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[RP + PvPvE - Event] Chapter 3: The Descended Avatar

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Cerus, Oct 18, 2018.

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  1. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    If I calculate correct it should be this saturday 2pm NBT. Can anyone tell me if this is correct?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
  2. Vicious Malice

    Vicious Malice Avatar

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    Corte welcomed her in his hall in Caelestis Canton and, looking at her serious face, closed and locked the doors. “The Master's secret has been exposed to a great number of avatars.”, was what she finally said, after a long time of silence. She proceeded to tell her sworn brother about all she had observed. Corte confirmed that he, as well, could not reach the Master telepathically anymore. “We must act, Corte. We must prevent them from stopping progress, enlightenment, and the new rise of the Obsidian way of life. We must assist our Master and his quest for greater power for all of us.” Corte was quick to agree. “What would you have us do?” Malice Lanart, whom most knew only by the name ”Maluna”, if they knew any name at all, took her time to ponder the question. “We must stop the traitor from turning more avatars against our cause and against our Master. Let us inform the Ebon Dawn of her prison break and her plans to disrupt the ritual, and let them handle her. I heard of a ritual site of the Ebon Dawn somewhere near Solace Bridge. I will head there, and let you know if I need assistance.” “And if the Ebon Dawn does not handle her?”, Corte asked. “Then we may have to find her and handle her ourselves.”, the woman replied with a grim smile.

    It was not hard to find the Ebon Dawn ritual site. One had to but follow the trail of undead. The shrouded woman moved in the shadows, trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible. She was lucky. Three men were just in the process of preparing a ritual. The woman watched for a moment, pondering the words that might make the men listen to her instead of attacking first and asking questions later as was the usual way of the Ebon Cultists. She could understand their need for acting like that, being misunderstood and hated everywhere, blamed for the flood of undead, prime targets for all avatars that wanted to earn a snow white shroud. She hoped her own black shroud and the greeting “A new age is dawning” would make them hold their attack long enough to allow her to voice her request. In vain. As soon as the three men noticed her, they attacked. They fell to her twin blades before even one word could be spoken. But as their blood soaked the ground, a female undead shape suddenly manifested. Malice backed away and started talking, even as the undead attacked her. Her master’s magic protected her from these attacks. She could have stood there for a long time without even defending herself. But no matter what Malice said, the undead woman seemed deaf to everything, in her rage and desire to see Malice fall. Perhaps that one does not deserve her unlife, Malice thought, and with two quick swirls of her blades ended it. Then she pulled a sheet of paper and a pen from her pocket and wrote a brief note “If there is someone here that has any sense, I have an information for you: The female prisoner from Blood Bay, the traitor, has escaped and is spreading falsehood and hate among the avatars to disrupt a ritual on May 4th. Handle your lost sheep. And send re-enforcements so we may secure the ritual site.” She did not sign the note. No use drawing attention to her person. The Master had kept her hidden for so long. There must be a purpose. Malice crouched down at the ritual site and picked up a skull that was laying there. She put the note clearly visible on the altar stone, then put the skull ontop to prevent the wind from taking it. It was all she could do.

    “We may have to fight, to prevent the ritual’s disruption. It might mean the end of us.”, she informed Corte. “I promise if we are to fight and die, we will take as many of them with us as we can, Sister. I will not go quietly into the night.”, was Corte’s proud reply. But before that, they’d have to consider all their options.
  3. Lesni

    Lesni Avatar

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    Central time of the event:
    Saturday 10/20/2018 2:00:00 PM = NBT Wodnesdai Maia 4, Sprengh 551 PC Midnight 00:00:00
  4. Net

    Net Avatar

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    March 13th
    I have received letters from @Gaelis and @Sindariya. They want to talk. Apparently there was a big gathering of avatars which I have missed as I was scouting the Dysborg Ruins till now. Also Gaelis mentioned she will be baking Apple pies. I do not waste any more time, and dash to PaxLair. Riya is not there yet which is good, because I can have freshly baked apple pie before she eats them all.
    Gaelis tells me about the meetings of avatars and we chat about her cooking. More serious matters can wait till Riya joins us. I tell her about my recent find, if she wants to get the best milk in Novia, she needs to get it from the healthiest cow and there is none living healthier than Ophelia in Jaanaford. Soon we are joined by Riya and can discuss our options. There are rumours of three dead avatars but I cannot believe that, avatars cannot die, not really. Or can they? Losing our temporal physical manifestation bodies is inconvenient, but our spirit lasts in the realm of Novia and can acquire new form. Is it possible that Obsidians have found a way to kill avatars for good? We need to be careful. I advise getting more familiar with stealth approach, as they cannot attack us if they cannot see us, and Riya tells me she is already working on it, but Gaelis is not yet familiar with the art of subterfuge.
    The next attack is supposed to happen in Dysborg ruins, an area which is not protected by Oracle and we need to be wary of other avatars who have fallen from their path. Neither of us is really strong and we agree we cannot join the main battle. We may be slain even by reckless avatars who would use powerful spells in the heat of the battle that we could not be shielded from. Gaelis and I are healers so we could help wounded outside of the main battle. I also know the area well, so I might be able to scout it for hidden threats. We agree to go, but to keep a safe distance from whatever conflict takes place and keep an eye on the surrounding areas.
    I will make a diary entry of our meeting.


