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[Responded] Speak with Robert Villines

Discussion in 'Release 45 Bug Forum' started by muwompi, Sep 18, 2017.

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  1. muwompi

    muwompi Avatar

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    9/18/2017 12:47 AM

    Title: Quest: Speak with Robert Villines

    Reproduction Rate: ?

    Blocker ?

    Details: Cannot complete this portion if the quest because the NPC, Robert Villines, does not recognize any responses. Even the "Farewell" option just continues to scroll the chat box and I need to hit ESC to close the chat window with him.

    I tried several words such as, "Name, Hello, Goodbye, Thank you and Farewell" which were all met with his farewell response and the chat box awaiting more input from me.

    I did attempt to relog to see if it would fix the problem but that did nothing.
    He did disappear at the end of the bridge but from what I gather that was just him transitioning; although a rather crude transition.

    The quest did disappear from tracking and my quest journal upon leaving the zone.

    Steps to Reproduce: N/A

    User Specs:

    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32707

    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8081


    Area: Novia_R7_Forest01_Bloodriver/WithTutorial

    Area Display Name: Blood River Massacre

    Loc: (57.5, 52.4, 5.6)

    Debug: Tm92aWFfUjdfRm9yZXN0MDFfQmxvb2RyaXZlcnxXaXRoVHV0b3JpYWx8KDU3LjQ3MiwgNTIuMzk2LCA1LjU4Nyl8KDAsIDAuNjMsIDAsIDAuNzc3KXwtMjgxLjg1NTZ8MTMuNzM1NzN8My4yMTM0ODE=
  2. Rentier

    Rentier Avatar

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    Dragomir Mori
    Greetings @muwompi and welcome to the forums

    to clearify: you did start a new char and talked to the Robert Villines who stands at the stairs near the the first spawn point ?
    or the Robert Villines after clearing the Bridge? this one reacts to nothing anymore
    if after clearing the bridge see here https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/f...e-farwell-doesnt-terminate-converation.99826/

    there are still some quests who don't clear in the journal, if that is the bug here ...
  3. muwompi

    muwompi Avatar

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    Yes, this is a new character. Robert Villines followed me while I searched for the blood dagger.
    -He was with me while I spoke with the man scavenging for salvage materials and the lone elf boy and as i received the key to leave the town and enter the bridge.
    -He was with me while i cleared the bridge, then he disappeared and teleported to the end of the bridge at which time i received a quest to speak with him.
    But the chat was bugged. It would not allow me to speak with him and the "farewell' option would not close the chat window. Only ESC would allow the window to close.
    If there was actually a quest involved to speak with him, it was bugged. The quest did however leave my quest log when i left the zone.
  4. Lexie

    Lexie Bear Queen Emeritus

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    We run through the tutorial scenes on a regular basis, I will keep an eye out for his dialogue issues. I haven't been able to repro, including now, but I think this is 'one of those' that can happen randomly. If someone finds a common link, it would be great to know. At the moment, it seems randomly scarce.

    We are currently aware that it won't clear out until you leave the scene. That has been discussed internally; I don't know if that will change or not, however.
  5. Climbatiz

    Climbatiz Avatar

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    i had the same problem, i can CONFIRM that if you don't have the "Rusty Elven Sword" equipped or in your inventory, then all the npc's in Blood River Massacre will bug out and only accept Farewell as a response, fetching the sword again once it respawns fixed it

    btw, i first thought there was something wrong with the client so i restarted the game while being in the town of Blood River, i don't know if this happened then or because i've spent so much time in the tutorial area but the gate out of town is now visually half open/closed but can't be passed through, trying to use the keyhole just gives the message that the gate is already open, i can attack the gate with a weapon but afaik the gate is invincible

    Robert Villines is also back to his starting position, i noticed this after i tried using the /stuck command and was transported to tutorial start area, which doesn't help me get past the gate, guess i'll just make a new char as waiting for help might take awile :(

    screenshot >>> http://www.everplanet.tk/steam_786f/326160/screenshots/20170925024518_1.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
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