Tales of the Underworld Contest

Discussion in 'Fire Lotus Tavern' started by FireLotus, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Sir X

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    Epic Underworld by Sir X

    Far from the reach of the sound of the bards playing celebratory songs of heroes and virtues, a sage wizard sits upon a lonely rock pondering the moment. Only an hour before he was filling the sky with fireworks for the children at Lord British's birthday party, but the eastern wind summoned him to the wilderness to the exact spot where he now sits, smoking his dragon pipe and hoping for vision to answer to the riddles in his mind. His gift of vision is the reason Lord British appointed Niles his Royal Advisor.

    As the smoke from his pipe cleared he saw a fox emerged from behind a rock. It was wearing a red pendant. Following the fox were 8 sheep. Then the stars of the night sky were blocked by a cloud of ravens. When he looked back the fox and sheep were gone, and only a black rabbit remained.

    'My liege, a moment. I have a serious matter' Niles interrupted. Lord British was telling Ruprecht, his Captain of the Guard, that the virtues nowadays weren't as good as they used to be. 'My lord, please, I have a grave matter to discuss with you right away concerning your kingdom.' Lord British turned and as if he had just woken from a dream responded, 'let us go my study quickly then.'

    'What is it, Niles? I have known thee almost my entire life and never have you had a look full of gloom.' Niles responded, 'I had a vision of death and deception. You and everyone in the land needs to be warned. War is coming.'

    'War?' Lord British responded 'war with whom? We haven't fielded an army since...' 'Please', Niles continued, 'I was not wrong about that one, either.' 'Indeed' said British, 'I will put the city on alert, and send riders to the towns to do the same. We will not be taken by surprise.'

    The next day the city's smiths worked day and night sharpening swords and forging armor. The city mages convened in their tower, performing ritual incantations. The warriors sparred all day and feasted all day. Lord British kept his watchful eyes on the eastern pass.

    Early morn on the second day, before the dawn, Lord British was awakened suddenly by a roar. It sounded like cannon fire from dozens of frigates. The castle's foundation shook, knocking the decorative shields and swords off the wall. In the mayhem Niles burst in the door, exclaiming 'this is it!'

    Escaping falling ceilings and collapsing hallways, they hurried outside the keep to the sight of a changed landscape of the eastern mountains - gray sky where a great peak once stood. The clouds of dust and debris made it hard to see, but it looked like there was fire in the midst of the rubble.

    As the dust dissipated a horrific sight was revealed. Dozens of monsters emanating from the rubble of the once mighty mountain, and more coming from out of single opening in the broken rocks. Some of them humanoid, much larger than the strongest warrior in Britannia, at least twice the size of the tallest man, and with only a single eye centered on their forehead. They carried clubs the size of tree trunks. The smaller ones looked like they were heavily armored, carrying maces and shields. Around them fires burned, but it was strange, as there was no eruption.

    'Protect the gate!' exclaimed Ruprecht, as his best fighters intercepted a cyclops bull-rushing the castle. Fighters bounced off its club while archers stuck him with arrows. The cyclops barely flinched as he roared on with a deafening battle cry. Warriors sacrificed their lives to land a few well-placed blows, slowing down the cyclops before he could reach the castle wall.

    In desperation with an arrow in his eye he flailed his club blindly, leaving an opening for a castle guard to behead the beast with a mighty swing of his bardiche. The royal army charged the battlefield to engage the hordes of monsters emerging from the hole to the underworld.

    Catapults lit up the battlefield after dusk with fiery boulders as the battle raged on through the night. Lord British's army was beginning to tire against the relentless attack. He ordered the secret passage to be opened to unleash the Knights of Dawn, the most skilled knights and riders in his arsenal.

    In the distance was a disturbance coming from the mountain ruin. The fires that had been burning since the earthquake happened transformed into pillars eight feet high, at least. From them emerged fiery daemons. Their screams gave monster and man alike a moment of pause. Leaving a trail of scorched earth in their wake, three winged daemons sped towards the castle, only touching ground to take deadly swings with their mighty scepters.

    'Mages!' Ruprecht yelled, 'now!' From the secret passage emerged a posse of royal mages on horseback, robes flowing, staffs raised high as they charged to meet the daemons before they could reach the walls. The first daemon was met by a storm mage, who summoned lightning from above to strike the beast where it stood. The shock of the blast knocked the daemon prone along with the wizard, a cyclops, several men and dozen goblins. A second daemon flew with wings wide to the area where his unconscious companion fell, and with a roar incinerated everything ? and everyone within a 60' radius around the body.

    The Knights of Dawn charged the daemon, and with a crushing blow of a mace to the daemon's head, he fell back in a scream. The mages finished him off with a magical concussion blow from their staffs, vaporizing its body, and leaving a crater in a the ground.

    The sun was rising the third day. The knights retreated back inside the secret passage. Lord British's troops had survived the onslaught of monsters for now. But something else came from the smokey mountain ruins. Once the mist had burned off the morning mist, it was visible that enough people to fill a city, dressed in shoddy garments, holding crude weapons were being led towards the city by a single man in shiny plate armor with a flowing red cape.

    He approached Niles at the city gate. 'I come in peace. I only wish to speak to thy leader', he spoke at the castle gate. 'Excuse, sir, but forsaking the many other questions I wish to ask thee, what is thy name and where'st did thou come from?' One of his ragged refugees stepped forth and said 'he is the Champion.' 'Indeed', the Champion said factually, 'and I wish to speak to thy leader.'

    Lord British approached with a world of trouble on his mind. 'Pleased to meet you Mr. British. I have long looked forward to our meeting' said the Champion.

    Quite taken back, Lord British responded, 'I do not know thee, and thou hast never met me. I am the ruler of this land and its people, and I have never met thee. Tell me sir, who are you and how is it that you claim to know me?'

    'Please forgive me, sir, but I am not of this land per se. Nor do I know you, but indeed I do know of you. You see, it has been foretold by the scriptures in the world that exists underneath your feet, that the mighty quake would set my people free; free of the war with the likes that you have just encountered. I must commend you and your army on their preparedness. I am impressed, but I assure you that it is only the beginning. There is a more dangerous force aligning against you as we speak. One that you can not be possible be prepared for.'

    Lord British replied, 'We shall see about that. But for now, no offense, but thou art under arrest until I decide what to make of thee. Thy people can stay inside these walls as long as they do not cause trouble.'

    The day passed with no sounds of steel on steel, no fire, no lightning bolts. Lord British discussed battle plans with Niles and Ruprecht. At night, the refugees tended to the warrior's and mage's wounds, and the smiths sharpened swords while the Dawn Knights stood guard.

    Lord British could not sleep. His thoughts were off with the other towns. With no word from his messengers there was no knowing if they faced the same threat. And the stranger, now locked up in the castle prison. He had an untrustworthy quality, but for a reason that was difficult to speak.

    A knock on the door. It is Niles. 'My liege, pardon my interruption' Niles said, holding a flask of nightshade tea. 'They emerged from the same place as those daemons, Niles' said British. 'Either he is the bravest knight in the land, or he is not an enemy of those we fight.'

    'But his people, my friend', said Niles. 'They are genuinely good in nature. They have been working all evening to restore our troops to health. And I have talked to them. They have lost family and friends to those we fight. They are frightened, my lord. I think we can trust them.'

    Lord British and Niles shared a drink, and Niles spoke of another vision. A hero as trustworthy as the sun, standing victorious with a foot on the chest of a slain dragon.

    Morning arrived, and the a ruckus of ravens making a kill summoned Lord British suddenly from his slumber. 'Nightshade tea', he said rubbing his head. Outside in the fields, the battle had already commenced. Undead monsters has risen from the underworld to lay siege on the city. To the south a mighty whirlpool had torn a hole in the bay, and the royal fleet was missing.

    A black cloud in an otherwise cloudless morning caught Lord British's eye. It was changing shape, getting bigger, and closer. 'Ruprecht!? Was is it?'

    'I don't know sire! It has been there since dawn!' Ruprecht responded.

    As it got closer it separated into dozens of individual shapes, resembling cave bats, but as big as a house. 'Dragons!' exclaimed Ruprecht, 'Mages! Engage!'

    Lightning lit up the sky, but the dragons were not deterred from their target. With their thunderous screams they shattered the castle walls, sending people fleeing into the keep for their lives. The lone black dragon from the flock of red perched on the keep's roof, and with his fiery breath set the city ablaze.

    Amidst the terror Lord British and Niles rushed down to the royal prison. 'Speak quickly! Who are you, and how did you know about the dragons?' Lord British angrily asked of the Champion.

    'I am the key to saving this world. Set me free, and I will get rid of the dragons for you' the Champion spoke. 'How?' Lord British asked.

    'My people control the underworld, and all that resides within it, including fires that come from a depth unreachable by mankind. I can cover the world in a shroud of smoke. It will force the dragons to choose to either flee or die. No man or creature can survive such a harsh environment, except, well, for my people. They are accustomed to living in the dark. Your people surely will perish.'

    'But, I like thee Mr. British', the Champion continued. 'Your people fight bravely, and you gave my people refuge in your city, so I will return the favor. There is a great city in the underworld. It is a perilous journey to reach it, but I'm sure your best fighters are up to the task. It exists in isolation from the monsters and daemons. There is water and food, enough for hundreds, and you and your people are welcome to seek refuge there until the dragons have fled. In fact, I will lead them to the city if you set me free. And when the smoke has cleared we shall return.'

    'Do you think I am a fool?' Lord British responded. 'What if thou art lying?'

    'You don't', the Champion retorted. 'But, things as they are do not afford you time to waste. Your kingdom will fall before morning. I am your only hope. Set me free, now.'

    Niles whispered to Lord British, 'My lord, he is right. Our people cannot hold for long. I have foreseen great destruction. Summon our best and our bravest. We will reach the city and survive until it is time to return to set things right.'

    'Niles, just this once I wish I could see thy visions with my own eyes. But I believe thee. We will assemble a party of elder mages, our best apprentices, strongest warriors, knights, and marksmen. Then get our finest craftsmen, miners, tinkerers, blacksmiths; our best bards and scribes. Ruprecht must be told right away. He will stay one step behind this Champion until you reach the city. '

    'Sire, aren't thou coming with us?' Niles asked.

    'No, Niles, my friend. I have not heard of the fate of the other towns. I must stay and fulfill my duties as king. I must ensure the entire kingdom's safety, if there is still any hope.'

    'Then, sire, with your blessing I wish to remain at your side until the end.' Niles said.

    Lord British nodded. 'Indeed, my friend.'

    'Guards! Let him out. And by the virtues, if he is lying I will find him. And then I will kill him', said Lord British.

    The dragon battle raged on. Scorched earth surrounded the keep. Villages and towns were engulfed in flame. The southern bay, where the royal fleet once stood were burning pirate ships. Skeletal undead fired cannons upon the battlefield. A red dragon had been sniped out of the sky by a cannonball, and bone knights and the royal army were pouncing on it, before turning on each other. More dragons glided down and engulfed the area in deadly flame.