    March 27th
    I am making final preparations. I need to decide what to leave at home and what to bring to battle. I lock my valuables at my home, take only a handful of reagents, then I am stopped. Dog II does not want to let me go. Has he sensed the danger ahead? Is he worried about my strange behaviour? I cannot take him with me. I have learned my lesson with Dog, I cannot heal when I lose my body. And that is almost certain to happen in Dysborg. I cannot explain that to Dog II though, I just need to leave him in safety for time being. I will ask Gaelis to keep an eye on him for now, as I set for Dysborg, to keep an eye on the area before other avatars and whatever evil forces arrive. I need to improve my stealth, learn how to survive in the area undetected. Become shadow within a shadow. Goodbye Dog II, I hope we will be reunited after this ordeal is behind me.

    - an excerpt from Net's diary
  5. CatherineRose

    CatherineRose Avatar

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    Resting in Devil's Lair in Mistrendur
    Snow, take this sad message to Boris.

    Boris, Boris by the time you receive this message the great battle will be over. If only you had not had to leave so soon and were here at this time. The dark clouds of deception are gathering at an alarming rate. Many of the avatars in our land whom we thought to be faithful followers of the Love, Truth and Courage are allowing themselves to be taken in by the power that they wish they could have. They are making this evil chose to have greater power than others in the land. Their eyes are being blinded and they do not see their own destruction that will surely come on them.

    My tears I give to you for I need to share this sad news. My heart is breaking for my friends across the land and for our residents in our towns.

    There is being planned a great battle on May 4th which can not be won with power and might yet our friends do not even realize this. There is only one thing that is able to conquer hate and revenge and evil. I am afraid that the blindness in them will become a permanent darkness on their very soul.
    Many in our land will don their armor as they gather in Dysborg to face this evil devil of an obsidian creature. Even those who will pick up the sword and increase their skill in magic to go engage in this battle may not be able to overcome this great power.

    The Misti Sea will be waiting for the fallen to grant them aide in applying dressing for the wounded and care for the dying. It is good to see that many of our greatest healers will be in attendance and many will bring resources as we wait together and pray together for the mercy that the sword to stop this evil will be swift and that the virtue of Love will not be defeated but will become victorious again in the hearts of all avatars.

    Duchess CatherineRose
    Jaesun, Gaelis, Rentier and 4 others like this.
  6. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Arkah travelled to Kahli to find Helvig, a person with whom he was familiar, to get insight on this Hemswal with whom he was unfamiliar, to try and get a better sense of motive.

    Arkah was acquainted with Helvig and had heard that she knew hemswal well. Arkah found this odd that somone like her would be associated with a power hungry assassin bent on murder. Something was off. He wasnt seeing the whole picture. Could Hemswal be under the influence of the power that tempted him? Has he always had a hatred for the avatars even being one himself?

    Arkah nervously wandered around Kahli until Helvig quickly motioned him into the meadhall. She led him to a chair where he sat and removed a chunk of dried wolf meat from his pack and offered her some. She held up a hand up and declined politely.

    “I haven't see you in ages, man! Arkah! To what do I owe the honor of you coming to Kahli?“ She grined recalling thier concert together.

    “I know! I was surprised when your name came up,” Arkah scratched his head nervously “Your not with the obsidians are you??”

    “No!” Helvig looked at him with a tired pale look”though people may enjoy spreading such rumors. The obsidians have been extinct for a long time.” She seemed taken aback. “What’s this about?”

    Arkah rubbed his face in frustration, “So you dont knowabout the comming battle?” He now felt his suspicion becoming confirmed.

    “Hem..”she caught herself “A persom who frequents this hall gave me a bague warning but thats about it.Something about a portal and great danger. Does it have to do with the obsidians?” She looked around nervously.

