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Wishing well stop working after placed as POT deco

Discussion in 'Release 27 Bug Forum' started by Roycestein Kaelstrom, Mar 18, 2016.

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  1. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    3/18/2016 10:17 AM
    Title: Wishing well stop working after placed as POT deco
    Reproduction Rate: 100%
    Blocker? No
    Details: Wishing well stop working after placed as POT deco. When double click it, I get, "The item (wishing well) doesn't seem to be doing anything."
    Steps to Reproduce: Place a wishing well as POT deco. Try to double click to throw money. Put it back in the backpack, try to put it as home deco, issue still occurs.
    User Specs:
    OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
    CPU: AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor (8) System RAM: 16284
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 GPU RAM: 4007
    Area: POT_grassland_metropolis_01_template
    Loc: (119.2, 41.2, -64.0)
  2. Attenwood

    Attenwood Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    This usually indicates that you had already received an item from the Wishing Well, and must then wait until the timer refreshes to be able to use it again. Can you verify that the well continues to not work after several days since first reporting?

    Additionally, when it's active and still able to reward an item on chance, it will ask for 1g when it is interacted with. If luck isn't on your side, you may continue to feed it gold until you do get an item, but then it will turn off and need to refresh before being used again.
  3. Roycestein Kaelstrom

    Roycestein Kaelstrom Avatar

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    That makes sense.

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