    'Ready?' Niles said. His hand began to shake in anger as he held his staff up high. It began glowing red with charged energy. He let out a furious scream, and release a shockwave of fire energy skyward, sending two dragons plummeting, and scattering the rest momentarily.

    The Champion, Ruprecht, and the party of the kingdom's most skilled citizens, escorted by the Dawn Knights, rode out full speed towards the entrance to the underworld, escaping the dragons. Lord British watched as they all disappeared into the mountain ruins.

    'My Lord, we should get inside the keep and head under before they come back', Niles said. 'Indeed', said Lord British before catching the sight of his messengers riding like the wind over the north hill.

    'What news have ye? Lord British asked the first messenger in front of the keep. 'Do all the towns still survive?'

    'The dragons! Horrific monsters! And the men in shining armor took them all away. They're all gone!.

    'Please, collect yourself. Are you saying that everyone in the kingdom has left with these men?' implored Lord British.

    'Yes my lord, except in the south', said the second messenger. ''Twas horrible. The man in the shiny armor, wearing a black cape; he and his army vanquished everyone in the town. But then, he opened up a shimmering magic gate, jumped through, and from the gate more dragons appeared! The gate is still open my lord! I escaped with my life to warn thee.'

    A black cloud was forming in the eastern sky. A moment later the ground beneath them began to shake. 'Quickly! We must take cover!' exclaimed Lord British.

    Lord British, Niles, the refugees, and the messengers ran to the keep, descending down into the royal prison for cover as the dragons got close enough to hear their screams.

    The mountains in the eastern horizon exploded with billowing smoke, sending ash higher than the highest cloud in the sky. Within several moments the entire kingdom became covered in a shroud of smoke. Dragons fell from the sky, and from under the keep their thuds could be heard like snow crashing to the ground from a roof. It wasn't the only sound. There was the roaring of the volcanos, and the desperate screams of the dragons, getting further and further away.

    Night passed, and dawn did not arrive. The land was pitch black, except for the columns of fire that still shot up into the shroud of smoke in the sky. The mountains had fractured and fallen, sealing the opening to the underworld.

    'Sire', said one of the refugees, 'do not fear the darkness. We are prepared for survival, and we will teach thee our ways. We can grow food, we will find water, we will build quarters for everyone. Who knows? Maybe we will build a passage to our old home! We only ask that when your people come back, and your kingdom is restored, that thou will honor us as citizens.'

    Lord British, lifting his head out of his hand said 'your compassion is pure, friend. I thank thee, and thy display of virtue will never be forgotten. This is the new beginning. This is the new kingdom, a new adventure, and we have much work to do.' Lord British put his arm around Niles' shoulder and said 'come, my most trusted friend, I have something important to discuss with thee. I've been experimenting with a strange stone and I believe I with thy help I will be able to summon the kind of heroes we need.'
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  2. Adonijah

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    "Truth and Justice"

    I stepped tentatively through the darkness the best I could. The cold air was wet and thick. I sweat profusely under my robes, and my pouches seemed to weigh ten times what they normally did.

    I didn?t want to be here.

    I could make out my brother striding forward at a pace I could barely keep, having to skip ahead a few paces every so often just to be at his heels. How could he walk so easily in all that armor, I wonder? But, that?s my brother for you: Always so confident, even in this gloomy murk.

    I wonder what lay in wait ahead? The thought gave me chills, and I was briefly concerned about how often someone gets a cold from caves.

    I heard the flitter-flatter of tiny wings ahead, which stopped me mid-step. What the hell were we doing here?
    My brother turned around to face me, and I held my small ball of light up to my face to give him something to look at.

    ?You okay, Lil? Bro?? he asked as if to mock me for being scared.

    ?Yes, yes, of course!? I gave my best smile and look of determination, ?I?m just excited. I wonder if the stories of faeries living in here were true. What do you think is in here??

    ?Well,? he smiled earnestly, ?That?s what we?re here to find out, Lil? Bro!? He spun around and continued walking with his chest puffed out in eager purpose. I almost laughed. That?s my brother, all right: Stupidly confident until the end. I love my brother.

    ?Do you, now??

    ?Do I what?? I asked.

    ?Huh?? My brother tilted his head as he kept walking.

    That?s strange? I thought there was a voice. ?Oh, nothing. Do I? I?m just wondering why we?re doing this. What are we doing here, Brother?? I asked, careful not to allow a drop of the unease I felt escape through my voice.

    ?Because,? he seemed unfazed by my sheepish question, ?We?re going to be adventurers now, Lil? Bro! And Adventurers explore dungeons!? His energetic voice marched through the small corridor in both directions, as unafraid and confident as the man from which it sprung. The least he could do is not announce his presence to the entire? what did the man say this place was? The?

    ?The Mouth to the Underworld,? My brother carried on, as unimpeded as his stride, ?Where one may be tested by trial to receive The Lens of Truth and The Sword of Justice.? He really was loving saying that for the fourth time since we set out this morning.

    ?Yes, I know, Brother, but why do we have to do this? As adventurers, we could travel across green fields, and fight a bear or something. We don?t need any mystical artifacts to prove our worth. Why go after them??

    ?Well, they sound cool.? My brother smiled and carried on. I held back to regain my composure after such a simple answer. ?Just think about it, Lil? Bro: Two fresh, unknown adventurers set out from a simple farming village and become the stuff of legends that bards sing in taverns on cold windy nights with a pint of ale. They are: A hero warrior with his legendary Sword of Justice, and his Wizard companion, with the Lens of Truth? Whatever it is. Sounds like something one of you magic folk might like, anyway.? He gave out a laugh, and swatted me on the back, nearly knocking me over.

    It?s true that the Lens sounds like a magical artifact of some sort, and I wouldn?t mind getting a look at it, but what really interests me is if there really are faeries living here, like the old storyteller said. I?d love to examine such creatures I could only dream about back in our little cottage, only a day ago. While my buffoon of a brother is obnoxious, and he had to drag me in this mess with him after inheriting our father?s armor and sword, I don?t mind him. Without that idiot, I would have never had this chance, and I?m so very grateful for him.

    In fact, it?s always been like that, hasn?t it? I remember when we were kids, all the trouble he?d get us into. How he dragged us into fights when he decided he?d protect the other kids from being bullied. We would get beat on pretty badly after our sudden appearance and his shout about how he would protect the weak and punish the evildoer bullies. Or how he?d opt to take down wasp nests around the village, and convince me to join him, only to realize too late the first one we knocked down was directly over Farmer Giles? Potato cart? and Farmer Giles. We received a strict lecture for that one, on top of our wasp stings.

    He was always there to push us into adventures and have fun. His favorite thing to do, and what he?d do most to convince me when I?d want to back away is put his arm around my shoulder, point up to the heavens in front of us and genuinely declare, ?It?s you and me, Lil? Bro. You and me against the world.? In fact, he?s the reason I started on magic. I just wanted to be of use with my weak physique.

    ?So it was for him, then?? I heard a snicker resonate down the hall, along with the soft flatter of small wings again. Okay, now I know I?m not imagining anything. There?s something here using telepathy. I was about to speak up to my brother, just as the corridor opened up into a cavern in front of us, and my brother ran inside, excited. I didn?t like this; Something was manipulating the space in here. I attempted to look behind us, just to realize a wall had taken the place of the corridor we traveled through so long, as if we were always just in this expansive room.

    ?Brother, s-something?s wrong here.? I stuttered, curse my nerves.

    He just smiled as he turned his head to look at me from his peripheral, ?What, you mean how that corridor was just an illusion? Yeah, I knew, haha! Don?t tell me you didn?t?? I did nothing but look down, disgraced. ?I?m surprised, I thought a magic-guy like you would have caught on sooner. It seems they got what they wanted from us, so now they feel comfortable releasing the illusion. What cowards!? He shouted out like a challenge, and strode forward into this new room, undaunted.

    He already knew? Something like acid curled out of my stomach and into my heart like the smoke out of a tobacco pipe. How could a buffoon like him ?

    ?Remember who this person is,? An ominous suggestion crept into my mind. Of course I know. He?s my brother, after all. I remember how as teenagers, when we would sneak out at night to accompany his friends while they drank ale without our parents knowing, and the clever excuses he would come up with and precautions he would take to always make sure we were never caught. They didn?t always work, of course, and would lead to us having to spend a month on our uncle?s farm doing hard labor. ?It was worth it.? My brother always assured me as we both dripped sweat pushing the plow. I just smiled back then, but always in my mind was, ?But I never got to drink? and what did you and that girl do when you would buy that room at the inn for the night?? I knew the answer of course, but it hurt that no one bothered to tell me. He would just continue to plow next to me, and every once in awhile he would put his arm around my shoulder, point at the heavens, and shout, ?It?s you and me against the world, Lil? Bro!? This guy could really do anything he wanted, couldn?t he? He even did great at that farm, and received praise for his work from Uncle. Wasn?t it supposed to be a punishment?

    Always so good at everything, always so confident, my brother has always been like this. And he wouldn?t even ever address how horrible I was in comparison. He?d always just point to the sky and secure our bond. How the hell could he hold weak, pitiful me in the same league as him? He really is a great person. I swore I would become just as great, worthy of his arm around my shoulder. And so I began studying magic. I would never again be just ?His younger brother.?

    ?You get it??

    ?I get it.?

    ?Ah, I get it.?

    ?Get it??

    ?Got it.?

    A chorus of voices sounded far off and broke me from my reminiscence, like tiny whispers, they wove through the silence, followed by small snickering which cut through like daggers.

    ?You hear that, Lil? Bro?? My brother turned his face to mine with eagerness, ?I think we found your faeries! You excited?? He asked, as if to increase my excitement. It was never rare that he would feign interest in my passions for my sake, but it doesn?t make it any less awkward to realize.

    I nodded with an exaggerated smile and enthusiasm so as not to disappoint the gesture, ?Yeah, let?s go see!? He nodded and started forward, a little more cautious than before. It seems he?s taking this a little more seriously than before. Good.

    I fell in line, and took this chance to take in my surroundings a little more. Aside from the moments of the flittering wings and small whispers, nothing sounded except for the plop of our footsteps on the murky floor, the clinking my brother?s chain-link mail, and the soft trickling of moving water somewhere out of sight. Stalactites crowded the ceiling, within their crevices, who knows what sleeps. Small clusters of glowing mushrooms and moss grew everywhere, as if to lure in less prepared visitors. Actually, there was a fair amount of light in this room that somehow seemed to exist by no virtue of the fungus, but accentuated the visual perfume and beauty that seemed to speak the words, ?Yes, come in further.?, and drew our attention to the opening further on, like a well constructed painting. And past that doorway with its welcome mat made of aesthetic, there was somehow even more light, as if we were walking right into a warm, inviting inn on a cold, windy, lonely night. I even started to feel a chill blow through my body, and I started to hurry towards the door as if to be greeted by its host and warm company.

