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R114 Deployment completed with Earlier window and with a DJ!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ravalox, May 25, 2023.

  1. Ravalox

    Ravalox Chief Cook and Bottle Washer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Dallas, TX
    Starting with this release we shifted the release deployment one hour earlier, and as a result the server was brought online with R114 at about 09:30 CT instead of 10:30. Future release work windows will continue to be listed as ending at 10:30 since some releases will take longer than others.

    In addition, I hosted a music broadcast session in our official Discord server while Allium and I worked on the deployment. The first hour of the work window is really just waiting for the database backup to complete, so why not have a mini party in Discord?

    This was not a published event before hand, as I didnt know how it would work out. Of those hanging out in Discord, the players who joined in on the audio stream got announcements on where we were at in the process as well as some (hopefully) good music to listen to while chatting with friends in General Chat.

    I have sent the players who hung out with me in voice a Community Cloak to commemorate the deployment of R114. I am hoping to do this again next release, so come join in while we hit the server with a sledge hammer a few times and deploy R115!