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Whole should be greater than parts in crafting.

Discussion in 'Release 12 Feedback' started by Sebastion, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. Sebastion

    Sebastion Avatar

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    I find that in this point in time many of the craftable items have less value than the parts to make them.

    For example... With out trying to give away the recipe. The jewels alone for the Jeweled longsword costs 4x as much as the finished weapon will sell for to the npc. And that does not even include the rest of the costs in making the weapon.

    Now I dont think a person should be able to make a large profit on everything but it should be at least close on most items. As it is you are probably better off selling the parts on many of these types of things.

    I think in a perfect world gatherers should be able to make a profit selling the mats they got for their time gathering to the vendor. And then crafters should be able to make a profit off of the items they made with the mats they bought from the vendor.
    Spoon, Sophi and monxter like this.
  2. Floors

    Floors Avatar

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    Yeah agreed and a pretty big thing to get fixed if they want people to spend time actually crafting after persistence happens.
    Sebastion likes this.
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