    Arkah turned and looked her dead in the eye. “Did hemswal warn you?”
    Heis mind began to race in chaotic fashion as he formed speculation upon speculation.

    “Yes, how did you know?” She returned his stare unblinking.

    Arkah furled his brow in worry and looked down at the floor, “are you with the obsidians?” He was finding it harder to trust anyone. But continued and i ternal fight to retain it.

    You don't trust me?” Helvig narrowed her gaze. “As far as I know the Obsidians have been extinct for a long time. They are no more. I am interested in their history, yes that is true. My own husband-to-be, who is a reknowned scholar of the virtues, translated and commented many books about their history.
    And nobody would ever accuse Olthadir of being an Obsidian1 Taht would be just as absured as calling me such! Did somone tell you this?”

    Arkah leaned back in his chaira bit more relieved ,”Im afraid i cant tell you who told me anything right now. The avatars as a whole are so steeped in deciet right now that trust and compassion are unheardof amongst the bulk of us.” He began picking at his fingernails. “Can you tell me about Hemswal and who he was as a person?”

    “Was?! Is he dead?!” Her eyes grew wide as she became even more pale.

    Arkah leaned forward, “No! No he’s not dead. At least not yet” he said, failing to be reasurring. He noted her reaction and genuine concern for his saftey and his mind began racing again.

    “Im begining to suspect the obsidian cabal has bewitched him,” Arkah suddenly looked puzzled as Helvig burst i to laughter.

    “Bewitched? Hemswal?” She scoffed a bit “Look, I do not know if I really know him. I am not sure anyone really knows Hemswal. But I know he is not one that I would consider prone to bewitchments. His mental strength is remarkable.” She began to look around nervously, “Hemswal is anarchmagus. He has incredible magic power.”

    Arkah raised a brow,”Well, he certainly does NOW. Are you aware ardoris was attacked via a magic portal? All manner of creatures from across novia attacked and killed many ardoris citizens, including the high priest and priestess.”

    “Ohh no!”helvig gasped” Olthadir will be very upset when he hears that. He admired them very much.”

    “The source was determined to be Dysborg” Arkah offered helvig more meat and she declined again with a slight smile, “where only a ebon dawn ritual was found to be underway. I’ve onserved themthere before , and its nothing powerful enough to create a portal for surprise attacks.”

    “I had eavsdropped on a meeting of avatars,” Arkah continued, “and heard a woman called Zaleena And she insisted it was an archmage named Aeddon guarded by an obsidian assassin named Hemswal.”

    “Hemswal? An Obsidian assassin?” She repeated withskepticism, “are we talking about the same Hemswal? The Hemswal I know is a leader of a reknowned order of magi. Yes, he wears a black shroud and despises the virtues. But only because he does not really know them. Those that do not know the virtues often intepret them wrong and find them too limiting, or feel them like shackles, as Hemswal says.”

    Arkah began to suspect hemswal was a chaos mage. “This woman mentioned a man claiming to be of the obsidian order meeting with hemswald and giving him tasks in exchange for obscene power.”

    “But Hemswal is already more powerful than most people I know. Besides: Are you saying the Obsidian Order is not extinct? They are still around?? “ she asked excitedly.

    Arkah rubbed his chin, “Tempting power can easily change anavatar. Did Hemswal alwayshave destructive tendency?”

    “Its hard to know his intent,” Helvig replied,”it always has been. Many people i know consider him evil incarnate. So much so that he left Helheim after wreaking havoc on them all, because he was sick of their constant animosity. But hemswal has done alot of good for Kahli in the past. Dont get me wrong, i dont really...” Helvig stops herself, “he has savedus from agressors in the past.”

    Arkah noted her nervousness again. “Well now he seems to be helping an archmage destroy cities.”

    “Well” Helvig thought, “if you believe theres truth to these rumors you should speak to @Tila Tinderfoot “

    Arkah stood and stretched “well thank you for the information.”

    “Please keep us informed” helvig said, seeing Arkah to the door.

    After a somewhat awkward meeting with Helvig, his suspicions grew as he made a mad dash for the border ready to find @Tila Tenderfoot
  7. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...

    Ariel, Fiona and Jude followed the South Longfall Road, talking about the good old times ...
    When crossing the Blood River they stood on the bridge for a while, watching the River, reminisced.

    Further north, where the path split north and east, Jude changed the direction, turning to the east.
    'Jude, is that the way where we have another meeting?', Fiona asked.
    'It is, Fiona. Let's enjoy to walk again through our very nice realm ...'
    Fiona started to play a lovely song on her lute, and Ariel and she sung about the good old times ...

