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Typos & Edits for Ker Conversation

Discussion in 'Quests, Conversations, & NPC's' started by Bedawyn, Jul 6, 2019.

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  1. Bedawyn

    Bedawyn Avatar

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    07/06/2019 15:53
    Title: Typos & Edits for Ker Conversation
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No

    Details: Ker is one of several Ardoris guards that I'm half in love with, but she's not without flaw. :)

    (1) In response to the keyword confirmatory, she says:
    "It is contained with Ardoris" Should be: "contained within Ardoris"

    (2) In response to keyword Khasi, she says:
    "At the same time I am trying to be objective and think of everyone in Ardoris and trying to be objective."
    Redundant, should be either "I am trying to be objective and think of everyone in Ardoris." or "I am trying to think of everyone in Ardoris and be objective."

    (3) In response to keyword Palace of the Winds, she says:
    "You may not be able to get into see Priestess Khasi..."

    This should be "get in to" instead of "get into" (because the "to" there belongs to "to see", not to the "in").

    A few more that aren't grammatically inaccurate per se, but read a bit awkwardly:

    (4) In response to keyword outlander, she says:
    "in time you truly meet her" Suggest using "in time you will truly meet her" instead.

    (5) In response to keyword Ardoris, she says:
    "was my entire world that stretched from" I'd suggest using "entire world, stretching from" instead.

    (6) Also in response to Ardoris, she says:
    "Spending all this time in the Oracle's confirmatory"

    She's not actually in the confirmatory and I hope she doesn't hog the Oracle's time when no one's looking!
    This would read better if it said "at the confirmatory" or "near the Oracle" or "with the Oracle" rather than "in" the confirmatory.


    Steps to Reproduce: Speak to the Ardoris City Guard outside the confirmatory.

    Area: Ardoris
    Area Display Name: Ardoris
    Loc: (84.7, 56.4, -44.2)
    Debug: QXJkb3Jpc3x8KDg0LjY1NCwgNTYuNDA3LCAtNDQuMTk2KXwoMCwgMC44ODEsIDAsIC0wLjQ3NCl8MTkxLjQ3NTd8OC41MjAxMnwz
  2. Sannio

    Sannio Lead Quest and Level Designer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    Thanks for the report! Issue #65257
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