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The Hilt: Skeleton Arm and Skeletons are Dark

Discussion in 'World Building, Scenes, Environment, & Overworld' started by Traveller13, Oct 25, 2017.

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  1. Traveller13

    Traveller13 Bug Hunter

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    10/23/2017 5:51 PM
    -Title: The Hilt: Skeleton Arm and Skeletons are Dark
    -Reproduction Rate: 100%
    -Blocker? No
    -Details: As reported for the Epitaph there is a skeleton arm and some skeletons in the Hilt that are dark. The arm is located on the circular platform in the spider area. The skeletons are in wall niches in the undead area. I can provide screen shots if needed.
    -Steps to Reproduce: Visit the areas below and observe skeleton or parts of skeletons. The arm location is in the body of this report. The skeleton locations are listed afterward.
    -User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8) System RAM: 32688
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU RAM: 8086
    -Area: Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior
    -Area Display Name: Hilt Fortress
    -Loc: (67.7, -29.4, 175.8)
    -Debug: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoNjcuNjc4LCAtMjkuNDE0LCAxNzUuODA0KXwoMCwgMC4yMywgMCwgLTAuOTczKXw0NjUzLjUwN3w2OS45OTk5OXw1LjU4MTU1MQ==

    Skeletons in niches...

    Area: Hilt Fortress (Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior) Loc: (39.1, -50.0, 105.2) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoMzkuMTExLCAtNDkuOTk3LCAxMDUuMjIpfCgwLCAtMC4xOTYsIDAsIC0wLjk4MSl8NjE0Mi41NTF8MzkuMDUxMjF8Mi44NjY4Nzk=

    Area: Hilt Fortress (Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior) Loc: (96.9, -50.0, 102.9) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoOTYuODg5LCAtNDkuOTk3LCAxMDIuODgpfCgwLCAtMC45NTIsIDAsIDAuMzA2KXw2MzM1LjczM3w0MC4xOTg4OXwyLjk1ODc0Mg==

    Area: Hilt Fortress (Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior) Loc: (88.4, -55.0, 94.5) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoODguMzkyLCAtNTQuOTk3LCA5NC40ODMpfCgwLCAtMC45OTksIDAsIDAuMDMzKXw1OTY4LjI4OHw0MS4zODU1MXwyLjY5NDc0OA==

    Area: Hilt Fortress (Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior) Loc: (39.3, -55.0, 81.0) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoMzkuMjkzLCAtNTQuOTk3LCA4MS4wMjgpfCgwLCAwLjE2OSwgMCwgMC45ODYpfDY0OTkuNTE0fDQ1Ljc4Mzg2fDEuNzY2Mzky

    Area: Hilt Fortress (Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior) Loc: (39.8, -55.0, 86.8) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoMzkuNzY2LCAtNTQuOTk3LCA4Ni43OTMpfCgwLCAxLCAwLCAwLjAxNCl8NjI5OC41MTN8NDQuNzA4OTh8Mi4yNDUyOQ==

    Area: Hilt Fortress (Novia_R3_Hills02_Hilt_Interior) Loc: (39.5, -45.0, 73.2) DBG: Tm92aWFfUjNfSGlsbHMwMl9IaWx0X0ludGVyaW9yfHwoMzkuNDc1LCAtNDQuOTk3LCA3My4xOTcpfCgwLCAwLjA3MywgMCwgMC45OTcpfDY4NjEuMDE5fDM1Ljc4MDAxfDIuMjQ4Njc1
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