    After Mariah Overlook they turned left, further to the north east, where they reached Crooked Shank.
    'Heard about that crazy major and what he've done?', Ariel asked.
    Fiona nodded. 'Of course, if we had time I would suppose a visit of this town!'
    'Let's do this on our way back, friends, or at least, after Khasi and Siranto are back! One rumor after another, right?'

    They crossed the Superstition Canyon and travelled further North, passing Highvale to end at the northern Resolute ...

    'Ah, I see!", Fiona and Ariel said together.
    Jude smiled. 'I am afraid I don't know what you're talking about? Let's enter, Miladys ...'

    Entering Resolute Jude led them to the Hall of Valor. Infront a well known man was astonished, the moment he recognized them.
    'Ariel, Fiona, what leads you to me? And who is the other virtuous person beside you? Another Outlander?'
    'Dupre! Nice to see you again. Didn't thought it would be this fast, but it's nice.', Ariel answered.
    'And our friend beside us is ...', Fiona started to sing nicely ...
    'It's just me ...', Jude said, taking off his helm.
    'Jude! What a surprise! Good to see you! How are you?'
    'I am fine, well - very fine under that circumstances, Dupre. How are you?'
    Dupre smiled. 'I am fine, too. And I am happy to see you again ...'
    'Let's go to the tavern, so we can talk and inform our friend about our plan...', Fiona said.

    ... to be continued ...
  8. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    Two days the “Dragon” sailed due west towards a small island that was both uninhabited and not on the Novian Map. The Sea Goddess only allowed those under her guidance to dock there. Boris has the ship docked and steps down to the sandy beach as night falls. A musical voice speaks to him a few yards offshore.

    “Your ship and crew will be safe under my protection yet you have one day to speak to your parents and the seer Laura then you must return to Novia”

    He knew that voice and briefly saw her luminous form above the sea surface.

    A blue vortex materialized in front of him and he walked through it. Suddenly he was back on a beach near the Trinsic Jungle and saw the familiar huts and people. A middle aged couple ran towards him and embraced him. “Son, you have returned home”.

    They both knew time was of the essence and led Boris to Lady Laura’s hut. She motioned him to sit on the straw mat and as she had done years ago brought out the sacred seashells. She invoked the ancestral spirits again as she dropped the shells on the mat twice noting how many faced up on each drop.

    Lord Mondragon; The sacred shells speak of a land in turmoil. A dark force awakens and those on the side of light gather. One woman leads this force which would not be together today had you not threatened one of theirs who has treacherous plans. If they are victorious then be careful of this woman as she may feel entitled to rule all of Novia. They consider you a threat to their plans and will betray you and your friends. There is one man and one woman you can trust. He gave your ship a home and will stand by your side. There is a woman who admires your courage and you must give her this necklace for protection. There is another man who fights alongside of you named Razulah. Follow his wisdom as he is also from this tribe and was sent to that new land ahead of you to ensure your safety. There will be many women in your life yet you will never have a life mate as that is your sacrifice.

    Boris spent the rest of the afternoon with his family and then went back to the beach to absorb Lady Laura’s message. Close to the midnight hour he bid goodbye and stepped through the vortex again.

    He stepped again onto the Dragon and greeted Razulah, “Brother; take us to Dragomir”. He saw the Sea Goddess extend her arms casting one more protection spell just as the storm approached behind them”
  9. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    Only a few weeks left till the battle in dysburg ruins. Net already left to prepare himself for the battle. I hope he will not hurt himself while wandering in this part of the world. At least Gaelis is safe for now. She left for Jaanaford to gather the best vegetables and catch the best fish for cooking. I admit I never valued food till I notice how proper cooked meals can support your health and strength. Both are working hard and I sit here. Worrying about death. I don' want to die, I'm afraid of it. This fear makes me a coward and I can't think of anything else. Perhaps I should just stay home. There is still so much I want to see, like the younger version of me Net and Gaelis found in Paladis Shardfall. Would be nice t know that I could be in two places at the same time. So even if one version would die, the other one would be safe and live. I spin the chaos spoon between my fingers. I'm not that strong to create a clone of me and send him to fight with my consciousness shared over both bodies. But what if I .... . Could that work? If it works it would be the one solution I need to survive. But I can't ask a master. They are to much focused on the magic they know and can teach. For this I have to create something new. I should speak with someone more open. I need to visit Savrenoc Stronghold.
    Gina is still living in this cave. She is quite surprised when I approach her with my idea. She is not opposed to my idea nor is she worried that it will not work. She is concerning the biggest issue with high level chaos magic. There is always a backfire. We discuss the details to create my own chaos magic spell for two days. We need another week to point out the possible backfires before I start my first try. During the first try the spell explodes already in my mind. Finding the correct order when combining spells is important. At the second try numb my tongue. I was never good at pronunciation and here I failed big. All good things are three. My target explodes. A wonderful and powerful explosion but that was never my intention. Chaos does not follow rules. The 4th time it finally works. The result is not worth mentioning. Gina is encouraging me. She didn't expected any positiv result within the first 50 tries. I have a soure smile on my face. I should go home and train there, the results will come on their own. And should have an eye on the backfire. The more I learn it now, the less I would be surprised when I really need the spell.

