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player owned fishing camp and hunting camps

Discussion in 'Release 23 Feedback' started by Oldgeezer, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. Oldgeezer

    Oldgeezer Avatar

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    Have a hunting skill where a player can catch live beast and fish to be able to place in player owned ponds or player own hunting grounds, so other people can come and pay to fish at a players stocked pond and stock huning grounds, and taxadermi to stuff your prized beast and be able to place in your house.
    Themo Lock, Womby and Spoon like this.
  2. Spoon

    Spoon Bug Hunter

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  3. Oldgeezer

    Oldgeezer Avatar

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    well this post was just a brief description of my idea, but the potential for what i was thinking is here, main idea is for player to own a pond, have other players bring him/her live fish that owner can breed and stock they personal pond then to sell tickets for people to come fish at a per say catfish pond, or same thing for a hunting pond, i go out, cage a obsidian stag, and sell it to a land owner who then grows and feeds it, or breeds it with say a elder stag, and make a huge breed for hunting on they land, ect. same for fishing land owner either buys live fish or goes out and spends the time to catch said fish to stock in they fishing pond and then sell tickets for people to fish for lunkers, if owner doesnt have lunkers or prized hunting game, people wont buy from them, ect. word of mouth, excellent pond/ranch owners will become famous.. ect. So idea is for a hunter like me, who loves the grind can go out, hunt, trap and capture the patriarch bear, and capture it alive, and sell it to a land owner, for x amount of gold.. so that land owner can feed it, grow it, make it huge, for a hunter to buy a ticket , hunt this monster of a animal and then have it fully stuffed from a taxidermy and have it place in they house or guild hall ect. to me has so much ingame potential. to me that is
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