Stacking glyphs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adam Crow, Apr 9, 2022.

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  1. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Recently I've been stacking glyphs a lot more and I'm looking for feedback. Up until about a year ago, I was unaware that you could stack 2 unlocked glyphs simply by pressing down both buttons at the same time. I had always been using the keybind that activated stacking, so I was adding an extra key press that was unnecessary.

    With my mouse, (razer Naga hex v2) I have 7 side buttons, and I've found it much easier using a keyboard press + side mouse button press to stack my glyphs rather than doing it all on the keyboard.

    I have all the glyphs I want to stack come up on the first slot, which I have set to the easiest and quickest key I can press on the keyboard. I personally use esdf for movement so that key is (a) for me. I have slots 1,2 and 3 for each of the different glyphs - unlocked. So as they pop into slot 'a' I press and hold 'a' and then press the corresponding mouse button (1,2 or 3) to stack. And you need to add mind lock in somewhere, I prefer slot 'g' because it's another one of the easiest for me to press.

    I'll use death magic for an example of the deck layout. I have death touch, death ray and death field all unlocked in slot 'a'. And then death touch unlocked in slot 1, death ray unlocked in slot 2, and death field unlocked in slot 3.

    It took me some time to get use to this method, but it's a lot of fun now that I'm accustomed to it. Got to thank @Violet Ronso for showing me this specific way to stack, thanks again. The way I was doing it before required 6 slots to stack 3 different glyphs and this method only uses 4.

    Hopefully this info helps others with their deck building. I would love to hear any feedback or questions. If you have a different way that you like to stack, I'd really like to hear about that too!
    Tirrag, Time Lord, Barugon and 3 others like this.
  2. Violet Ronso

    Violet Ronso Avatar

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    Just one tip! I've discovered that the glyphs will draw from left to right.

    While this might sound like just a funny little detail, it actually plays a huge part in your decks efficiency!

    Let's say you stack 3 different glyphs, a, b and c.
    A goes in key 2, B goes in key 3, C goes in key 4 and they all draw in key 1 as well (to stack). What will happen is if you draw A, it will go in key 1, then you draw B it will go in key 3, then you draw B again, but your only two spots to draw are 1 and 3, which are already held up by your 2 previous glyphs, and until you draw another A to stack both As in key 2, your deck will draw dead draws and waste your time.

    Meanwhile, if you place your "all glyphs here" key last (so 4th), the keys where you want to do your stacking will fill up first, and only duplicates will land in your 4th key, meaning you should never get dead draws unless you take a break from stacking.

    Ohh and one last tip. Having 5 dynamic slots somehow speeds up the draw speed (no clue why, but 5 dynamic slots is just faster than 4). So what I do, is I place a minimal amount of long cooldown glyphs like dodge or Evasion in that 5th slot, and spam them as soon as they show up.

    Glad I could help you, and very nice write up!
  3. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Oh yeah that makes perfect sense, I'll switch that around!

    I do have a slot like that, and it's been working really well even tho I had that part you mentioned above messed up.

    I use chaotic feedback a lot, so I didn't even notice I was getting dead draws, can't wait to try it now!
    Time Lord, FrostII and Violet Ronso like this.
  4. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    I shall have to try this as I currently do not use stacks for my main attacked and only stack my locked corpse at times. I just dont know if this will be faster for me or slower with my arthritis :) sounds cool though.
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  5. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    It works well for death, but I mainly use this set up for bard skills. I probably should have used that as the example, but I've been running death build for a bit now so I have that on my mind.

    Generally with death while using this in pvp or pve I only attack with 2 or 3 stacks. But sometimes If I'm running around looking for a pvp target, I keep them all locked up. It's nice to be able to start a fight with 6 stacks.
  6. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    For me its the numbers that really matter, if I can squish more out of what I have than I will try haha.
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  7. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    PvE with death/feedback, usually the only things I stack are corpse explosion and feedback. The draw speed is just so fast that you can only do so much of that without getting a lot less draws. I guess sometimes things are just resistant enough that stacking damage is necessary to not suicide, but most of the time I'd rather just have some extra locked slots for whatever. Maybe that's just me being lazy though.
    Adam Crow likes this.
  8. Adam Crow

    Adam Crow Avatar

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    Not lazy, I totally agree. I usually only use that setup with death in certain situations. Spamming 1 or 2 slots of unlocked is better in nearly all pve situations for me.

    I was using that stacking setup during the treasure hunts in verdantis shardfall though. I was only killing the obsidian golems and the plants for obsidian chips. I kept everything locked in stacks with mindlock so that I could just spam death ray on them at range. It was a little faster then using locked death ray but the real benefit was having everything stacked and ready in case anyone showed up for pvp.
    Lazlo likes this.
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