    Back home I need a rest. That was already tiring. But it is the first time since the avatar meeting I feel calm again. I found my solution to survive the battle. Now I can start thinking how this battle could benefit me. Knowing the magic for those portals would be indeed handy. But bowing my head for the obsidian is not an option. I spin my chaos spoon again and smile to myself.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
    Cerus, Rentier, Jaesun and 6 others like this.
  10. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...

    After they sat at a table and ordered food, Dupre was informed about their plan to resurrect Khasi and Siranto to safe the keeper of the Virtue of Love.
    Dupre nodded. 'That sounds like a great challenge, friends! I hope, you came here to invite me to join your party?'
    Jude smiled. 'Yes. That's one thing, why we are here. There is another one, Dupre!'

    Fiona and Ariel looked at Jude who sat between them.
    'There is?', they asked at the same time.
    'Of course, there is! You know, what is inside the Resolute Hall of Valor - beside the courageous Guards, I mean?'

    'Sure, we know, Ariel said.'
    Dupre, Jude and Fiona stared at Ariel.
    'Well, there is Declan Robinson!'
    'That's true, but not what I meant.', Jude said.

    'Ah, I know!', Fiona made a try.
    'Well, of course - there is the lovely Ann Faraday!'
    'That's lovely true, but not exactly, what I meant'
    Dupre smiled.
    'So you encouraged me to have a try, too! Anne Faraday isn't just courageous, she enjoys reading and collecting rare books of all sorts ..'
    'You got it, Dupre! We must speak to her. May be she knows more.', Jude confirmed his thoughts.
    'Then don't waste time!', Ariel jumped up, very excited, if Ann Faraday could tell something about that Obsidian parchment ...

    Two minutes later they stood infront of the books together with Ann Faraday.
    'The Obsidian parchment of resurrection and body creation! Oh, what would I do to see it once in my life!'
    'So you know about?', Dupre asked.
    'Of course, every courageous enthusiast of Obsidian History would, that's true!'
    'So please, tell us, what you know about, please!', Jude asked impatiently ...
    'Well, not really much. There are told myths about different elements would be needed to awake a new body. I don't know, what this should mean at all.'
    The companions showed a knowing smile.
    Ann continued, a bit confused, 'The parchment was used with a secret writing to prevent it from to be detected. That's all I know, unfortunately ...'
    'But, if a secret writing was used, how should anybody know this parchment?', Ariel asked.
    'That's the trick, why nobody ever found it ...', Fiona said downhearted ...

    'But there is one thing more, I can tell you! Sorry, I just remembered it!', Ann Faraday said.
    'Go on, we are really excited!', Dupre confessed.
    'Alleged not the sunlight itself, but the four elements would reveal the hidden!'
    'Fire, water, air and earth - again.' Jude took a long breath, and closed his eyes for a short while ...
    'Again the 4 ements ... Well, thank you very much, Ann, you helped us!'

    They left the Hall of Valor.
    Fiona asked interested: 'How did she helped us, Jude?'
    'First: We have to look at a place, where is no sunlight. Second: Their should be a parchment, which should look like a normal parchment, because noone should be interested in it.
    Third: The room we're looking for, should provide the opportunity to use the 4 elements!'

    Jude's 3 companions were really astonished.
    'Jude, how could you read that information from a few words?', Dupre asked.
    'Well, if you have that time I used to have, watching people around the whole day, you get aware of all that stuff between the lines ...'

    'What do you think, Jude, where it is hidden?', Ariel asked.
    'I just can imagine one place: The Vault!'
    'But Jude, all of us, and a lot more people have been there! There is nothing but this old sarkophagus, spider webs, traps and that old obsidian chest...', Fiona doubted his words.