    Suddenly, I felt a strong pressure on my chest, keeping me from continuing. Confused, I stared down at my brother?s arm, wondering why it held me so tight.

    ?? Hey? Brothe-? I paused at the look he was giving me, his face contorted in severe concern. ?Hey, what is it, Brother??

    ?Goddamnit! Lil? Bro!? He shouted. I wound around to stare at his tense arm around me. I stopped. I gazed forward and beheld a giant column of light as my destination, bound to do any number of things to me if I stepped through it, no doubt. ?Away? was my sole intent, thought, and core of being, as fear, panic, shock and the adrenaline of sudden realization rushed throughout me. I tossed myself backward to avoid any action resembling a forward motion, and I pounded the ground hard with my back.

    As if panicked by realization and avoidance, the beam of light compressed, zipped upwards, and vanished without a trace, almost seeming to mirror my previous endeavor.

    ?These cowardly tricks are no match for our bond!? My brother shouted at our shapeless offenders. Hand on the hilt of his sword, and with a face as strong as his steel, he came to me, shined me a determined smile and fiery eyes, with his gauntleted hand reached out to help me up. There was no way I could refuse to take it, but this moment? I?ve seen it before. I?ve seen it many times. He always has that hand to me, doesn?t he? And every single time, I have to grasp it as his strength pulls me to my feet, against my will, and his fierce smile tells me how much he?ll make the aggressor pay, his eyes melting my will to his. That?s what happens, isn?t it? When Stormy, the blacksmith?s son, threw rocks at me and stole my book on fae to toss into his father?s fire, my brother held out that same hand. I didn?t feel the need to recover myself from this position until I saw those eyes; that smile. Even now, I feel the bitter regret for not being able to protect myself, or even being able to walk away without following Brother into the Blacksmith?s servitude for two weeks? And Brother always shined the bronze exquisitely, didn?t he? He almost became a Blacksmith?s apprentice at the man?s request. He?s given every opportunity. And here I am, reaching out my hand again, and shaping my will for him. Giving him my freedom of choice, as his smile bullies me into it. His eyes are a vampire?s, sucking away at my being to add to his own. And I give it to him every time.

    His unfaltering grip lifted me out of my sudden realization and into newfound inner turmoil. Why do I still let him do this? Once on my feet, I did nothing but stare at him, this person I once saw as my loving brother.

    Wait, what am I thinking? He?s always been there; he?s always helped me out. He?s always loved me!

    ?You?? A snicker sounded from far away, and my thoughts echoed that one syllable until my whole being reverberated with it.

    Yes! And I him! He?s my BROTH-

    Suddenly, within this closed room, beams of intense light bolted from the ceiling and dissipated as hideous forms of moving fleshy carcasses and grotesque horned creatures with mouths foaming something green and oil-like, every orifice secreted a substance that sizzled as it pooled along the ground.

    ?So you finally show yourself! Demons and Undead? You could have at least tried to take us down!? My brother boasted, like a true hero. Are Heroes always such buffoons? Do they all steal their confidence from another? Are they all vampires? He dashed forward, sword brazen and with a swift swing, cut an undead spawn in two. ?Lil? Bro!? he shouted, ?Let?s go!?

    ?Right!? I shouted back. No more pondering. No more blaming. Our enemy has appeared in front of us, and now is the time to act, together, as brothers, no matter what our relationship is now. I prepared a spell, as creatures surrounded my hero. He held his ground against the horde, slicing, kicking, and pushing back the enemies? advances as much as he could. He needed me. He finally needed me. Happiness and worth shriveled my previous doubts; Brother needs me. I chanted, full of ecstatic bliss and determination. I chanted for us, closed my eyes, and delved deep into my pools of magic. A vapid tingle coursed through my veins as I quickly found the right spell, the one I studied for most. The one I decided long ago I?d use to help my brother.

    I completed the chant and sent my will, happiness, and love into my brother?s sword, which then caught on flame, and erased the demons with a single strike. I sent another into his armor, which repelled a creature?s assault from behind, and sent it flying into a nearby pillar of rock. I sent one into his heavy fist, which crushed the skull of another. We were dancing, my spells and his abilities synchronized brilliantly, and he could do anything now.

    A dark chuckle. A sinister chorus of laughter and the flapping of tiny wings sounded as I saw my first faerie off in the distance. Another came from behind a pillar and continued the laugh. Zipping through my peripheral, left and right, they snickered. What are these pure creatures mocking? What are they laughing about?

    ?Hi? Mag? Brothe? for? Heeheehe? The giggling, snickering, it doesn?t stop.

    My magic seceded along with my faith. What was I doing? The words echoed in my mind.

    ?You spent all that time studying? You didn?t even realize.?

    I didn?t realize what?

    ?How will you ever become more than just his ?Lil? Bro??? My heart stopped. My eyes shot open, and tears fell across my cheeks. Again, I?ve been a fool. I?ve always been this fool. I?ll always be nothing more than his shadow, his second. I spent my time learning and perfecting the best magic I could use to help him. I wanted to be useful, but now I see. I?ll never be anything more than the one who gives him my all, and he will never appreciate it. He?ll just put his arm around my shoulders, point to the sky, and say, ?It?ll always just be you and me, Lil? Bro.?

    This was my chance; my only chance to be more than this. The fae were on my side. The creatures stood by,

    My malice exploded from me, my magic which once gave him my everything wrapped around him, tore his sword from him, and it came to my hand. The enchantment on his armor pushed him to the ground. My anger exploded my legs forward. I didn?t even move them, anymore. The hate kept them going.

    ?What is this? What have you vile demons cast upon my Lil? Bro??

    ?It?s not them,? The anger, jealousy, and pain exploded from my heart, ?Brother??

    ?Say it.? The eager voice I?ve known all my life spoke.

    ??Brother. I?ve always hated you!? The sword in my hand shone a dark red. ?You always stole my life from me! You tore me from my books to go on this stupid adventure! You always got us into trouble! You were always better at everything, and I was always nothing more to you than useless flesh you?d use to make yourself feel superior, but you were always superior anyway! Why do you need me? Why do you use me? I hate you!?

    ?Lil? Bro, I l-? Too late. No words could stop the downward thrusts my heart ordered at his voice. And nothing could take them back.

    ?Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!? The one word spilled from my mouth, as if it was the only thing it knew how to say anymore. Sweetness overwhelmed me, and every stab was ecstasy. I could feel 12 year old wasp stings at every passion-filled stab, and I grew nostalgic. The sweetness of his blood?s spray curdled and wilted inside of me until all that was left was a shriveled black flower sucked dry.

    I looked down at my brother?s tears, and wept, holding the body of the only person who ever loved me.

    ?You gained the Lens of Truth, and he gained the Sword of Justice. You have passed the test.? I turned towards the horrific voice and I sobbed at the last sight I?ll ever see: Hellish imps carving, splitting, and tearing their way out of their Faerie skins, and surrounding my senses with mocking snickers and knowing smiles.

    And my tears ran down onto my brother as I laughed along with them.
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  3. Arkticus

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    This could have used more polish, but oh well. Hope anyone reading this will enjoy it :)
    By Arkticus "Virtuous Ancestor" WarWolf

    ?Thus, wilt thou agree??

    Fer weighed the hefty coin purse in his hand, before placing it back on the table next to his ale pint ? and his knife and helmet. He was wearing his full plate armor, and his great sword leaned against the wall just within his reach. He was a firm believer in the practice of showing the customer exactly what they would get. Like the fellow he was sitting across from now, Baron Paul de Herren.

    de Herren?s wore a heavy brown cloak, that currently did little to hide his fine and sleek purple clothes. His grey, long hair had been stylishly knotted into a single braid that he had left running down from his right shoulder. He was also rather short and obviously skinny, so for a moment before de Herren had pulled back his hood to show his face to him, Fer had thought he was a woman. His face was full of wrinkles, and his cheekbones were almost painfully exposed.

    Fer thought that the good Baron could almost be mistaken for a runaway character from one of the Theatre?s comedy or horror plays, were it not for one thing. His green, greedy eyes that seemed to make a note of Fer?s ever move, and sent a chill up his spine, one that not even the joyful, homely environment of the Fire Lotus Tavern could dispel.

    Definitely a horror play.

    ?Yes, I accept. It will be an honor working for You.? Fer raised his pint in a salute, and then drank it empty in one go.

    ?Most excellent. Till thine successful return.? de Herren, who hadn?t ordered anything during their negotiations, made a modest acknowledging nod, pulled his hood back further over his head and left.

    Fer remained in the booth, looking at the bustling Tavern evening, noting the two goons that left moments after de Herren. Guard dogs running after their master, he thought briefly. Some of the taverns lights had been put out, and the main light source was now the large fireplace. Shadows danced in tune with its fire, as a bard began to sing one of the Moongate Sagas. Fer was not a great friend of the plays one would see in the Theatre, but he enjoyed the bard songs and tales, and the Fire Lotus Tavern made them special.

    While he enjoyed the music and the mesmerizing shadow play, four others entered his booth. After a moment one of them asked: ?So??

    Fer grinned. ?We?ve got a job.?


    ?Well, this was a waste.? Olron huffed and panted. He paused for a moment to draw his breath. He was glad that he wore his green travelling suit that most mages seemed to prefer, rather than his robes. The suit consisted of a jacket, a shoulder strap that contained potions and some ingredients, pants and leather boots. However, he refused to use some of the more ?modern? gadgets and ?trinkets? as he called them. He stubbornly wore his old pointy hat and used his long traditional staff. ?I am a traditionalist?, he would tell others.

    ?Aah, cheer up, gramps. It isn?t all bad? Kat said in her ever cheerful voice. She easily jumped from rock to rock, with her short bow in one hand, and a torch in her other. She was the youngest of Fer?s group, and like Olron?s, her clothes were dark green as well, with a few choice pieces of leather armor for added protection. She also had two daggers that she used just as nimbly as she was able to open locks.

    ?No? You forget, imp, that not only did we lose much of our precious supplies, some of our cargo and most importantly my pipe!? growled as he continued on.

    ?I don?t get why you?re still so upset about that. You can always buy a new one?

    ?Hrmph. I wouldn?t expect a child to understand, let alone a girl.?

    ?I?m not a child! You old cave troll.?

    ?Juvenile then, you imp.?

    ?You already called me that.?

    Behind the arguing couple, another pair observed the exchange with rising amusement.

    ?So, care to bet which one we?ll have to pick up from the river first?? Dophi asked. She was holding ?Leopold?, her large crossbow, on her arms, ready for the first sign of trouble. She wore a chainmail armor that was partly covered by her grey cape. On her waist she also had a long sword and a dagger.

    Rudi, who was walking next to her with his ?Master Key?, a massive warhammer, strapped to his back and a torch in his other hand, pondered for the moment. ?Well, either Olron manages a sneak attack with that staff of his and knocks Kat right in there, or he misses and splashes himself. I?ll bet on the latter.?

