Player participated endangered species introductions

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by zerothis, Jan 31, 2018.

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  1. zerothis

    zerothis Avatar

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    This idea is inspired by Quest of the Avatar, which gave players virtue penalties for killing non-evil creatures.

    Every player would have the option to bring one endangered species with them from Earth. They could be dye branded and set it free, in the appropriate environment (hopefully). The animal may thrive, mate and have offspring. Resulting in the area continuing to have a population of that animal. When positive things happen to you animal (release into the wild, eating well, mating, offspring) players get virtue boosts (nothing happens for neutral or negative events). Somewhere in the game, for every species developers offer to players, is an NPC who knows everything there is to know about it. Not just where to release it, but when and under what conditions and what the player can do to ensure it thrives. This NPC would know that there were no potential mates in an area, even if said area was the best place to put the species (eventually). It is then up to the player to find another player with a mate so they can be release together. They can carry a releasing summon for their animal for as long as they need. Introducing social groups animals would be the most complex for that particular problem. This NPC would also suggest posting a sign to remind people not to kill endangered species that have been introduced to the area (a list) and that not all of them may be dye branded. This NPC talks about their personal endangered species to any player who asks. They also suggest general endangered species advice, such as dye tagging endangered species that are not yet dyed (also a virtue boost and XP). And the option to get a permit to relocate an animal or a permit to tame an endangered species (additionally featureful if pet breeding ever becomes a thing). This NPC will also say if a certain area is currently suitable to tame or relocate from, regarding their personal species.

    Players would receive updates on the status of the animal they released.
    Your animal is eating well.
    Your animal can't find a mate.
    Your animal is eating well.
    Your animal was injured but recovered when fighting a rival. (It lost).
    Your animal can't find a mate.
    Your animal is eating well.
    Your animal was injured but recovered when fighting a rival. (It won).
    Your animal is eating well.
    Your animal found a mate.
    Your animal had 1 offspring.
    Your animal is having trouble finding food.
    Your animal successfully defended its offspring.
    Your animal's offspring became independent.
    and so on until...)
    Your animal was injured when fighting a rival and did not recover. (It won).
    Your animal died. Your animal fought 12 rivals, mated 3 times, and had 4 offspring before dying.
    (That would be an example of a good outcome. It could end in other ways.)
    Your animal was killed and eaten by a Bear Patriarch.
    Your animal died. Your animal did nothing significant before dying.
    Your animal is having trouble finding food.
    Your animal has starved.
    Your animal died. Your animal did nothing significant before dying.
    Your animal is eating well.
    Your animal found a mate.
    Your animal was immolated and skinned by Lurghoff Highlander.
    Your animal died. Your animal mated once before dying. Occurrence of offspring is unknown.

    Players can visit the area to do things beneficial for their animal. Drop food or otherwise provide for the needs of their animal (or visit any area to help an endangered species). Erect a bird house for example. Or preform a mating dance in a costume to put it in the mood. Remove potentially harmful litter. Hunt an over abundant predator. And if they realize they've released their creature into a bad area, and have a permit, they can attempt to recapture it for relocation.

    Of course this would all be based on facts and be educational. And f the player ever wanted to try again with another animal, they could get one in exchange for a charitable donation.

    To be implicit. There would be a fallible system of protection, kinda like how the game tries to prevent theft from NPCs. But players would be allowed to kill another player's animal to sabotage virtue boosts, hunt an endangered species to extinction, and face both game imposed consequences (virtue penalties) and community imposed consequences.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
    Bow Vale likes this.
  2. Toadster

    Toadster Avatar

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    Just to be devils advocate here... could I make your anamil extinct so you loose your blessing? Or do the same hunting rules apply in Novia?
  3. zerothis

    zerothis Avatar

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    I guess I was not implicit enough. There would be a fallible system of protection, kinda like how the game tries to prevent theft from NPCs. But players would be allowed to kill another player's animal to sabotage 'blessing', hunt an endangered species to extinction, and face both game imposed consequences (virtue penalties) and community imposed consequences.
  4. Toadster

    Toadster Avatar

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    Although I think getting buffs from the animals may be too much I would love to see then move away from spawners that put x amount of creatures into a seen at a specified time after one dies. If they could implement some sort of ecosystem where creature population had to be controlled by the players it would be amazing.

    For example...
    Bunnies in the right situation would take over a scene after someone decimated the wolf population. The bunnies eat all the plants so no resources like cotton, reagents until the bunny population is controlled. When the population gets to big it will start affecting neighboring scenes to the point of invading Towns and bringing desease.

    Trolls when left alive will spawn new trolls that if there is no spot for them to live in one scene would move to the next scene with a bridge or a cave until eventually the population is having them wander into towns and the players need to control that.

    So much they could do with an ecosystem that would maintain the spawn and make scenes more random.
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