The adventure tour, an end to single scene grind

Discussion in 'Skills and Combat' started by Vladamir Begemot, Aug 9, 2018.

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  1. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    An idea to address the grind complaints, the changes to UT, the Universe and everything.

    Not for those who must min max to the max, they can keep grinding a single scene as is their right.

    During adventure time we like variety, and this game has much of that, but that comes at the cost of travel time, so:

    POT places Kobold teleporter. Party leader chooses tier difficulty and activates.

    Party all across Novia gets an "are you ready?" Upon all saying yes, they get loaded into the first scene, no chance to not follow.

    It's random but let's say Upper Tears wave battle (note this location is a different difficulty than being put down by the lake, and both are viable locations depending on difficulty selection).

    Two or three waves later, everyone autoloads to another random similarly difficult scene. This time it's Elysium mines, difficulty counts because they are strong enough to handle it, and this is a 15 minute mining spree to let xp cool down.

    15 minutes later they are autoloaded into a control point. They do good, then get demolished, that's ok, now they are in the Fall for half an hour. Suddenly in a tier 5 that has a 3 day buff, short time limit get it quick. Now a single spawn of the clockwork dragon. Now 20 minutes in Graff Gem Mines. Now at the back side of Ruined Keep.

    Now back to the POT. Adventure over.

    Don't forget the lower tier players for this as well. Spawn locations in all the uncloned scenes give us lots of options, this helps us get there.
  2. Steevodeevo

    Steevodeevo Avatar

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    OK Vlad, I generally love your ideas, and I know you want and are open to feedback. Here's why I really don't warm to this idea and it concerns me..

    Its very cookie cutter. So many MMOs have this and it's become a standard IMO. it's a somewhat lazy feature, in FFXIV you can cruise this all day as if it were a Web game.

    You would never see the world. It's pre programmed, bland and mindless you don't explore, see amazing stuff, meet random folk, get side tracked. It just doesn't feel like SOTA, it feels like every other MMO I got bored and left.

    Why does SOTA have to be dumbed down and made simple and mindless like every other generic MMO? Why can't folks work all this out for themselves? As you say, the content's there to be discovered. That's why I came here and stayed, anyway.
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  3. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    For me, the biggest challenge is just knowing where to XP. The tier system being reworked helps, but generally it's hard to know. For example, I can solo the mages room in the rise now, but other parts of the rise remain difficult. So I just grind the mages room over and over. No idea really if there's any better place for me to go at this point. And no, I'm not into XPing in groups.. if I wanted to do that, I'd play a different game. ;)
    Witcheypoo and Vladamir Begemot like this.
  4. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I personally would like to see xp higher in all the regular zones.
  5. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    I didn't realize this was already a thing because I stopped playing games that play themselves a long time ago.

    I thought the same things as you when typing this up.

    I don't know though, I feel like people might see a lot more of the world this way. Right now they are pretty much stacking up in two to three different zones, so that's not good either. How does one get people to go try out ALL the zones that are near their skill level?

    Heck, as a new player (and even as my alt) I still don't know where all the 1-3 tier zones are, and have missed them as I skilled past them. It would be nice to be able to get a randomized tour.

    An addition to this now would be that it would be nice to have the world map show me where I am when I pop into each zone, so I know what region to go back to.
    Brewton and Steevodeevo like this.
  6. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    I use sotawiki to find new zones sometimes, but it still really lacks useful info. It'd be nice if we could have a general player level range that gives us an idea of zones we can *probably* do (but not guaranteed).
  7. Anpu

    Anpu Avatar

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    Just of note, anyone can update the wiki.
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  8. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    How the hell is Ulfheim Tier 8+ ? because it's got a hut with a couple 1000 hit point berkallers ? The reapers ? I mean really. It's not even close to Tier 8.

    The entire Tier system needs a real rethink
    Brewton, Gorthyn and Vladamir Begemot like this.
  9. GrayFog

    GrayFog Avatar

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    I have said it a couple of years ago and i will say it again.

    Just give the zones a reason to grind in them.
    If every zone drops the same stuff and if in every zone i can find litterly the same ressources then why should i meet any other zone but my fav 2 or 3 farming zones?
    Different Regions should give different ressources/loot to some degree.
    Ofc. there are things that should be available everywhere like standard "wood" or "ore".
    But since i can find everything i need in 1 or 2 zones....

    Ofc. there are a lot more ways to make zones interesting for players like an achievement and/or weekly goal system that give little rewards, a very good example of what i am talking about can be found in FFXIV.

    There are really beautiful zones in Novia, but there are simply no reasons to be in them for longer than maybe 1 minute.

    IF @Chris & Co are smart now they give atleast a reason for fishing people to meet different zones with the upcoming fishing updates in R58!

    If this and much more was implemented correctly then i and many others wouldn't mind to travel forth and back for 5 - 15 minutes to meet and live in different zones.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2018
    Witcheypoo, Brewton, Gorthyn and 2 others like this.
  10. Mishikal

    Mishikal Avatar

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    Definitely! I've spent many hours updating sotawiki including information for various scenes I've inhabited over the course of leveling up. I just don't have the relevant player level info to supply or I'd add it. ;) Not sure there's a field for tracking that information with scenes, I'll ping the admin about that idea.
    Jaesun likes this.
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