    Jude smiled. 'Remember that old shack in Shuttered Eye, Fiona?'
    Fiona nodded and knew what he wanted to tell her. 'Appearances are deceiving ... I hope you are right, Jude. I really hope so!'

    'We have no other choice. That's the only track we have to follow!', Dupre confirmed.
    'That girl, who revealed who was responsible for that attack on Ardoris told us the day, they will start their ritual!', Jude continued.
    'May 4th.', Ariel said.
    'So let's stay the night here in Resolute. Tomorrow morning we will leave very early.'
    It was decided. They took a meal and went to bed a few hours later ...
    Jude watched the stars from his bed, full of hope and love, tears in his eyes.
    Tomorrow would be the day to get proof ...

    ... to be continued ...
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
    Cerus, Rentier, Sindariya and 4 others like this.
  11. Net

    Net Avatar

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    April 7th
    I pursue my plan to stay hidden in the upcoming encounter. I do not know many avatars and until I know who I can trust and who deserves my help, I need to stay hidden. I also need to survive till someone needs my help. What good is a dead healer to anyone? I consult the undisputed master of subterfuge, the legendary Birko Babbage in Ardoris. He helps me to improve my technique greatly. I train under his command until I become almost as good as he is. I am no master yet, but I am close. I need more experience from the battlefields to match and surpass his abilities. Still, I am rather happy with the progress I made. I ask him if he does know any other way to help me stay undetected. He is evasive with the answer and it becomes clear to me that he is highly suspicious of improving ones technique using magic, but there is powerful Moon Mage in Kingsport that might help me. I thank him for the help and hire a boat to Hidden Vale.

    April 22nd
    Finally we have landed. The seas were rough the last few days. There were storms and it is still raining. Luckily the waters were bit calmer near Kingsport so we could dock safely. I get out of the ship and talk to Laura, Master of Lunar Magic. Her knowledge is great and I learn how to enhance and improve my stealth abilities using magic. Laura is pleased that it is raining today, as it will make practice harder, but it will also mean it will be easier for me to use what I learn under the stress of the upcoming battle. She also explains to me how seeing without being seen can change the outcome of the battle, that the lunar magic is not only about stealth but also about seeing in the darkness of night and that it is strongest at night time. I also need to keep an eye on powerful solar mages as they can negate stealth effects of lunar magic.
    I need to beware of the risks and stay in the shadows, combining the knowledge of both professionals might help me to stay hidden until I choose to reveal myself. I feel I am ready to set off to Dysborg now and stay hidden there until my time comes.


    - an excerpt from Net's diary
    Aeryk, Jaesun, Cerus and 6 others like this.
  12. Boris Mondragon

    Boris Mondragon Avatar

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    Docking at your port soon
    The storm was brutal and the "Dragon" was barely ahead of it yet it was beneficial as well. The two day travel from the hidden island only took one and the lights of Dragomir allowed the ship to arrive late at night. Boris knew it was not the right time to make any noise nor alert the city so they docked next to the "Misty Sea" and waited for the sun to rise.

    The sun rose over Dragomir and Boris stepped down from the "Dragon", he approached the guards who blocked his path with a look of concern about this renegade pirate.

    "Gentlemen, please let the Duchess know Captain Mondragon has arrived with important news"

    The guards looked at him again in his storm soaked attire and turned to the other guards further down the dock.

    "Guards, let the royal guard and the Duchess know we have a Captain Mondragon here seeking her council. seems like him and his crew need accomodations as well and a bath".

    Boris leered at the man for his lack of respect yet with his fame as a renegade pirate he pretended not to hear those last words.
    Jaesun, Gaelis, Cerus and 6 others like this.
  13. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...

    Ariel, Fiona, Dupre and Jude left Resolute early in the morning.
    They passed Highvale and crossed the Superstition Canyon.
    Instead of the path leading further to Crooked Shank, they took the path North and passed the Verdantis foothills to the Northwest.
    After crossing the North Naryard Pinelands, they reached Harvest.

    'Remember that spooky house on the hills?', Jude asked his companions.
    'How shouldn't we!', Dupre said. 'Unforgettable...'
    'Remember those childs face as we came back one by one and each of us telling them another story about what happened?', Ariel laughed.
    'Yeah, that was a pleasure!', Fiona sung in a special creepy voice ...
    Jude smiled. 'Journey onward!'

    After a while they paused again, watching the silhouette at the horizon ... Dysborg Ruins ...

