Request for "Filters"

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by kalvaer, Sep 8, 2018.

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  1. kalvaer

    kalvaer Avatar

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    So I've searched.. and maybe missed something. If I have point me to the correct place so I can move this there.

    The world of SOTA is massive, we know that, and so are the number of items on our banks and bags.
    While we already have ways to filter by Equipment, crafting, housing and consumables, There are still many items in there, and sometimes the items cross linked (ie: reagents in consumables and crafting.)

    1) What would be nice to add is additional filters not only by name, but by type?
    So if I type in Reagent in the filter box, it filters on that as well. This should help us not spend 30 minutes re-arranging bags and backpacks after each adventuring session.

    2) Once that is done.. I usually move to a crafting station, and again, now we need to filter through a massive list of things in our recipe book. Surely it would be easy enough to add a "Show available" box that only shows recipes that you currently can craft with the items you have on you.

    3) And while on the topic of recipes.. couldn't we filter out recipes already known on merchants with a click of another box. I'm sure I'm not the only one who had bought the same recipe twice...OK.. maybe even three times because I have the memory of a fish and forgot I bought it last night?
    Jaesun, Vladamir Begemot and Alioth like this.
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