I recently decided to start playing SotA but one of the things I am not fond of is the ridiculously large NPC chat window that pops up and covers my screen. I haven't found a way to change the size of the window, the text size or anything that fixes this obtrusive window. While I realize its part of the game, my eyes can't stand the constant focusing to the different size fonts in the game. Please tell me there is a quick solution to this issue and I am just missing something? For instance if the chat window text is 14 then the NPC text is double or greater that and it's just horrible and completely ruins the immersion.
you could make the font in the normal window larger to match. this number is clickable and then you can type a new one.
I'd still like the chat window to be usable, increasing the text font would make it obtrusive and super annoying with a word a line. You can't be serious that the NPC chat window was ever meant to be size 30 font?
Someday, when/if the dialogue box functions can be integrated into LUA, we could then design all kinds of different dialogue box options. But for now, what we have, is.... what we have.
@FrostII No, it's similar. Hard to tell about the scale, I still think mine looks larger. I did notice that there was some issues others had with the 2450 x 1440 resolution and the NPC text being too small. I use that resolution, I wonder if the fix (if applied) is what I am looking at? idk, i've gotten used to it now and I am enjoyng the game so it's not a deal breaker for me. It's just really weird that the NPC text seems zoomed in as apposed to just enlarged. Like what happens when you zoom in a raster image, the resolution deteriotates. I don't really see that in the above picture. Text looks crisp
some of the resolutions above that have issues with window locations too. where vendor pay windows are not anywhere where they should be. I have not made a ticket yet for it if anyone wants too
you ever seen what 1080p looks like on a 48" Qdot 4k monitor that is 2 feet away.. its so gross. haha
This would be why I've stuck with a top quality 2k screen until all games I want to play scale properly to 4k