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Please disable mob aggro while in "protected" mode

Discussion in 'Release 44 Feedback Forum' started by Elwyn, Aug 18, 2017.

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  1. Elwyn

    Elwyn Avatar

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    San Antonio, TX
    Sure, it's nice that we get that blue protection shield thingy when entering a scene. But I have problems with this.

    First of all, we can't bleeping move during this! It's a pain in the ass to wait for it to finish doing its thing before even being able to move! I have had times when I go into a zone with aggro too close to the entrance and am immediately attacked by aggro placed too close to the entrance.

    But that's not the worst of it. the real, real problem that I have is when you get out of an encounter and exit back to the Novia overworld, then another encounter that has spawned while you were in an encounter immediately jumps you and pulls you into another one. All this while you are unable to move even a little bit to get out of the encounter spawn area! Yeah, I know, just wait until you are in, and exit it right away! As if I wasn't already tired of the time it takes to switch zones. Pain in the ass.

    Please, either let us move the moment our avatar appears on the screen, or stop things from running to attack us while the blue protection shield thingy is still on!
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
    liz_the_wiz and zyxe like this.
  2. liz_the_wiz

    liz_the_wiz Avatar

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  3. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    Not being able to move gives this feeling that the game is clunky and the long loading times don't help either.
    Tiina Onir and Elwyn like this.
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