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[Submitted 70448] Shield of Ice - Reagent Use Chance Not Affected by Equipment

Discussion in 'Combat, Skills & Magic' started by Garfunkel Humperdinck, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. Garfunkel Humperdinck

    Garfunkel Humperdinck Bug Hunter

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    United States
    04/24/2022 11:59
    Title: Shield of Ice - Reagent Use Chance Not Affected by Equipment
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Most spells aside from the Chaos tree have a 'Chance to consume reagents' stat that can be affected by equipment. 'Shield of Ice' sees no reduction in this stat no matter what is equipped. All of the other shield spells see this reduction.
    Steps to Reproduce: Look at the 'Chance to consume reagents' percentage for 'Shield of Ice' with and without a wand/staff equipped and notice that it does not change.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8) System RAM: 32661
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GPU RAM: 6052
    Area: BasementSceneMedievalRow_5Floor
    Area Display Name: Row Stone & Timber 5-Story Basement
    Loc: (40.2, -3.3, 105.9)
    Debug: QmFzZW1lbnRTY2VuZU1lZGlldmFsUm93XzVGbG9vcnx8KDQwLjI0OCwgLTMuMywgMTA1Ljg1OCl8KDAsIDAuOTM2LCAwLCAwLjM1Myl8NDYwLjI2NTZ8MzMuNzg4MTl8MS4yNQ==
  2. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    Verified that the chance to consume reagents stat doesn't update on the glyph, in your deck or in the skills list.
  3. Justyn

    Justyn Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    Submitted: Issue 70448