    At that moment, Fer appeared next to them.

    ?And I?ll put money for the option that I?ll toss them both in for a swim if they don?t start paying attention.? Fer wasn?t in the mood for the usual tricks. ?Focus people, we?ve got others to take care of too. Rudi.? he gestured in Olron?s and Kat?s direction that were now arguing about some spell and its effects on each other.

    Rudi looked at his friend for a moment with concern in his eyes before replying: ?Right.?, giving the torch to Dophi and jogging to catch up with the arguing pair.

    Dophi also glanced at Fer. ?Something wrong, Ferdy?? After a moment, he sighed heavily. Dophi had known him since childhood, and was the only one in the group to call him by his full name. He knew she did it out of concern, but?

    ?Bah, the quill pusher, as you well know. And I?m not exactly jumping from joy about those supplies either.? The ?quill pusher? Fer was talking about was a surprise to everyone. After he and his companions had arrived to the meeting place, they found the ten guardsmen bearing de Herren?s colors, and another ten carriers with the large bags and back bags where the various pieces of wooden art and other goods were waiting for a delivery to the city of the Underworld.

    The only person missing had been the guide, Jako. After a while the grey clad ranger had arrived bringing a stranger with him. He was wearing what almost looked like a trophy wall, with more or less mismatching pieces of armor, over a monks robe. On his right shoulder hung the battered remains of a cloak that had once had a crest on it, but it was now almost gone. He was bald, with a black goatee and thick eyebrows. And again Fer found himself staring into an unpleasant pair of eyes, though this man?s seemed to look through him, knowing everything. Golden eyes.

    He had almost asked Olron if there was a witch or an alchemist about creating all these freakish eyes.

    The man had not given them his name, only saying that he was ?a humble traveler, and occasional writer?. And true enough, besides a heavy crossbow and obviously much used sword he had a thick, leather bound book, and the tools of a writer or a scribe. Jako added that he was ?hires to protect the books?. Indeed, besides art, there were stacked books as well. After a short debate Fer had agreed to take him with them. He didn?t like surprises like this.

    And he had liked even less, when after a mostly uneventful trek through a cave system they had arrived to a wider area that had been cut in two by an underground river. It hadn?t taken them long to make a makeshift rope bridge, but when one of the last carriers, whose load were food and fresh water, began to cross, the bridge had partly collapsed. The man was saved, but the river claimed their supplies. With rationing they had survived this long, though in truth it could have been much worse.

    Currently they were following a wide tunnel that had another running along it. Jako was scouting ahead, looking for the next, and hopefully last, rest stop before the city.

    ?He hasn?t caused any trouble? Dophi said, bringing Fer back to the here and now.

    He grunted. ?Trouble I can handle. Even in a bad spot there?s always Rudi, but this man?all he does is write in that book of his, and?? he was about to tell Dophi about the quill pushers eyes, but he noticed that Rudi, Orlon and Kat had suddenly stopped.

    ?Sergeant!? he shouted, calling the leader the guardsmen. He made a few quick gestrus before running after Dophi who had already gone ahead. Behind him he heard the sergeant shout orders and curses, getting the rest of the group together.

    ?What is?.? Fer was about to ask as he reached his friends, but was immediately stunned into the same silence as them by the scenery in front of him.

    The wide tunnel ended to an entrance into a massive cavern. Around the entrances mouth were masterful carvings that had sadly suffered from passing of time, with many details gone from humanoid figures that seemed to dancing and celebrating, as the group?s torches illuminated them. But none of the companions paid much heed to them, as they were looking at what was beyond the entrance.

    The massive cavern was illuminated in a soft light, with many colored crystals filling its ceiling like a sea of peculiar stars. The cavern floor was covered by what looked like short grass, partially covered by a light snow sheet. Here and there different sized mushrooms grew, and among them were larger crystals compared to those in the ceiling, though they were just as colorful. The river that ran next to the companions descended into the cavern, splitting into three smaller and calmer streams that eventually rejoined a lake in the middle of the cavern. Other rivers also entered the cavern, some as spectacular waterfalls.

    ?Ah, now all we need is a freezing breeze to bite our ears and fingers off, and it?s just like we never left the surface? Olron finally remarked.


    It started with a scream. Fer jumped from his bedroll half asleep, desperately reaching where he thought he had left his sword. After Jako had returned, the expedition decided to rest at the lake shore. Apparently that had been a mistake.

    Before Fer reached his weapon, he felt someone grapping his wrist, then his other wrist and finally both of his legs. He was pinned on his back, and though he felt that the arms holding him were bone thin, he could not free himself. Slowly his eyes began to adjust, and he caught the first glimpse of his assailant. Creatures with coal black skin and thin hair that looked almost more skeletons than anything with actual meat around their bones, dressed in miserable rags. Their eyes were completely white and emotionless.

    Four of them were holding him down, but he saw a fifth. It was approaching him on all fours like an animal. And it had a knife.

    Fer redoubled his efforts to free himself, but whatever these creatures were, they were strong. The fifth creatures kneeled beside him and began to mumble in a language he didn?t like to listen at all. He struggled and screamed, but the creatures were too strong. The chanting became more and more intense, and the creature raised its knife above and finally behind its head. It began to scream, its head snapped with a sudden movement?

    ?and it collapsed on its back, with a heavy crossbow bolt sticking out from between its eyes. The other four seemed confused for a moment about what had just happened, and it was enough for Fer. He managed to get his right hand free, reached for his great sword, and cleaved right through the two creatures on his right side. The two that were left tried to attack him, bu they were cut down by another sword. The quill pusher was standing over Fer with full gear on him, a well-used but also well-kept sword in his hand.

    He offered Fer his hand ?Come on, there?s more coming.? Fer didn?t need another reminder. On his feet he quickly went over his armor bits putting his chainmail shirt on, as at least small defensive measure. When he was finished he realized that the creatures had had a lot of kinsmen with the, A lot of them. Some of them didn?t seem to have weapons, while other had crude stone axes and spears. Without a word the two men stood back to back. It was time for the next chapter.

    Rudi roared as he swung the ?Key Master? at the creatures, killing four of them one swing. Those that he didn?t get were felled by Leopold?s bolts, Kat?s arrows, Olrons spells or the weapons of the surviving guardsmen. However, Olron knew that this couldn?t last much longer. There were simply too many opponents, and they were in a poor position.

    ?Think man, think?, he muttered in between spells, The lake shore provided them no cover, and the lake even less so. There was a small island in the middle of it, but that wouldn?t?unless?

    ?What?? He swung his massive weapon again, killing another three.

    ?We need to get to that island! Yell as loud as you can!?


    ?Just do it!?

    Rudi shrugged and drew a long breath. ?TO THE ISLAND!? The whole cavern felt like it was shaking from the power of his shout, and any of the creatures covered their ears.

    ?Good, now quickly!?

    Soon the survivors of the expedition were on the small strip of land. Luckily the lake hadn?t been too deep. Fer, full of cuts and bruises, asked Rudi ?Rudi, what is going on??

    ?Don?t ask me, this was Olron?s idea.?

    ?Patience? Olron said, keeping a keen eye on the events of the shore. The creatures were obviously rummaging through everything that was left in the camp, but eventually most of them started to head towards the water and them. ?Keep away from the water.? he instructed the others, while moving to shore. He placed his staff into the water, and began to cast.

    Bolts of lightning began to dance across the water, and the many unfortunate creatures that had entered the water were now suffering from it. They began to shake violently, screaming in agony. One by one they perished in this natural trap, that created a whole new kind of light newer before or since seen in that cavern.

    The still surviving creatures fled from the camp and the horrific death of their comrades. Olron turned to his friend with a victorious smile on his face.

    ?Olron, look out!? Kat screamed.

    He never saw the stone axe coming.


    The city was quiet, most of its inhabitants still asleep. A lone figure sat at a window, watching the first shopkeepers set up their shops for the next day. There was a knock at the door.

    ?Come in? Fer said.

    The guest was the ?quill pusher?. ?I hope I?m not disturbing?

    ?No, no. Please, sit.?

    ?Thank you, but I fear I must decline. I am here just to sa goodbye,?

    Fer raised an eyebrow ?I don?t remember you being in hurry before.?

    ?Certain new matters have come to my attention, and thus I find myself in a hurry.? he paused for a moment ?How is the mage??

    ?Who, Olron? Well, he lost an ear, but that won?t slow him down for long. Heh. He?s already using the ?poor hearing? as an excuse to annoy Kat.?

    The man chuckled, and then bowed ?It has been an honor traveling with you and your companions, Ferdy, son of Iisak and Eva.?

    It took Fer a moment to realize what the man had said. His voice was thin as a whisper as he asked ?Who are you??

    The man smiled warmly ?My name is??


    Many are the tales that people tell of the Underwolrd. Of lost kingdoms of forgotten races, treasures and places of unearthly beauty. They warn of monsters that have not been seen on the surface since the ancient times, and dangers that no one has seen and returned back alive to tell of them. And these are but a fraction of what might encounter on a journey in the Underworld.

    A man wearing what almost looked like a trophy wall, with more or less mismatching pieces of armor, over a monks robe, with the battered remains of a cloak that had once had a crest on it, but which was now almost gone, walked the tunnels alone. He was bald, with a black goatee and thick eyebrows, and piercing, old golden eyes.

    Arkticus WarWolf, of the Moongate Travelers Guild, the last of his clan, journeyed on ever deeper into this land of mysteries. A warrior scholars work is never done, he though, with a wolfish grin playing on his bearded face. Ever deeper?
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  4. Redrik

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    Darkness. It is a part of nature, the absence of light that creates every shadow and envelops the land in a cool blanket as the sun ventures down over the horizon. 'Tis a scary entity, darkness, for though the darkness itself can not do harm it still hides more dangerous, unkown creatures in its being. Yet the darkness of night is nothing to fear, for as everyone knows, the light of day will eventually come to cast it away. That is the balance of light and darkness in nature.

    But there is no light here.

    Deep beneath the earth of the land recently dubbed as New Britannia, there lies a large series of caves, vast enough to be considered another world in and of itself. Even before the NeoBrits arrived the Natives had long known of and feared this dark place, speaking of it in hushed whispers; of a world beneath their feet composed of spiraling red rock forming a twisted reflection of their surface home. A world so deep that light could not reach.

    The Underworld.

    "It lives up to its name..." An old paladin known as Kurtis noted as he slowly made his way through the mighty cavern. By order of the King many groups were commissioned to scout out the new world, and while most of the main continent was roughly mapped out by now, none had yet ventured down into this twisted complex, the stories the Natives told having planted seeds of fear in the minds of this world's new visitors as well. Kurtis could see why. He had already ventured for a day into the Underworld, the light from the cave entrance had long since faded and if not for the bulk of torches he brought along, he would be completely blind.

