Pvp - A long time ago,

Discussion in 'PvP Gameplay' started by Verit, Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. Verit

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    What is meaningful pvp? And how can it be implemented without scaring off more than half the people in New Brittania?

    I'd like to look to Star Wars Galaxies as an example.
    SWG offered:
    Factions people cared about
    On Duty / Off Duty System
    Bounty Hunting

    I think the game would benefit from allowing us to choose some type of faction. Factions people care about, factions with conflicting philosophies.

    Pvp could be set up similar to a military. Perhaps even have missions and ranks. It could have on-duty (pvp flagged) and off-duty (military not currently flagged). The ranks and perks that go along with a hierarchy like this give people motivation to fight for their faction and it makes all battles to some degree meaningful. Perhaps even have faction points and stores. There can even be bases for the factions. (In SWG, bases were placed by players, they would be populated by npc but could be manned and battled over by pvp. Destroying a base required a task force comprised of players with knowledge of certain skills necessary to take down the bases systems and make it susceptible to destruction.)

    People who do not want to pvp at all can be in a civilian faction.

    SWG also had an incredible bounty hunting system. This could be another fun and engaging way to get players involved with pvp.

    If the devs gave into the pvp players demands it would kill the game.

    I preferred the ruleset on Siege to Tram but I also understand that in order to create a sustainable SotA we need to find a middle ground. There are not enough pvp players to support a ffa server and with the way instances work there is no need. Flagged players should go into zones with other flagged players. We just need a system that will make people want to get involved with pvp or at least enjoy the spectacle of those who are battling each other.
    Numa and Vrunk Hrrk like this.
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