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Please let us kill the NPC clothing & sculpture merchants in encounters for negative virtue and loot

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Sorgin Txakal, Jun 30, 2021.

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  1. Sorgin Txakal

    Sorgin Txakal Avatar

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    Like, it is already a chore to try to complete the daily quests for the encounters, but I have gone through huge dry spells of getting nothing but the same pilgrim and then npc merchants while not a single bounty slip or ecology survey ticket.

    I wouldn't mind so much if the scenes were actually worth farming for loot, nodes, xp, etc. (that's a whole other wish list request in itself) but what spawned this request is today after getting 3 peasant clothing merchants in a row from 3 separate unicorn encounters, it occurred to me that I wanted to kill that NPC merchant and nothing should be stopping me from doing so.

    There are so few means of lowering virtue as it is, so I think lowering our love virtue by killing NPC merchants in encounters as we act as bandits is perfectly reasonable. The loot the merchants then will drop could be loosely based off what they are selling, but with the vast majority broken/burnt/shredded/etc. so you mostly get some raw materials and whatever gold coins they had one them.
    Wilfred, Tahru, Vaentorian and 5 others like this.
  2. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Sounds like a cool idea, would be really fun to see it implemented. There might be a problem with the NPC spawning in an AoE and being killed, or getting killed by an over-anxious fire mage whose statue lust has them forgetting to cancel immolation or some such. New players (for whom even a minor virtue change can make a bigger difference) might also kill them on sight, not realizing they're neutral characters. Maybe they could be put into fight mode through a dialogue option?
    Wilfred and Vaentorian like this.
  3. Vaentorian

    Vaentorian Localization Team

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    The peasant clothing merchants really bug me, probably not so much that I'd murder them, but there is something vaguely obnoxious about how they saunter in, barely mutter thanks for saving their sorry behind, then try to flog me garments which are supposedly aimed at the poorest citizens yet cost hundreds of gp. I'd definitely support reworking these in some way.
    Wilfred and Sorgin Txakal like this.
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