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[Responded] Wasted recall scrolls : I WANT A REFUND aka the infamous ALTAIR9000

Discussion in 'Critical Issues (Blockers, Performance, Crashes)' started by Kliirkast, Sep 5, 2018.

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  1. Kliirkast

    Kliirkast Localization Team

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    Brussels, Belgium
    09/05/2018 14:32
    Title: Constantly loosing connection when loading a scene.
    Reproduction Rate: 85%++
    Blocker? yes
    Details: Since the last patch I'm loosing connection (almost) each time I'm zoning… Sometimes I can't even log in on overland map. I checked my internet speed, rebooted everything and its mother… no change. As a result I can't play. Even taking the boat from Kingsport to Novia crashed the game. I am not amused at all.
    Steps to Reproduce: Go and try to log in and zone in a scene.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8) System RAM: 8142
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4043
    Area: POT_forest_metropolis_01c_template/Avallon
    Area Display Name: Avallon
    Loc: (155.6, 36.0, 264.0)
    Debug: UE9UX2ZvcmVzdF9tZXRyb3BvbGlzXzAxY190ZW1wbGF0ZXxBdmFsbG9ufCgxNTUuNjExLCAzNi4wMjMsIDI2My45Nil8KDAsIC0wLjc0NSwgMCwgMC42NjcpfDI2My44MDkxfDcuNzE4NDd8Mi4yMQ==
  2. Lord Subtleton

    Lord Subtleton Developer Emeritus

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    @Kliirkast I looked at the logs. I see the performance issue that you were experiencing during that time period - though it's not clear what the cause was. Is this still an issue? (I see you've been able to play since then.) The logs show the client disconnected after 30+seconds trying to connect to the server. I will look into attempting a reconnect here (issue #61764), but I'm thinking the real problem is elsewhere. Either there was a local network problem (DNS service?), or really bad client performance (out of memory) that is the underlying cause.
  3. James

    James Avatar

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    09/10/2018 18:11
    Title: Stuck loading and Pelican disconnects
    Reproduction Rate: Private game 30% Multiplayer 80%
    Blocker? yes
    Details: Stuck loading while logging in and bad connection in game.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz (4) System RAM: 32722
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 GPU RAM: 8088
    Area: Novia
    Area Display Name: Novia
    Loc: (-386.5, 13.4, -74.5)
    Debug: Tm92aWF8fCgtMzg2LjQ3NCwgMTMuMzcsIC03NC41KXwoMC4wMDIsIC0wLjg0NiwgLTAuMDA4LCAtMC41MzMpfDExNS41OTE4fDQ1fDQw
  4. Kliirkast

    Kliirkast Localization Team

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    Brussels, Belgium
    @Lord Subtleton
    Sorry for the late answer, M'Lord, been busy translating… guess what ?
    The problem solved itself the day after, I am pretty sure it was not a memory problem (I checked and had about 84% of memory used of my 32 Gig). Ping'ing several servers showed no loss of data. I had less than 130 msec, 45 Mb/s Down and 20 Mb/s Up from a server in Los Angeles (from Brussels) and 11 msec, 110 Mb/s Dwn and 33 Mb/sec from a server in Leipzig.
    I've done absolutely nothing on my machine since, but I've no problem anymore.

    Hope this helps somewhat.

    J from B.
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