
Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by Taibo, Apr 8, 2013.

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  1. Taibo

    Taibo Avatar

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    I would love to see Pscionics in SotA. Not as one or two spells but as its own unique set of branching skills of specialization. Ultima dabbled in this with spells like Telekensis but I think it would be add a lot of depth to combat and add a unique flavor to this new world. After all, having gypsy camps in the game sort of lends itself to the idea already. And from interviews LB has mentioned he is trying to tie in elements that are slighlty evolved from the standard fantasy template ("steampunk", science and oddities). It would be a great step up from the same old magic vs sword combat and could add some interesting elements to non-combat parts of the games. Imagine a player with developed psychic abilities starting their own gypsy camp where another player can have their fortune read and the reading generates some sort of quest line. Or in combat a highly skilled Psion blasts an opponent and the game puts them in a new "instance" where they have to fight themselves before they can come back to regular game reality.
  2. Arkhan

    Arkhan Avatar

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    Sounds a bit complicated. It'd probably be better to just stick to having mind-related magic spells like Mind Blast, Telekinesis, and stuff like that.
  3. Isaiah

    Isaiah Avatar

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    Actually I don't see how it's more complicated than regular magic. Whether or not it makes it into the game it's still a unique idea. Bonus points for creativity, and for sharing your thoughts.
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