    From Kurtis' side, a soft voice piped up, "Indeed. Some of the locals say this isn't under the land at all..." The voice belonged to Quincy, the cartographer Kurtis was tasked to bodyguard while he mapped out unexplored areas, a very short, stout man with a beard so impressive it would make a bear blush. Without looking up from the parchment he mapped their movements on, he continued. "Many of them seem to believe that those who venture into the darkness fall into another world, doomed to wander blindly for the rest of their lives."

    Kurtis grunted in response, thinking that it did indeed seem like a different world entirely. His eyes followed along the walls as the orange light of the torchfire washed over them, complimenting their natural red coloration. As the flame flickered and danced it gave the illusion that the solid stone moved, as if the two where inside the belly of a large monster. He shook the paranoid thought out of his mind, but couldn't help but place his hand to the stone every now and then, just to be sure it was solid and stationary.

    Hours passed, the only sound being the duo's own footsteps and the scribbling of Quincey's quill echoing in the darkness, and naturally the time came for them to rest and eat. A simple meal, hardtack and mead to tide them over enough to continue and give them some comfort in the dark, and the two start of again on their monotonous path.

    Once again the torch burned out, forcing Kurtis to reach into his pack for a new one. grabbing the first one he saw and began to ignite it... but stopped. The first one he saw. Kutis stared at the torch in his hand, then to his rucksack, then to Quincy. Ever since entering the Underworld they had been cast into absolute darkness whenever the light of the torch died, but now he could see them, all cast in a faint glow he didn't notice in the torchlight.

    Quincy noticed too, looking up from the map he was creating for the first time. "What... what is this illumination?" He querried. The two advanced further, newly determined to find the source of this newfound visibility. Step by step the world around them became clearer; The earth formed all around them into intricate plateaus and stalagmites, clusters of mushrooms dotted the ground, and even in the still shadowed areas there shone large, purple gemstones that twinkled like amethyst stars.

    And suddenly, there it was. Sprawled out before them was a twisting river of clear, phosperous water. It leaked from stone itself, forming into small pools that flowed into the calm current, twisting deeper into th depths of the Underworld. The glow it gave off was fairly peculiar: despite seeming like a faint glow, it managed to illumianate the entire cavern a great deal. Not only that, the water shown a pale, almost ghostly green glow onto the stone nearest to it, yet the rest of the cavern was absent of it, instead revealing the rust colored rock, pale mushrooms, and purple gemstones in all their glory. For the first time, the fear and paranoia that the darkness of the dreaded Underworld plagued them with had vanished, now replaced by the serene, haunting beauty laid out before them.

    The two did not say a word, simply taking it all in. Finally, Quincy moved towards the waters and pulled an empty jar out of his rucksack. Filling it up with the strange liquid, he corked it, sotred it away, and looked back to his companion. "I believe it's time we returned to Britainny." Kurtis nodded in agreement and the two traveled back the way they came, but not before looking back once more to enjoy the natural form the sinister Underworld had taken.

    Darkness. It is a part of nature, the absence of light that creates every shadow and envelops the land in a cool blanket as the sun ventures down over the horizon. 'Tis a scary entity, darkness, for as mighty as the sun is, and despite fire allowing man to bring light with them, there will always be places light can not reach. Yet the darkness of the deep is nothing to fear, for as everyone will come to know, no matter how deep the darkness is there will always be a beautiful light hidden somewhere within. That is the truth of light and darkness in nature.
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  5. Sir Niccoli

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    Waiting outside the "Lunar Rift" to New Brittania
    Here's the link to the google doc for easier reading:


    The pounding of my heartbeat was loud enough to drown out the echo of my footsteps as I fled through the caves. I slowed for a moment to confirm the sounds of my pursuers, they were gaining on me.

    I wasn’t sure why the child had helped me escape; I’d been certain the others would kill me. Mercy had not been in the cards.

    I dashed right at a fork, two lefts, then right again, holding my torch low to the ground to light the way. I hoped that my erratic choices provided enough of a head start that I might lose them.

    And hopefully won’t lead me to a dead end.

    They were like myself, human, though life underground had changed them somehow. A tribal people the likes of which I have seen above ground in my travels. One wrong step, one misspoken word or a gesture that gives offense and cost a person like me their life.

    Well taking a step down into these caves almost did.

    The thunderous rush of water echoed throughout the passage, getting louder as I continued.

    At least they won’t be able to hear me.

    The small tunnel widened into a large cavern, my torchlight playing off the various formations, creating shadows that danced all around. I stopped to gather my bearings, a deafening wall of water roared on my left. The path continued on, paralleled by the river that flowed from the waterfalls base, both disappearing into the dark ahead. The air was thick with the smell of moss and mushrooms, painting the walls and floor with greens, blues and reds.

    If I only had more time to enjoy this.

    I hurried along the path, hoping to find an exit before those following me entered the cavern.

    I heard a guttural shout, causing me to look over my shoulder. One of my pursuers was yelling over his shoulder. Looking back at me, he snarled as he hurled his crude spear.

    I twisted to avoid the sharp stone point as it cut across my arm. The wet mossy stone betrayed my footing as I slipped and fell from the edge of the path dropping my torch. I screamed as my ribs hit the stone edge as my legs fell into the water. Desperately I clung to the rocky ledge, but the rushing current tore my grasp from the stone and yanked me away from my pursuer. Icy cold water churned around me, my hands scrambling on the slick stone which offered no possibility of escape. I was sucked into the maw of the tunnel ahead, away from the light of my torch.

    I continued to struggle to keep my head above water, while trying to find something to grab to pull myself out of the water. My hands ached with both the numbing cold and torn skin.

    The water came up over my head in a rush, nowhere to get my breath as I entered a submerged tunnel. I could feel the walls with my hands, as I slid through this watery chute. Holding what breath I had, white stars beginning to glow at the edge of my vision.

    The tunnel twisted and turned, my head cracked against the stone. A gasp of pain instead becoming a mouthful of water, pouring into my lungs. My mind screamed in panic as I clawed at the walls of my watery tomb, in a pointless struggle.

    Then the walls and water were gone, the air chilled my wet skin and clothes. Choking on the water, I struggled to breathe as I fell. Cold water broke my fall, my body submerged and struck the stone under the water. Weak from struggling and numb from the cold, I tried to pull myself to the surface, but could not.

    As I slipped into darkness, I felt the cold hands of Lady Death on my shoulders.


    Her voice echoed through my mind and body, a song that washed over me. Was this a dream that I would not awaken from?


    I opened my eyes, I was afloat in a sea of stars. Looking around, I could see different constellations come into focus around me.

    As I turned, the constellations became images. I saw golden scales, as if to measure something. A wooden shepherd's crook. An upturned sword. A hand, palm forward, held open before me. A chalice of silver. A single crystalline tear. And the last, a beautiful red rose.

    I had a great sense of knowledge lost, the names of each were unknown and that saddened me.

    The image of the rose changed and the lady took shape before me.

    I tried to kneel, but it was impossible in this weightless place, I instead bowed my head.

    “Look upon me, Champion.”

    I wept as I looked upon her beauty. I felt as if I should know her.

    “Am I dead?”

    She smiled at me, “No, you live by my will. You have much to do in your world, in my name.”

    “Who are you?”


    A virtue I should have known and that should have been a part of my life. This virtue had somehow been forgotten, no, forsaken by my people. A child had shown me compassion, in sparing my life. That compassion was why I lived. I knew I must do as she asked.

    “What must I do?”

    “Teach your people Compassion, help them remember me.”

    The stars and images flickered dark for a moment, then bright again.

    “You will find other champions of the Virtues as well,” the darkness came again, longer this time.

    “We will need you all for what is to come.”

    The coming darkness and worry in her voice filled me with a sense of dread. “What is coming?”

    Her voice seemed far away as the stars faded a final time, “Together you must prevail.”

    “What is coming?” I yelled, reaching out after her.

    Gentle hands pushed me back however and the darkness claimed me.
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  6. RelExpo

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    Between worlds.
    I had more written but tbh, I didn't like the way it was coming out... so I will just publish the beginning of a quest line I was trying to work into the game... hope you enjoy it. Maybe I'll finish it someday.


    It was strangely quiet tonight.

    The usual drunkards that crowded the alleyways were huddled just out of sight, speaking in hushed tones. The loud shattering of a bottle of liquor falling to the cobblestone road pierced through the silence, followed by a coarse cough and spit onto the ground. The ground... it was covered in filth and overrun by vermin. Mounds of refuse littered the streets and walkways, occasionally blocking passage and causing a bottleneck. It easily topped the worse Kendall had ever seen.

    He thought he?d lived in the worst ghetto of Brittany, believing in vain that he was accustomed to poor conditions. This alarmed him! He shivered under his cloak, fighting off the feeling of dread. He struggled to contain himself, taking quick deep breaths to calm his racing heart. But that smell from the garbage... ugggh!

    Kendall?s stomach had begun to churn when he heard footsteps behind him. He swung about, quickly composing himself and peering into the darkness. Was this really worth the promised reward he had seen on the bounty board? He hoped so.

    Three figures emerged from the gloom, all clothed in the same dark red hooded robes...
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  7. Shadoweaver

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    Osaka Japan
    The Vile Lord British

    Journal entry 8366

    I have stopped writing the date because without seeing the sun for weeks or months I have lost track.
    As best I can tell I have lived bellow for 7 or 8 years now. My skin was white, like the new fallen snow but seems to be almost translucent now.

    "Lord" British. I will spit and piss and dance upon your grave if I survive this. But not surviving suits me just as well. They came in your name and said I had to pay taxes on the land that has been my families for hundreds of years before you came.


    No I would not pay. Even if I had coins minted with your smug visage on them,
    my work was worth much more than silver or gold. I would have shared it with you and everyone gladly if given the chance. I will still share it with you. However my demonstration will be... different.

    When I could not pay they said we would have to leave my ancestral home. I refused. They came back in the night and lit the roof on fire hoping to flush me out. But what they did not know was that I was underground that night doing my work and that they succeeded in only burning alive my beloved and our newborn daughter.

    I kept their skulls. They are beside me now.

    The glowing rocks that were thought to be very rare underground are the key to my vengeance. I have named them vengicite for that very reason. Did you know that when a certain liquid is poured on them that they glow with an intensity of about 300%?

    Did you know if they are first ground into a powder and then the same special liquid is poured on them their true power is unleashed?

    It is here underground, in my lab, my self-made prison, that I have discovered these things. You may lay claim to a false throne and the surface. But no one rules here.

    Did you know some of these caves run under every major city?
    Did you know one of these caves runs right under your castle?
    You will learn it. But it will probably be the last thing you learn.
    If I survive this I am sure many men will come looking for me. But no one knows the underground like I do.

    No one knows its secrets like I do.

    No one knows where the creatures live like I do or how to make them angry like I do.

    For example there is a creature that is ONLY visible by the light cast by vengicite. You can not see them. But they can see you. They enjoy the taste of man as well.

    Once while I was exploring I came across a band of your men. I assume they were lost. I do not know what their original purpose was. But what I do know is that they were wearing your crest, your uniform, the mark of those who must die.

