatar

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    Would really like a pet skill bar, one that appears just above your own when your tamed pet/summon appears. This would make it much easier to command your pet on the fly, and the option to keybind it should also be there too!

    Both would contain these glyphs that would do the following:

    Defensive: Sets pet to defensive
    Aggressive: Sets pet to aggressive
    Passive: Sets pet to passive
    Stay Here/Follow: Orders pet to go to a particular location and stay put, or to follow owner/summoner.
    Patrol: Pet will patrol area, highlighting enemies (wisp will also highlight resources).
    Ambush: Pet will attempt to stealth, and will attack any enemies that get too close to it, or when ordered to. Clicking this glyph will cause the pet to come out of this stance. Some pets will be better at stealth than others.
    Attack: Pet immediately begins to attack selected target.
    Stop Attacking: Pet will cease all hostile actions for a couple of seconds, though it may go back to combat if enemies are too close.
    Dismiss: Dismisses your active pet.

    Tamed Only Glyphs:

    Open Skill Glyphs: Unlocked after pet training. Allows you to order your pet to perform its special attack, and shows the damage/CD/ effect of that pet's skill.
    Lock/Unlock Skill Glyphs: Locks the available open skill glyphs, making it so the pet will use it at its own discretion. Clicking it again will open these up for your use again.
    Come Here: Pet will immediately cease all actions and run to you in the fastest route possible.

    Summons Only Glyphs:

    Locked Skill GLyphs: As above, but permanently locked. Summoner may still be able to see the CD/damage/and effects of any of the summon's special abilities.
    Teleport to me: Teleports summon beside you.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
    Violette Dyonisys and Lained like this.
  2. Weins201

    Weins201 Avatar

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    Mostly all there when we get the additional pet stuff coming in the near future just make sure to jump on them again to get the assignable, sadly the hot keys have been 50/50 since they started.

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