    'May this be a day to remember forever! Fiona, I hope, tomorrow, on our way back, to listen to a new epic song!', said Jude.
    'When courage, truth and love united, when all elements combined, this will be a day remembered, in eternity world wide ...', Fiona started.
    'Fiona! What won't you understand about 'on our way back?' ', Ariel asked.
    'Ah, of course, it just was - that moment - it was, I mean it is, so heroic ...'

    While having this special kind of heroic feeling, each of them knew very well, they went further, calm, listening to the birds, singing a peaceful song.
    'Peace and calm - before the storm?', Dupre said - more to himself.
    'Storms come and go, Dupre.', Ariel answered.
    'Can you feel that storm, raising up over there ...', Fiona started euphoric and stopped abrupt, all eyes on her...

    'Here we are!', Jude said, while opening his arms wide.
    'Again ...', added Dupre.
    'One more time ...', Ariel said.
    And Fiona complemented: 'Hopefully the last time ...',

    ... to be continued ...
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
    Jaesun, Gaelis, Cerus and 4 others like this.
  14. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... somewhere in the Perennial Coast ...

    The last weeks after the Ardoris assault, I heard a lot of rumors.

    I wondered about a very busy looking Jude, not asking about one coin ...
    And than I recognized him leaving with Fiona Fitzowen! Would be very interesting to know, what there is going on?
    Fiona has a heart for the poor! That's great.

    Than that girl, explaning what will happen at Dysborg Ruins!
    It scared a lot of people ...

    However, I decided to visit Dysborg Ruins soon. Sure, it's very dangerous at this moment.
    But have I asked about danger at any time before, since I am living in this realm?
    I don't think so.

    Alot of us will be there. And I hope we will remember our abilities to fight from the distance.
    So the best can fight brave infront of us, while we use ranged weapons and magic to help them.

    And if negative outlanders will show - well, we are majority!

    Saying goodbye to my friend nicly Squirrel, dropping a handful nuts for him.
    I put some items in a chest and leave my house.
    All armor and weapon can be crafted again.
    The Virtues are my armor and shield - I never can lose them ...
    This is one of those special moments in the history of this planet.

    Walking down the road with my companion ICY, I wonder, if someone informed Lord British about this incident?
    However, it will be great to stand side by side with all those virtuous Avatars!
    We will outdare the Cabalists ...
  15. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    Perennial Coast
    ... MEANWHILE ...

    The four companions walked one after another into the Dysborg Vault.
    'Nothing has changed - all that time ...', Ariel said, while they - careful - passed the traps.
    'Yes, seems so. That special smell - no other Vault smells this way, I tell you!', Fiona gave her feedback.
    Jude freezed abrupt. He took a deep breath and nodded. 'You're right, Fiona, never recognized that ...'
    Dupre, first in row, jumped down. 'And also the water is still here! Really, nothing changed ...'

    Jude walked to the sarcophagus and examined it. 'Dupre, gimme a hand, please'.
    Together they opened it.
    'Seems to be the same bones as years ago.', Dupre stated.
    'Yes, and I wonder, why nobody ever took that old note away?', Jude said, while examining the interior of the sarcophagus.
    'Why? A note with a kind of mysterious scribbling no one can read is needless - like the old bones ...', Fiona shouted from the other side.

    'I found something!', Ariel shouted from inside the other flooded floor.
    'What is it?' Fiona asked.
    'Well, this old barrel. Don't know, if it was here last time. But I just opened it.'
    'And?' Fiona asked again.
    'Hm - I can't tell. It looks like ... a kind of eggs, maybe?'
    Fiona came close to the barrel. 'Let's see. This are - hm ... something rotten?'
    'Dupre, you are our gourmet. Have a look, please!', Ariel called him.
    'Let's see ...', Dupre came very close, took a few of that ... He smelled and than squeezed one.
    'Yeah, I know what it is - or what it was ...'.
    'What's it? Jude asked and turned around.'
    'Lemons! It's a barrel full of - very old - lemons!'
    Ariel and Fiona laughed, saying together:
    'Another batch of lemonade!'
    Dupre looked confused. 'What?'
    'If life provides sour lemons, let's make sweet lemonade!', Ariel answered amused.
    'How interesting is that! We found rotten lemons, so now we know, why it's smelling so different in this Vault!', Fiona shouted.
    'We revealed a very spectacular secret!', Ariel joked.

    Jude seemed to be absorbed in thought for a while, leaning against the sarcophagus.
    After a long and calm moment, Ariel said: 'Jude, what do you think?'
    No response.
    Fiona tried: 'Jude? What's up?'
    No response.
    Dupre smiled, shaking his head.
    'JUDE!', he yelled.
    No response.