    As best I can tell the creatures that are invisible to the naked eye are related to spiders but not only can they make an invisible web to catch prey but can either jump amazing distances or fly. I am not sure which.
    I waited in the shadows and observed your men. They couldn?t comprehend what was causing them to seemingly explode 1 by 1, their faces paralyzed from the poison before their bodies that were at once 1 piece suddenly 20. Blood spraying as high as the ceiling.

    In a different place and time I would have been horrified. But here and now I took great joy in the encounter.

    1 man was either a mage or had some limited/latent casting ability did his best to ward off what he thought was black magic. But the protection spells did nothing. I am sure the last thoughts that went through his mind before it was torn from his skull was that he regretted not practicing more in the belief that if he had he would have been able to save himself. Little did he know that kind of magic is useless against nature.

    There are also some very interesting edible and inedible plants down here.

    I assume you are wise enough to have food tasters as my first attempt at revenge was to swap ingredients of your bread with a lovely white plant that grows down here.

    When ingested, the consumer starts with the most lovely of hallucinations. Everything is lovely and white and bright. But quickly that melts away and the consumer?s worst fears become a reality?. The affected then tear out their own eyes or jump from a suitably high place or succumb to some other effort to end their own life to escape the terrible things they believe they are seeing or experiencing.

    I hear you are still alive so one of your staff must have consumed the bread.

    At the very least I hope you witnessed their death. That way you can have a taste of the horrors that await you. If I can somehow capture you alive that is.

    There is a banquet soon I have heard through your floors. I will not be attending I am sorry to inform you.

    I am also sorry to inform you that many of your guests will probably die during my plan. However if they support you it is for the best anyway.

    You will most certainly survive the first phase of my plan. But no doubt your security will take you to the safest place in the palace?.

    There is a underground passage to your bedchamber. The ?secret? tunnel for your escape. But what you may not be aware of is that bellow it there is a natural tunnel that has the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen running through it.

    If you survive the explosion perhaps you will see it as you fall to your death.

    Perhaps you will survive the fall and plunge into the river. I will do my best to save you from the serpents and spiny flesh eater fish and dress your wounds and feed you until you are well.

    Then we will have a chat.

    Then I will kill you and eat your heart and put your skull next to my wife and daughter?s
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  8. Savant

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    For i am not sure if i can translate this story into proper english before its to late, i present you with the german version of my story "Tales of the Unterworld".

    Im eagerly working on a somewhat proper translation, but i cant promise to have it ready, before 12 CST. Heres hoping that i can still be in the contest or at least have you people enjoy my little story. Once the translation is up, i beg you not to be to picky on me, because my native language isn't english, as you may have guessed already.

    Here we go:

    (GERMAN - to be translated)

    Es herrscht ausgelassene Stimmung im Gastraum der uralten Taverne der Weltenwanderer. Bierseelige Ges?nge, lautes Johlen und der allgegenw?rtige Ruf nach mehr Getr?nken ?bert?nt das ged?mpfte Spiel fahrender Musikanten in der Kaminecke des Raums. Emsig schiebt sich die Frau des Schankwirts beladen mit Bierkr?gen zwischen den G?stetischen hindurch.

    In einer Sitznische besteigt ein vollb?rtiger Zwerg - offenbar volltrunken - auf kurzen, wackeligen Beinen den massigen Holztisch und hebt unter schallendem Gel?chter seinen Waffenrock. Stolz pr?sentiert er sein blankes Hinterteil der klatschenden Menge um allen zu zeigen, dass er vor nichts und niemandem Respekt oder gar Angst hat. Um dies zu untermauern, z?ckt er mit lautem Ausruf und grimmigem Gesicht einen wuchtigen Streithammer und rei?t diesen so hoch in die Luft, dass er fast den schweren Kerzenleuchter von seinem Platz an der Decke herunterrei?t. Just als der r?stige Zwerg alle Blicke auf sich w?hnt, und einen unfl?tigen Trinkspruch zum Besten geben will, flacht das laute Gr?hlen und der Gesang ab. Die Musikanten halten inne, der Gesang einer Hochzeitsgesellschaft verstummt. Innerhalb nur einer Sekunde herrscht eine gespannte Stille im Raum. Alle Blicke richten sich auf einen Punkt im Zentrum des Raums.

    Nahe der Schanktheke unterhalb des riesigen, gu?eisernen Kerzenleuchters blitzt aus dem nichts ein Lichtkreisel in der Gr??e einer Hand auf. Ein helles Licht beginnt zu flackern und dreht sich erst langsam, dann immer schneller im Kreise. Noch immer herrscht gespenstische Stille im Gastraum der Taverne. Vereinzelt ist ein erstauntes "Ooooh!" und ein ungbl?ubiges "Da!" zu vernehmen, w?hrend der der Lichtkreis sich immer schneller zu drehen scheint. In der Mitte des rotierenden Lichts entsteht unter den Augen der staunenden G?ste ein Tunnel, der sich zum Inneren hin zu drehen scheint. Ein lautes prasseln wie von einem Lagerfeuer und das Rauschen eines k?hlen Luftzuges dringt aus der ?ffnung des Lichttunnels. Erst bl?st eine sanfte Brise, dann nimmt die Kraft des Winds zu. Je mehr sich die ?ffnung des glei?enden Lichtportales weitet, desto heftiger wird der Luftzug. Wenige Augenblicke sp?ter hat das leuchtende Gebilde die Gr??e eines Mannes bereits um mehrere Ellen ?berschritten.

    Alle Augen sind auf den hellen Lichttunnel gerichtet als pl?tzlich der helle Lichttunnel in sich zusammenf?llt und ein lautes, schmatzendes Ger?uch die Lebensdauer des leuchtenden Portals beendet.

    Der Zwerg, der eben noch voller Stolz sein Hinterteil pr?sentierte, f?llt mit einem lauten Poltern von seinem Stuhl und bleibt sabbernd, grunzend und mit einem lauten R?lpser auf dem h?lzernen Tavernenboden liegen.

    Unmittelbar nach dieser kurzen, unterhaltsamen Unterbrechung wandern die Blicke der Taverneng?ste zur?ck zu dem Punkt, wo eben noch das glei?ende Licht einen Tunnel aus Licht in die Mitte des Raumes gezaubert hatte. Das Licht ist verschwunden. An seinem Platz nimmt eine dunkle Gestalt ein. Gekleidet in einer weiten, schwarze Robe mit ausladenden Kapuze, die soweit heruntergezogen ist, dass man anstelle eines Gesichtes nur in ein dunkles Loch starrt. Aus den gro?z?gig geschnittenen Armen der Robe wachsen d?rre knochige Arme. So d?nn das es die ?ste eines alten, verdorrten Baumes sein k?nnten. Unnat?rlich lange, spindeld?rre Finger greifen um einen kunstvoll geschnitzten Stab aus Wurzelholz, welchen er an seiner Seite tr?gt. Die andere Hand h?lt der dunkle Fremde in die H?he, die Finger gespreizt - als ob er die Hand in Richtung der Sonne hielte und zwischen den Fingern zu ihr hinaufschaue.

    Das Erstaunen in den Augen der Taverneng?ste weicht einem fragenden Blick und das Raunen im Gastraum der Sch?nke wird langsam lauter. Als der Fremde jedoch seine dunkle, sonore Stimme erhebt herrscht augenblicklich erneut Stille.

    "Reisende zwischen den Welten!" hebt er an w?hrend er seine knochige Hand ausgestreckt und zeigend vor sich durch den Raum wandern l?sst. "Mein Name ist Savant der Weise. Ich entstamme dem uralten Geschlecht der Anachron. Seit Anbeginn der Zeit durchstreift mein Geschlecht L?nder, Kontinente, ganze Welten. Durch Zeit und Raum reisen wir zu neuen Orten, unsere Bestimmung zu finden und zu erf?llen."

    Schwer atmend setzt der Fremde erneut an: "Ich bin zu Euch gereist, an diesen Ort zwischen den Welten, um Euch zu verk?nden, dass eine neue Welt geboren wurde und gro?e Abenteuer auf Euch warten. Schon bald werdet Ihr an einen Ort gerufen, an dem Ihr all Eure Kraft, Euren Mut und Euer Geschick unter Beweis stellen und Ehre und Freundschaft ?ber alles Andere Stellen m?sst."

    Erneut ringt der dunkle Fremde um Atem und f?hrt schwer atmend fort: "Ich bin Weiser - ein Seher - wie Ihr sagen m?gt. Ich hatte eine Vision, so klar und intensiv, dass niemand - nicht einmal ich - sie h?tte in Frage stellen k?nnen. Die Vision zeigte mir einen Ort. Einen dunklen, gef?hrlichen und sehr ungem?tlichen Ort. An diesem Ort sind Sch?tze von unglaublichem Wert verborgen. Dieser Ort ist Euer Ziel - Euer Schicksal."

    In allen Ecken der schummrigen Taverne vernimmt man leises Fl?stern. Geweitete Augen starren den Alten gierig an. Zwei drahtige Elfenj?nglinge, die eben noch an der Theke gen?sslich Met aus einem klobigen Bierkrug genossen, z?cken eifrig ihre kristallenen Dolche um ihre Abenteuerbereitschaft zu demonstrieren.

    Die hagere Gestalt stellt den kunstvollen Stab zwischen die knorrigen F??e und h?lt Ihn beidh?ndig um sich darauf zu st?tzen. Mit verhei?ungsvoller Stimme f?hrt er fort:

    "Eure Zeit ist gekommen, Wanderer zwischen den Welten. Packt Euer B?ndel, sch?rft Eure Waffen und poliert Eure R?stungen. Der Ort, an den Ihr Euch begeben werdet, birgt unendlich viele Gefahren. Gr??liche Kreaturen, wilde Tiere und der Tod selbst erwarten Euch in den Tiefen der neuen Welt. Viele von Euch werden ihr Leben auf der Suche verlieren und unaussprechliche Qualen erleiden. Doch die, die reinen Herzens sind, werden unermesslichen Reichtum erlangen."

    "Ich bin dabei!", nuschelt der volltrunkene Zwerg aus seiner liegenden Position, gefolgt von einem lauten R?lpser. Die Hand mit dem halb erhobenen Zeigefinger, sinkt mit einem leisen plumpsen wieder zu Boden. Vereinzelte Lacher folgen auf den beherzten Einwurf.

    Unbeeindruckt f?hrt der Alte seine Rede zuende:

    "Macht Euch nun auf, Wanderer! Verliert keine Zeit. Folgt dem Zeichen, welches ich Euch hinterlasse und tretet ohne Furcht Eurem Schicksal gegen?ber. Es ist Zeit!"

    Mit seinem letzten Wort verpufft der Alte in einer schwarzen Wolke und ist verschwunden. Feine Asche f?llt aus der Wolke zu Boden, als sich diese verfl?chtigt. Unter der Asche bedecken leuchtende Schriftzeichen und Symbole den alten Holzboden wo eben noch die dunkle Gestalt ihren Stock abgesetzt hatte.

