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Please explain the grass to me.

Discussion in 'Player Owned Towns & Player Housing' started by Rufus D`Asperdi, Aug 11, 2018.

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  1. Rufus D`Asperdi

    Rufus D`Asperdi Avatar

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    08/11/2018 20:25
    Title: Please explain the grass to me.
    Reproduction Rate: I can almost always see differences.
    Blocker? No
    Details: I have many pavers and other deco laid down in my town to define roads with the expectation that the pavers remove the grass. I've noticed grass popping up where pavers are laid down, and now have proof that this is inconsistent character to character.
    Steps to Reproduce: I logged in Rufus and noticed that grass was popping up through the pavers I'd laid down in front of my Eastern gate... Wanting proof of my belief, I logged Willie in ON THE SAME MACHINE in another instance of the client.

    The screenshots are posted below... Rufus and Willie standing shoulder to shoulder, less than 2 meters between them, obviously in the same instance, screenshots taken within 15 seconds of each other...

    Rufus sees grass where grass should not be... Willie sees none.


    Rufus' User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4) System RAM: 32683
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: POT_grassland_metropolis_01_template/Dawn's Keep
    Area Display Name: Dawn's Keep
    Loc: (3.8, 44.5, -38.3)

    08/11/2018 20:26
    Willie's User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4) System RAM: 32683
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: POT_grassland_metropolis_01_template/Dawn's Keep
    Area Display Name: Dawn's Keep
    Loc: (5.1, 44.5, -38.5)

    Rufus' View:


    Willie's View:

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018
    Daxxe Diggler, Alley Oop and Brugas like this.
  2. Daxxe Diggler

    Daxxe Diggler Avatar

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    @Rufus D`Asperdi - This is interesting and strange all at the same time. Makes me think that not everyone sees the same game world!

    In looking at those two screenshots, I do see some grass coming thru the pavers on Willie's view (along the bottom edge) but no nearly as much as Rufus' view.

    I sometimes see things differently from different accounts (on the same machine) too. For example, last night I was in a Plains Encounter ... um.. petting Unicorns :oops: ... and on one monitor the momma was running in place but on the other monitor the momma was running around the scene. I even waited until the momma ran right in front of the spot it was running in place and saw it run right by again on the one screen while the other never even saw it come into view nor run by. These 2 characters were in the same scene, right next to each other and saw 2 totally different things.

    Your bug isn't NPC AI related though and is only a difference of static scenery.

    I wonder what would happen if you tried the same experiment, but in the reverse order (whichever you loaded up first, load the other first instead... and have them both stand on the other characters spot). Just wondering if one characters client may be getting more of your systems resources than the other and/or whether the actual location/position you had them each in makes a difference in the view they have.
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