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Pure white & black dye packs are under wearables not dyes in crown store

Discussion in 'Items & Inventory' started by Widsith [MGT], Feb 27, 2019.

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  1. Widsith [MGT]

    Widsith [MGT] Avatar

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    02/27/2019 14:02
    Title: Pure white & black dye packs are under wearables not dyes in crown store
    Reproduction Rate:100%
    Blocker?If you don't know to use search
    Details: pure white & black dye packs are under weables not dyes in crown store
    Steps to Reproduce:pull up Crown Store, look under Dyes/Packs and don't see them, search 'Pure' and you'll see them in the wrong place under Wearables/Assorted
    ETA: Just noticed Dye Remover Pack is the same, and there are some other odd things under Wearables/Assorted - phonographs & sound tracks??
    User Specs:
    OS: Mac OS X 10.12.6
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5675R CPU @ 3.10GHz (4) System RAM: 16384
    GPU: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Pro Graphics 6200 GPU RAM: 1536
    Area: PlayerDungeon_GreyStone
    Area Display Name: Player Dungeon
    Loc: (8.7, 0.0, -32.6)
    Debug: UGxheWVyRHVuZ2Vvbl9HcmV5U3RvbmV8fCg4LjY3NCwgMC4wMDgsIC0zMi41NzMpfCgwLCAwLjc3MywgMCwgMC42MzQpfC0xLjkyMzczMnwyNy4wMTY4Nnw0LjQzNjU2Mw==
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