Universities and Libraries

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by Arkticus, Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. Arkticus

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    Inspired by Bloodshards?s thread in the Housing sub-forum, I ended brainstorming a bit. This thread is basically just a rather long rant about all the ?cool? stuff I thought up, rather than a plan or something to that effect. However, I would really love to see these places to exist, one way or another :) Also, I?m trying to look at this so that both the online multiplayers and offline solo-players can get something out of these.

    Universities: To quote Bloodshard, these should be places where you get ?to improve yourself in-game skills or real world lessons in whatever.? (I have no idea what these ?real world lessons? would be?Blooshard, could you elaborate, please?) . I think these could be a very good extension of the Apprentice system (1,8m stretch goal). So, my ideas:
    1) not all teachers would or even could be Master level (in fact, I think Master level players could act as invited guest lecturers or teachers at the biggest, best and most exclusive place: the ?Royal Academy? or whatever)
    2) these lessons would cost you (how much, would you pay for each lecture separately or a bulk price for a longer education period or? ) and it would be tiered on the level of the lecture (the very basic ?crash course?, in say blacksmithing, where you would learn the basic metals, would be the cheapest, go a few tiers up and you get a lesson on makers marks and advanced tips of some kind from a more experienced teacher etc) (also lowest tier teachers could/would always be NPC?s, for I think obvious reasons)
    3) player teachers would get paid (only fair, I think) an X amount, based on the lecture level (with possibility for bonuses for reason because?)
    4) the skills that I was thinking one could learn in a University wouldn?t necessarily be combat oriented, but rather things like alchemy, herbalism, music, writing (including things like poetry and linguistics. Who doesn?t want to learn to write In runic :D ), magic (I would still imagine you would have to look for a wizards tower to master this?), blacksmithing, other forms of art etc.
    5) the reason I called the ?Royal Academy? the ?biggest, best and most exclusive?, is because it would be the only place to find real Master level teachers and it could be invite only. Ace a series of lectures, show your skill and dedication, write an article etc, and get an invite. Of course, this is just an idea :p
    6) Guilds could also benefit from donating or becoming patrons of a University in that their members could get a discount and their members could also be teachers, etc. or even getting the possibility to start a new University in their hometown/city.
    7) the number of original Universities should be restricted, so that there are only a handful of them, maybe only in the largest cities
    8) now, with all that said, I don?t think these would be places to level up as such. The Universities would be places to learn tips from veterans, try out the skills you haven?t tried before and share knowledge like new alchemy formulas. But, at the end, here would be that possibility to become an apprentice to a Master and advance more quickly. Potentially anyway.

    Libraries: Considering how many (myself included) would love to write books, be it in-game fan fiction, guides or quest books, journals and so on, I think it would be a waste if libraries wouldn?t be included. And I think I?ve seen at least one suggestion of a printing press of some sort, so this would open the possibility of multiple copies. Now, here I at least run into a snag: while with Universities the NPC teachers and Player teachers wouldn?t be that hard to make co-exist, but how to do that with librarians? In solo this won?t be much of a problem, but in PvP this could result in a sort of dual system: in ever town there would be an NPC library, and Player library. If there?s already way around this, excuse the n00b :p

    In an case, I think the Libraries and Universities would work well together (and I want a ?Royal Library? too where one can find a copy of every book in the world (perfect excuse for foreign languages ;) )). However, not to worry those that would also want to buy or sell books, a library could only hold so man copies of a certain book, though this also tied to the question of how much a player written book might cost (something for a separate thread, I would imagine)

    Also, while you could borrow from the library (for one week, maybe?) if you return it late, you would get fined, lose the book, you buy a new copy, etc


    So. Parlay?
    Gunga_Din likes this.
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