    Man erz?hlt sich, dass viele der G?ste der Taverne sich noch am gleichen Abend aufmachten, um den Eingang zu der geheimnisvollen neuen Welt zu suchen. Einige behaupten, dass die mysteri?sen, leutchtenden Symbole eine Art Karte darstellten. Andere sind sich sicher, dass die Zeichen selbst das Portal in die neue Welt ?ffneten.

    Niemand wird es je erfahren denn keiner der G?ste wurde nach diesem Abend je wieder in der Taverne der Weltenwanderer gesehen. Nur einige verwitterte Schriftzeichen auf dem ausgetretenen Holzboden zeugen bis heute von jener Nacht. Die Legende sagt, dass hin und wieder ein mutiger Weltenwanderer aufbricht, um die neue Welt und ein unendliches Abenteuer zu finden.

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  9. Shadow of Light Dragon

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    I have to say, I would have liked to contribute to this competition. But from the time it was announced to now, there's been next to no lore available. I've commented on this elsewhere, in this very section of the forum.

    Without lore, without context, I wouldn't be writing fan fiction. It'd be original fiction, maybe with 'Lord British' or 'Forsaken Virtues' or 'Brtanny'--something in that vein--merely thrown in as a sop to making it <i>sound</i> like it's based on Shroud of the Avatar's Underworld, however loosely, despite knowing next to nothing about it.

    It'd be like asking your fans to cosplay for SotA with no character concept art available. There'd probably be a few original characters in between the Lord Britishs and Iolos, but you wouldn't know the OCs were cosplaying for SotA but for the fact it's a SotA competition.

    And as I've said before, from the perspective of someone who loves story and world lore and writing about it, it's still very hard to be a fan of this project. I'd happily write about SotA if I knew more about it! But I don't. Creating lore for SotA, while nice, is...well, honestly it feels weird to tout it as fan fic. It's commonly held in the FF community that the best FF writers attempt to respect the world it's set i,n the rules, characters and lore. Create new stuff, sure, but be familiar enough to recognise as belonging to the fandom.

    So...maybe next time, when there's more than a blank slate and I'm a fan.

    Best of luck to the entrants.
  10. Savant

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    Here we go. I've tried my best to translate my short storie to proper english. I do not know if it worked for every single part, but hopefully you people will not be too picky with a poor german boy.


    (ENGLISH ? translated by my and dict.cc, so please be generous)

    The dining hall of the ancient tavern almost bursts with cheerful people in a drinking-mood. Loud bawling, drinking-songs and the yells for a new round of beer are drowning the songs of touring minstrels who found their seats in the back of the room right near the fireside. Swiftly the inkeepers wife pushes through the guest tables, carrying five huge beer-mugs in every hand.

    In a corner of the tavern a fully bearded dwarf - obviousely wasted - clumsily steps on the massive wooden table and lifts his tunic raising roaring laughter for it. Proudly he presents his bare backside to the cheering tavern guests, to make clear he is not afraid of anything or anyone. To prove that even more he rises a mighty war hammer up in the air, almost tearing down an old candle bearer. Just when everybody is looking at the dwarf who is yelling some obscene toasts, the bawling and singing stops all of a sudden. Within only a second an eerie silence prevails the tavern. All eyes have wandered to the center of the taverns guest room.

    Near to the bar, right below a giant, cast-iron candle bearer in the center of the room a circle of light pops up and starts to flash. While slightly growing, the light circle starts to cycling. Slowly, then faster and faster. Its still silent in the tavern. Here and there you can hear an astonished "Ooooh!" or a whispered "There!" while the circle of light grows in size and rotates faster and faster. In the center of the light-circle a whirling tunnel starts to form with a crackling sound coming from inside. A freshening-up wind breezes from inside the tunnel towards the guest room of the tavern. The wind seems to become stronger and stronger while the light-tunnels size increases. Only some moments later the light-portal fills the height of the tavern.

    All eyes are looking towards the flickering tunnel of light as all of a sudden the tunnel collapses with a loud squishing noise and the light is gone.

    The dwarf who presented his bare back to the public only some moments ago, plunges from his chair. Dribbling, grunting and mumbling incomprehensible words he stays on the wooden tavern floor.

    After this short but yet entertaining break the eyes of the tavern guests wander back to the point, where the tunnel of light disappeared. A dark figure took its place, dressed in a large, black cloth-robe with a wide cowl, covering his face like you're looking into a black hole. Long, scrawny arms grow out of the wide robe sleeves, as if they where branches of an ancient, parched tree. His unnaturally long, thin fingers wrap around an elaborately handcrafted staff made of root wood that he wears at his side. He raises the other hand up in the air, spreading his fingers as if he was looking directly into the sun.

    The astonishment in the guests eyes slowly converts to a questioning expression. Voices raise in the taverns guest room as the wanderers begin to whisper about whats going on. As soon as the foreigner raises his deep, sonorous voice, the tavern is quite again.

    "You who are wandering the worlds!", he begins his speech while his bony hand makes expansive moves, pointing at every person in the guest room. "My name is Savant the wise. I am a descendant of the ancient tribe of the 'Anachron'. Since the beginning of time my tribe travels lands, kontinents... whole worlds. We travel time and space to find our destiny and fulfill it."

    Breathing heavily the dark foreigner continues: "I have travelled a long way to this place between the worlds, to proclaim that a new world is born and an incredible adventure awaits you. Soon all of you will be called to a place, where you need to prove your strength, courage and your dexterity. You will also need to prove your respectability and your friendships will be put to a tough test."

    The dark old man coughs. "I am a sage - a seer you might say. I've had a vision, as clear and intense, nobody - not even me - would question it. The vision showed me the way to a place. A dark, dangerous and uncomfortable place. A place that hides invaluable treasures. This place is your target. This place is your fate."

    In all corners of the tavern the guests start to whisper again. Wide, greedy eyes are staring at the old man as if they would tell him to go on with his story. Two brawny elvish lads, that where enjoing their mead from huge mugs at the bar, drew their shiny chrystal daggers to show off their preparedness to adventure.

    The gaunt, dark figure places his staff between his gnarled feet and uses both hands to support himself. With an auspicious voice he continous to tell his story:

    "Your time has come, wanderers between the worlds. Pack your bags, sharpen your weapons and polish your armors. The place you are going to holds many a danger. Dreadful creatures, wild animals and even death himself are waiting for you in the depths of the new world. Several of you will lose their lifes or suffer endless agonies. But those of you, who are pure hearted and who fear nothing will find unmeasurable treasures."

    "Count me in!", the wasted dwarf mumbles loudly from his lying position on the wooden floor. After having that said, his head drops back to the ground and he instantly starts to snore. With this he scores some laughs again.

    The wise man ends his speach unimpressed: "Head off, wanderers. Don't waste no time. Follow the sign i will leave you right here and face your destiny without fear. The time is now."

    With his last word the old man fizzles out and leaves a black dusty cloud. Fine ashes start falling to the ground as the black cloud evaporates. Glowing letters and symbols cover the old wooden floor that is dusted with ashes where the old man placed his staff only some seconds ago.

    It is said, that a lot of the guests that dwelled in the tavern set out to find the entrance to the new world in that very night. Some claim, that the letters and symbols on the ground where something like a map. Others are sure, that the symbols and letters will open a portal to the new world, if only you know how to read them. All of them talk about unbelievable treasures, hidden in a new world.

    Nobody will ever know. None of them who set out for adventure from the tavern that night was ever to be seen again. Only the weathered letters and symbols on the worn-out tavern floor and the filigreed stories of the inkeeper and his wife are whats left over from this very night.

    According to the legend every now and then a brave wanderer between the worlds sets out to find the entrance to the new world and its vast treasures.
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  11. Jatvardur

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    Forsaken Daughter
    (This is a short that I wrote fresh for this contest so it is a little rough ^_^)

    Cool air tickled her throat, the salty breeze licked through the shutters and penetrated the damp bedding. She coughed with each gust; a chesty roar followed by a spittle blood when her mouth was full. The sun blazed into her dank room every time the wind pushed its way in, her head thumped and throbbed. Her face was burning yet her legs shivered. A chesty cough forced its way out.

    The shutters clanged and clashed against the wooden wall, each time they opened the heat of day burst in and cleansed the putrid air. Each time the shutters closed a shadow drew across the room; the dirt and dust danced their turbulent waltz across the floor and up the bed.

    It had been... a day... or was it days since someone last visited? It must have been the smell, she thought. They won't be able to stand the smell of blood and puss, the smell was even displeasing to her. The smell wasn't the worst, they were nothing compared to the aches. Why did she have to suffer?

    Her stomach growled and she coughed again. 'I must not cough,' she told herself, 'blood coughs only come to bad girls, and I mustn't cough bad unless I want to be known as a bad girl. I'm a good girl, so why must I suffer?'

    Footsteps crept along the hallway. The floors creaked as the person came closer. Was it the doctor? His tonics also tasted so foul but anything was better than lying in bed. The door rattled and opened. Her father entered the room alone, he held his kerchief across his mouth and clutched a vial of brown liquid in his other hand.

    He dropped his kerchief and reached down to grab her chin, he forced the vial to her mouth and splashed the liquid out. It raced down her throat and spluttered over her chin. "Good girls don't cough blood," he told her, "we'll fix you up or you'll be taken to the underland. You don't want that do you?"

    She shook her head as best she could. Her muscles ached so much that she wasn't sure if she actually moved her head or just thought about it. The liquid made her choke, she coughed and coughed until her throat was clear. When she stopped she saw that her father had left. Her eyes closed as the footsteps faded into the distance. "You'll be taken to the underland," she heard his voice in her head.

    The floor felt like a shifting deck in a storm; up then down, around and up, down, up, up, down. One hand pushed against the wall while the other lunged for the side of the bed. The hessian drapes battered against the wall like torn sails whipping against their mast. The room darkened, her vision blurred, her heart raced, she tensed her muscles trying to resist the nauseous sensation that grew inside her.

    The coughs begat the wind in the sails; the sneezes gave life to the hail; her perspiration became the rain. The room flew high, her stomach lurched with the airless feeling one gets when they jump from a perch. As quick as the flight began the bed came crashing down: a rock against hard stone floor. No give, just hard impact. A loud sonorous roar preceded the cracking of the wooden bed posts.

    Her eyes opened to total darkness. The sensation of spinning hadn't left her. She tried to figure out where the bed had landed. A cleaner taste of air surrounded her, an unfamiliar crisp and saltless flavour that suggested she was no longer by the sea. The stone floor underneath was cold to step on but slowly she pulled herself up. Her legs were giddy and barely held her but the desire to cough was gone.

    Coal could not be as dark as this place. No, coal had a glimmer to it. Sometimes you could see it shine when the light hit it just right, but that wasn't true here. There was no light or sound. The wind had gone and with it the smells and tastes of life. Wherever this was, it was a new sense of nothingness.

