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Starter Quest Oddities

Discussion in 'Release 40 Bug Forum' started by Valkadesh, Apr 6, 2017.

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  1. Valkadesh

    Valkadesh Avatar

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    The objective "Bring Robert of Edvard" does not seem to always complete, as its stuck in my log and that mission stage is over. I believe it may be because I talked to Edvard by the gate with Robert before picking up a weapon, but can't be certain, just know it never flagged as him reaching the gate to meet him.

    Additionally, if you stop by the Blood River again after talking with the blacksmith in the Aerie and speak with Robert Villines again (specifically while on the stage "Learn more in Vertas" about the dagger, he will tell you about this dagger he just found! The one you just brought with you to the Aerie.... and you'll be given another task to go back to the Aerie and speak with the blacksmith again.

    Any other small things like this I'll try to update/keep confined to this thread.
  2. Kvalme

    Kvalme Avatar

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    Same here. "Bring Robert to Edvard" didn't finished.
    Almost same problem with "speak to robert" when you need to speak near the bridge. Need to move away from him and return(?) to complete this step.

    Also there are no boat underneath the BloodRiver bridge?
  3. Raven Swiftbow

    Raven Swiftbow Bug Hunter

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  4. Valkadesh

    Valkadesh Avatar

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    City of Ardoris. Talking to the spirit walker Samael in the Inn and saying Accept will direct you to Min Liang Tan. Asking about the Keystone after however creates another entry sending you to Min Liang Tan again. If you then speak to the OTHER spirit-talker, and ask about his rates, you get a third entry to go speak to Min Liang Tan. Speaking with Min Liang Tan about the keystone will only progress one of the three entries. Of additional note, the additional Speak To Min Liang Tan entries only appear to show up in the tracker and the extras do not remain in the journal after speaking with him (but do remain permanently on the tracker as you cannot unflag them in the journal since they do not exist there).

    EDIT: Upon checking, the above does not persist after logging out and back in (the extra entries will go away)

    Of additional note: Speaking to either did not seem to progress "Find a spirit talker". This remains in the journal (this persists after logout)
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
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  5. Valkadesh

    Valkadesh Avatar

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    Minor tracking issue in the Soltown Refugee Fire quest.
    If you talk to Harry the guard about the red cloth before getting the clue to speak to him about it (I just figured asking the guard first would be a good idea), asking the merchant (Martin) about the red cloth results in you receiving the task "Ask Harry about the red cloth" but you cannot progress or remove the task as you've already asked him about it. You can mention the red cloth again but it does not appear to trigger the Ask Harry task. This task persists in your journal after logout.
    Rentier likes this.
  6. Serena Strangelove

    Serena Strangelove Avatar

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    Regarding the Soltown Refuge Fire quest - unsure if out of sequence, but spoke to all of the npc's (including tanner), had red cloth clue and asked each about it, spoke to Harry (it's possible I spoke to him before someone else though, so might be a sequencing issue there) - returned to Stanley the Guard finally and reported - received 7500 xp and coin "sound" but no coin - gold balance did not change and did not have confirmation of coin received text in chat window.

    Also, still have "Ask Harry about red cloth" and "Ask Martin about red cloth" journal entries active (did talk to both multiple times trying to advance or clear entries) - was hoping turning quest in would clear them.
  7. Valkadesh

    Valkadesh Avatar

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    The quest starting in Owl's Head "Find Healing Herbs for Winslow". When you speak with Julia the Alchemist and obtain the herbs in Kingsport, you are given the next portion of the quest but it does not clear the previous task of "Find healing herbs for Winslow" and it remains in your journal. These do all clear after you complete the quest however (where as the ones previously mentioned did not). Polish issue more than anything (shouldn't have completed steps listing as active individual tasks).

    (Seems to be the case with Morton's ledger quest as well from Owls Head tavern. I'm assuming this is a current trend/issue with quests in general at the moment and won't bring up more unless they happen to get stuck/remain in the journal.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
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