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Stone Arrow triggering COVER based on caster movement AFTER projectile was fired

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills, & Magic' started by Filter Bubble Algorithm, Sep 27, 2017.

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  1. Filter Bubble Algorithm

    Filter Bubble Algorithm Avatar

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    9/27/2017 8:53 AM
    Title: Stone Arrow triggering COVER based on caster movement AFTER projectile was fired
    Reproduction Rate: 5/5
    Blocker? no
    Details: user can cast a Stone Arrow at max range and then move behind cover to trigger COVER FOR THE TARGET, even thought projectile had a clear path
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. log in
    2. unlock Stone Arrow
    3. find a stationary target and cover to be used by user
    4. cast Stone Arrow at mob from max range -> AFTER Stone Arrow is completed casting, move to cover
    5. notice mob receives cover even though there was none in projectile path
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz (4) System RAM: 8055
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M GPU RAM: 2019
    Area: SiegeEncounter_Hills01_Road/POT_alpine_metropolis_01_template/Beran's Reach
    Area Display Name: Hills Siege
    Loc: (-90.4, 82.8, 13.2)
    Debug: U2llZ2VFbmNvdW50ZXJfSGlsbHMwMV9Sb2FkfFBPVF9hbHBpbmVfbWV0cm9wb2xpc18wMV90ZW1wbGF0ZS9CZXJhbidzIFJlYWNofCgtOTAuMzUsIDgyLjc3NywgMTMuMTYpfCgwLCAwLjQ5NCwgMCwgMC44Nyl8LTEwMjAuNjQ0fDE0LjAwMDg3fDguNjY0NTU3
  2. Filter Bubble Algorithm

    Filter Bubble Algorithm Avatar

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    This also can be used in reverse, casting from cover and then moving outside of cover before projectile hits to get full damage even thought projectile passes through cover like butter
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