The Estradi's Return

Discussion in 'Fire Lotus Tavern' started by GFN, Jul 22, 2013.

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  1. GFN

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    He could still remember the day he left Britannia. Friends from all over had gathered to send him off, some begging that he stay with them while others just accepted that his time had come. He passed through the moongate a final time and was back home in a world where no one knew him and he was but an erratic boy with a dream. As he began to remove his leathers, the dark brown color contrasting with the golden buttons and white silk shirt, he let out a heavy sigh as the thought had finally hit him.

    "Nothing will ever compare."

    Years had passed and his memories of Britannia stayed with him as he went on through life and used those experiences to write up scripts numbering in the hundreds, begging each network to turn them into something great. The break finally came after months of trying, most turning him away because of a request that he play the lead, and "The Estradi" began its run. It wasn't the same as the days of high adventure, but it was close enough for him. As long as he was able to put on that costume and breathe in the highland air, playing a character he had poured his very soul into making and entertaining millions with his tales of knights of yore and impossible quests, he was content.

    Unfortunately, nothing is eternal. Ratings had eventually plummeted in favor of a military drama after only a few seasons and he was once again cast aside. No one would hire a one trick actor and his style wasn't fitting for the more modern settings that were popular. And so he was left there, living on royalty checks and fading back into obscurity. Eventually a woman had come into his life and taken his mind away from the past, replacing the desire to relive those glory days with thoughts of his future. A year had passed and he'd forgotten about Britannia, about the cool breeze of Cove and the bustling streets in Trinsic. And so he went on, working as a critic to supplement income and pay off his share of the debts incurred from the series while courting his now fiancée.

    The hour was late, night's dark blanket covering the cityscape as the last few lights were going out. He was fast asleep, dreaming of his beloved away on business until a noise awoke him. He slowly walked towards the origin point in the kitchen in a bathrobe, wielding a bat for safety. As he approached the kitchen, a well-aged man came into his view and was remarking about the granite countertops. He silently approached and startled the man with a quick "Halt!", raising the bat up as if ready to strike.

    "..Ah... so you are here," the man said, a glowing shard of some strange crystal around his neck lighting up the room.

    "Who are you?" he responded, bat still raised.

    "My name is Nystal, and I've been tasked with bringing you with me to New Britannia, Avatar."

    His eyes widened. NEW Britannia? What could have possibly caused that change, he wondered. The bat made a ringing sound as it hit the ground, yet it didn't phase him. He stood in silence as the memories and longing for adventure returned to him, a giant grin covering his face and spelling out what went through his mind. Nystal gave a chuckle and said to him, "Well.. we'd best not be late. Follow me through the gate."

    "One second. I just need to get something." And with that, he ran into his room and opened up a chest in front of his bed, first taking time to run his fingers along the golden lettering that spelled out the initials "HE." Inside was the gear he returned from Britannia with: dark brown leather vest and gloves with golden buttons, silky white shirt, black pants, lightish grey-brown boots with steel toe and heel and a deep red cloak. Next to it was a large box that contained a greatsword of about 5'6" with 10 in. for the handle of leather and gold, the hilt being a slight curve up. It was sheathed in the body strap just as he left it many years ago. He quickly dressed in his old clothes, glad that it all fit just as it used to, and strapped on the sword to his back so that the handle was above his right shoulder. He looked at the bed one last time and sighed before calling up his fiancée.

    "Hey hon..? Yeah I know it's late."
    "Listen.. someone's just called and wants me to play Hunter again."
    "First thing tomorrow."

    The last question just brought more joy to his heart, though it did sadden him a bit to be leaving her like this.

    "No dear. I don't know how long it'll be. Love you."

    And with that, he hung up and walked with Nystal into a moongate. As it closed behind, he saw the breadth of the rolling lands from atop a hill. What fame or fortune he had in his realm meant nothing now. Now all that meant anything was that he was back. He was in his true homeland and his true self. He looked at Nystal with the brightest smile and remarked "And here I thought I'd never come home." And as soon as Nystal nodded, he looked out into the world and breathed in the fresh air of the countryside before letting out a loud battlecry that echoed for miles, his only hope being that whatever evil plagued this land would hear it and know that Hunter, the last of the Estrad family, had returned.
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