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[Repro needed] Unable to control cursor in NPC conversations.

Discussion in 'User Interface (Including Launcher)' started by Paulie Walnuts, Feb 4, 2018.

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  1. Paulie Walnuts

    Paulie Walnuts Avatar

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    2/4/2018 9:54 AM
    Title: Unable to control cursor in NPC conversations.
    Reproduction Rate: 75%
    Blocker? Yes
    Details: Whenm skip conversation with Merchants is unchecked, it causes your cursor to either disappear or lock up when chatting to quest givers making it impossible to click on the keywords or drop completed quest items to the NPC to finish the quests.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Enable Conversation with Merchants.
    2. Speak to a quest giver and see if your cursor disappears or becomes unmovable when the chat box pops up.

    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz (4) System RAM: 16344
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: Novia_R6_Hills04_01
    Area Display Name: Highvale Outskirts
    Loc: (63.1, 30.8, -283.9)
    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjZfSGlsbHMwNF8wMXx8KDYzLjA4MiwgMzAuNzUxLCAtMjgzLjkzKXwoMCwgMC45OTcsIDAsIDAuMDgpfDg4Ny4xNTEyfDEyLjAwNDM5fDcuMzE4Mjc0
  2. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    @Paulie Walnuts
    Are you still having this issue? I couldn't repro, I did try. But, curious because you say 'finish' the quests. Is this when you are trying to turn in items?
    I'm trying to figure out why some have trade window lock ups and I have conversations enabled.
  3. Paulie Walnuts

    Paulie Walnuts Avatar

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    I do. I said merchants, but I don't think that's accurate after further testing. I never have problems with Town Merchants, rather with NPCs that have dialogue, be it a merchant or just a quest giver. The trouble NPC at this time was the guard right at the wagon in the highvale outskirts. When the chat window would open where you are able to click keywords to continue dialogue, the cursor would lock up or disappear. This made it impossible to have a conversation with him without typing it out, but also since the cursor wasn't anywhere to be found, I couldn't click and drag the quest item into the window to complete the quest either. Even after opening and closing the chat several times.

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