Salvaging Heraldry items does not work and pattern removers are overpriced

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tahru, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    The Casks, Hatches and Banners all don't salvage and there may be more. I find this frustrating because the only way to get the pattern back is with a pattern remover and those are almost as expensive as the original heraldry patterns. If I am willing to sacrifice the original material, I should be allow to salvage them.

    I don't really understand why pattern removers are so expensive either and can't be crafted in the game. They just restore the item to be ordinary. As an economy example, a cask goes for about 1,800g and a pattern remover is valued around 20,000g. It just does not make sense at all.

    Can we at least get the salvage to work please?
    Baratan, Isabel Ayin and Barugon like this.