    A creaking sound ignited in the distance but it echoed several times. This had to be a room of some kind, or perhaps a cave. First a sliver then a large crack revealed a gush of light from above. It was a familiar brightness, it had the same white hue as moonlight. After a brief moment of blindness her eyes settled upon a stone orb no more than ten paces away. Upon the rough granite-looking surface she saw the outline of blue letters appearing, and she knew it once they were the runic symbols of the ancients.

    "Sarla," a male voice boomed from the stone, "forsaken daughter, why have you come here?" The runes shone brighter everytime the voice spoke.

    Sarla couldn't find her voice. At first she wondered how he, or it, knew her name. Did all such beings know her name? Did they know everyone's name? "I.." she stammered at first then found her courage, "I don't know."

    "You journey into my lair yet you do not know why? Did you not chose to come here, oh coughing daughter of Maxwell?"

    "I... well, I was... in bed, and I was coughing and father shouted at me to stop coughing but I couldn't," Sarla sniffed and restrained her tears.

    "You coughed up your blood when you were told not to, and now you find yourself here, am I to believe it was an accident?" the voice shouted, "you waste my time with your petty snivels."

    "But... but.. I did not chose-"

    "Silence!" the cave shook so hard that it threw Sarla to the floor. The spherical stone dimmed and turned quietly on its axis. "You may leave now."

    "Leave? But how do I leave? Am I not dead? Father said that when I die I will be taken to the underworld to meet the ancients. He said that if I did not stop coughing then I was sure to die. I tried, you must believe, but I just couldn't stop. He left me there on the bed. How can I go back?" Sarla could not hide her confusion, she had only just got here. It was here that she was supposed to accept her fate. That is what father had told her must happen.

    "By accepting a forfeit in your place. To live you must sacrifice another and when you wake up it will be so," the voice was calm and the glow of the stone dimmed to total darkness. Sarla was once again standing in the dark.

    "Who will be sacrificed? And how can I just wake up if I am dead?" Sarla's voice echoed in the cave, "Answer me! You must answer me. Who shall take me place? Who?"

    The crunching sound of a collapsing mast behind Sarla made her jump. A blast of warm air rushed against her face, it had picked up a wash of dirt from the floor and forced her to close her eyes. When she opened them again she was back in her room. The shutters were open. Sarla looked out onto the blue-green ocean in front or her house. The coughing was gone. The pains were no more and she was standing straight back in her own room. She felt cured. It was a miracle. She was cured.

    "Father, I'm cured, I'm cured. the coughing has gone. I'm cured!" She yelled with glee, "Father?"
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  12. tahenyb

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    Waianae, Hawaii
    The Mu?aileen

    ?If you but gain only one thing out of this class I hope that it is the ability to look within yourself and see the many reflections you give out.? ? English Professor

    For a long time those words have been stuck in my head, as a matter of fact they were the last words he told me before he passed away last fall. I?ve been trying ever since to see within myself but so far it has been shrouded with this sadness and loss. My studies have fallen behind and my only solace has been a secluded garden.

    One evening as I walked among the roses I looked up into the night sky in anticipation for the mystical blood moon. Its dark ruby color held my gaze, my mind wondered back to a happier time filled with laughter and stories told by my family. They all seemed to deal with this so much better than I but what can I do when my heart has been torn so much with this loss. Thunderclouds started to appear in the distance, a low rumble had become apparent as a thick mist surrounded me.

    An ethereal being stepped out from the mist glowing with a purple hue and from it I heard a familiar voice, ?Lein it?s time you moved on, it?s time you write your own story, come and take your first step into a new world.?

    My heart sank and my eyes filled with tears, that voice was his but I don?t know how. Before I could utter a word with a flash of light he was gone. Where he had stood a rift had opened shimmering so beautifully a purple aura. If I leave here I might not come back but if going means there is a slight chance he will be there then I must go. The rift was starting to fade and with that my heart took control. With only the journal I brought along inside my bag I took my first step into the rift.

    Cold air filled my lungs as I my body faded into the rift. A sound of trickling water now permeated around me, echoing the excited beat that of my heart. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I soon realized where I was placed, a cavern moist and cool. Gathering my bearings I delved deeper and deeper down the cavern. As I traversed deeper light started to make its way to my eyes. Different hues of light were refracting off the vast array of crystals now beginning to light the passage of the narrow cavern walls. The crystals were cold to the touch but warming to my eyes. Their strange glow led me onward to the source of the sound and soon I found myself in a wide-open chamber beside the now visible stream. The chamber stretched on past the range of crystals behind me and its vastness drew me further onward along the drenched path.

    Every so often my mind wondered back to that instance, the sound of his voice, and the manner of which I got here. Nothing I have ever learned up and till this point can logically explain what has happened. As I continued to ponder on this a knot of hunger began pulling within me. I wondered onward slowly feeling hungers grip slowly creeping upon me.

    Fatigue now consumed me; I began searching for a decent place to rest. I continued on, step after step, no longer thinking, each step automatic and heavy. My mind began to drift. The thought of my family and their laughs and voices soothing my mind kept me going and then I kicked something that certainly did not belong down here. It was a cooking pot.

    I had stumbled upon what I presumed to be a recently abandoned campsite. My mind raced as my hands scurried through several crates, bags, and even the cooking pot in hopes to find anything worth eating. There was nothing.

    All I found was a big pile of nothing and me, left to face the inner battle of mind versus stomach. Still hungry and thoroughly defeated, I grabbed hold of a ragged piece of cloth stained with a smell of smoke and some form of meat, curled underneath it, and sunk into deep sleep.

    After an unknown time, I awoke. To my alarm, I found myself surrounded by a multitude of eyes, their ominous purple eyes breaching the veil of darkness that now surrounded me. From the throng of eyes came a figure, face shrouded in darkness, stretching forth a muscular arm. My body quivered in fear and the very air seemed hard to take in, and I thought my life would come to an abrupt halt.

    Yet it did not.

    With a soothing voice, the figure proclaimed, ?Do not fear my friend, you find yourself amongst good company. Come! Before the crystals dim,? and with that being said, I reached out and grabbed hold of his firm yet gentle hand.

    Sticking by his side, the curiosity and leftover adrenaline had made me forget my hunger for now. We were now far beyond the glow of the dimming crystals. I looked up towards the figure that I thought would take my life and saw that he was now no longer shrouded by darkness. Perplexed, I uttered what I feared would be a foolish question,

    ?Why were you shrouded by such darkness in the light of those crystals?? He turned and stared at me with intense yet compassionate eyes.

    ?Those crystals project the alter image of yourself for all creatures to see, and you, young lad you were the darkest thing our eyes have yet to behold.? I stood there, blinking for a moment. Hunger, though currently unfelt, was preventing my mind from grasping the subtleties of such a statement. I simply nodded my head, understanding only that I was safe now.

    As we rounded the next corner, I stood in awe. Looming metal gates parted to an entire village hidden from the world above. Massive pillars of glow stones rose around us and their light revealed that the pigmentation of the figure?s skin was that of a rich dark purple. His hair was jet-black and braided upon his head and his piercing, bright purple eyes. His height was well over a foot passed my own head. He turned to me and peered with his purple eyes, as if probing the depths of my soul.

    As I stood there, staring back, others emerged from their homes. They were not like any beings I had ever seen. As if reading the unuttered question forming in my mind, he spoke

    ?We are those who live a life surrounded by darkness, but choose to not be of it. We are the Mu?aileen,? and with that mysterious answer, we headed forward along the stone pathway toward a cottage at the far end of the village.

    In all my eighteen years of life, I have never seen such a rich culture as of the Mu?aileen. From the way the men held women in such high regards and how children were treasured greater than any measure of monetary wealth. I took in as much as I could during that walk, yet knowing that there was still so much to learn.

    As we approached the house the details became much clearer and to my amazement all the houses were carved from stones! Massive stonework pieced together from individually carved stone. What manner of magic could have brought together such colossal works of stone? So many questions running within my mind, hopefully they will be answered.

    With a light tap of his finger the stone door swiveled forward, taking those few steps inside revealed glimmering ornate instruments hung upon the walls. A click within myself, it spoke to me saying, ?This person was the village bard?. His demeanor only amplified this conclusion.

    If my eyes could have spoken, they would still be dumb struck in awe of what was in front of me. He turned toward me his smile beckoned me closer. After a moment of me gawking, he said,

    ?My name is Mu?ashik and if you could be so kind as to tell me yours.? My mind snapped back into reality and before I could answer, my stomach gave a tremendous rumble. Mu?ashik threw his head back with a hearty and genuinely amused roaring laughter and I remembered just how long it had been since I had eaten.
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  13. FireLotus

    FireLotus Royal Bard & Master Dabbler Dev Emeritus

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    Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU for all the amazing stories. At this time, Tracy and I will begin the process of selecting our favorite, which will then be featured in an upcoming Community Spotlight! Please give us at least a week to read and discuss, as there are so many excellent submissions, we want to give then the thought and attention they deserve.

    Thank you again, and I am already looking forward to the NEXT fan fiction contest. :)

    Time Lord and Fireangel like this.
  14. Kirthag

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    I finally read through all of them (wanted to wait for the deadline to read everything myself) and just gotta say - wow. I am humbled by the creativity put forth! Considering we haven't got much "lore" to go on other than our wild wishes and wantings for this game, I gotta say, this is awesome. Even I had a hard time coming up with some prose, and that is something I'm known for outside of gaming (my SCA friends really enjoy it when I visit them).

    I wonder how much of what is here make it into the actual lore. Tracy - so many of us are waiting on the edges of our respective seats. Can we have just a small taste?
    Time Lord likes this.
  15. torgian

    torgian Avatar

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    Ahh, I see I missed the deadline. Oh well. I will write a full story in a new topic then
  16. FireLotus

    FireLotus Royal Bard & Master Dabbler Dev Emeritus

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    Be sure to check out this week's Community Spotlight (Monday), where I will be featuring the first of our top Tales of the Underworld! :)
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  17. Fireangel

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    Oklahoma (earthly realm)
    Yay!! Thank you! :)
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  18. rune_74

    rune_74 Avatar

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    No hints on who?:p
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  19. Kirthag

    Kirthag Avatar

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    Talk about dangling that proverbial carrot!

    Not even a hint?!?!?!

    wicked, wicked woman she is, eh?

    the perfect community liason! :D
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  20. FireLotus

    FireLotus Royal Bard & Master Dabbler Dev Emeritus

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    First off, I want to say how humbled both myself and the team were by the amount of amazing stories that were submitted. What I thought would be an easy task in selecting the best turned out to be quite the epic quest! One that I must admit, I could not complete without some alterations to my plan! Which is why every day this week, I will be publishing one of our favorite FIVE Tales of the Underworld!

    So be sure to check our home page every day to read the featured Tale of the Underworld!
    Time Lord and Fireangel like this.
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