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    Be sure to include the types of payment accepted in your post [In Game Gold, COTOs/Crowns, or in game item trade]

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WTS Collectors Bundle

Discussion in 'Sell Items (WTS Gear, Decorations, Crafted Items)' started by Poor game design, Aug 10, 2016.

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  1. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    I'm selling the following 51 items as a bundle for collectors at the low price of $500.

    That's an incredible $9.80 per item! All items are unused and have 100% durability and max durability. If you missed out on Royal Founder rewards this is your chance to complete your collection!

    Accepting store credit only (price is non-negotiable), trade must happen in-game after I have received the store credit. PM me if interested.

    Benefactor's Cloth Tunic
    Benefactor's Vanduul Polearm
    Coconut "Mount"
    Flamming Coconut "Mount"
    Founder's Bow
    Founder's Cloth Cest Armor
    Founder's Cloth Gloves
    Founder's Cloth Leggings
    Founder's Cloth Shoes
    Founder's Cloth Tunic x 2
    Founder's Cutlass
    Founder's Leather Boots
    Founder's Leather Bracers
    Founder's Leather Chest Armor
    Founder's Leather Leggings
    Founder's Shield
    Founder's Two-Handed Axe
    Founder's Vanduul Polearm
    Iolo's Founder Crossbow
    Iolo's Lute
    Iolo's Royal Founder Crossbow
    Knight Marshall's Winged Helmet
    Lord Marshall Helm
    Metal Darklamp
    Nightmare Mask
    Plain Carnival Mask
    Royal Founder's Bow
    Royal Founder's Cloth Chest Armor
    Royal Founder's Cloth Chest Gloves
    Royal Founder's Cloth Leggings
    Royal Founder's Cloth Shoes
    Royal Founder's Cloth Tunic x2
    Royal Founder's Cutlass
    Royal Founder's Leather Boots
    Royal Founder's Leather Bracers
    Royal Founder's Leather Chest Armor
    Royal Founder's Leather Leggings
    Royal Founder's Mail Boots
    Royal Founder's Mail Gloves
    Royal Founder's Mail Leggings
    Royal Founder's Plate Boots
    Royal Founder's Plate Chest Armor
    Royal Founder's Plate Gauntlets
    Royal Founder's Plate Leggings
    Royal Founder's Shield
    Royal Founder's Two-Handed Axe
    Viking Guor Shield
    Viking Helmet
    Ankh of Virtue Necklace
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