    They looked at each other, shrugging, than gazed at Jude.

    'What', Dupre started.
    'the', Fiona added.
    'heck?', Ariel finished, what had to be said ...

    It seemed an endless time, but suddenly Jude was saucer-eyed!
    He turned around, grasping something from the sarcophagi.

    'Jude?', Fiona asked very slow.
    'Listen!', Jude shouted very excited, 'Remember the words of Ann Faraday in Resolute?'
    'Of course', Ariel answered, 'that about the 4 elements, no sunshine ...'
    'Right! Revealed by the 4 elements! What could be the meaning?'
    'Jude, if we would know, we would tell you!', Ariel answered.
    Jude was quite put out about something.
    'Well, the 4 elements. Earth, Fire, Water, Air!'
    'Yes, Jude, that's a very old knowledge, nearly as old as the universe ...', Ariel said.
    'No, you don't understand the meaning.'
    'So tell us, please, Jude!', Fiona said impatiently.

    'Sorry, friends. Ok. Let's try: The so-called parchment is what we can hold in our hands!'
    'Yes, that seems true.', Ariel nodded.
    'Like this mysterious parchment from the sarcophagus, which no one would recognize as something important. It's the material we see and can hold, it's materialized. It's the earth element!'
    'Okay, a lovely description, Jude', Fiona confirmed.
    'So look at that old unnoticed parchment: The scriber wrote something on it, right?'
    'Right, Jude.', Dupre confirmed.
    'How did he wrote it?'

    Jude seemed to get more and more - strange?

    'Well, Jude, I suppose, he used a feather and ink?', Fiona said, no clue, what Jude was talking about.
    'Right again! Ink is the element water!'
    'Okay, Jude. Now we have earth and water. Go on.', Ariel told him.
    'Don't look at me as I am - got crazy!', Jude shouted. 'Listen careful! What element made this ink solid on paper`?
    'Air?', Dupre asked careful.
    'Yes! Yes. That's it, Earth is the parchment, Ink is water and air is what connected them.'
    'Ok, Jude, sounds a kind of logical. But what about the last element? Fire?'
    Jude smiled. 'Trust me! Dupre, light up the torch over there!', he shouted.
    Dupre got the torch and it was lighted by Ariel.
    'Don't move, Dupre. Hold that torch, okay?'

    Jude showed the useless parchment to them. 'Do you know, how it smells?'
    'Paper?', Fiona said.
    'Ink?', Ariel added.
    'I suppose, there is something more, isn't it, Jude?', Dupre asked.
    'There is! Yes, all of you are right.' With this sentence he brought the parchment carefully close to the torch.
    'The last element: FIRE!'
    'So you will teach us the lesson about burning something useless?', Ariel asked, shaking her head, 'and than, you suppose, the secret parchment appears?'

    'Yes, and no!'
    Ariel rolled her eyes.
    Jude continued, while moving the paper infront of the flame:
    'No, I will show you, how the 4 elements reveal ...'
    After a moment he took the parchment close to his eyes.
    'We got it!', he shouted very loud. 'We got it!'
    'We got what, Jude? Share your secret knowledge!', Fiona shouted amused.
    'Move closer, friends and watch this old parchment!'
    Ariel, Fiona and Dupre did so and looked at the parchment.

    'JUDE!', Fiona cried out loud. 'You found it!'
    'So true as it is, Fiona! Oh Jude, you are wonderful! Please, forgive me my thoughts a few minutes ago!, Ariel said.
    'Never tell me what your thoughts were and I forgive you.', Jude laughed.
    Dupre nodded. 'Indeed, we found it - that ... mysterious obsidian parchment! How could someone know, it could be that easy!'
    Jude's bright eyes showed, how he felt. He was full of love! Now they could do it! They could bring back Khasi and Siranto!

    'Yes, writing letters with lemon is a very old trick to create secret messages. But writing nonsense on the same paper makes the deceit perfect!', Jude told.
    'I am very happy, friends. But let's get out and back to Ardoris!', Dupre said.
    'You're right, Dupre. No time to enjoy this historical heroic moment. Good, that Fiona will write an epic poem about, so we can enjoy it until the rest of our life!', Ariel told with a twinkle.

    Suddenly a very deep voice from behind was heard ...
    The torch was blown out.

    They freezed. Dupre's hand reached for his hilt.
    Ariel, Fiona and Dupre turned around.
    Infront of the sarcophagus, the wall behind them, there was no way to flee.
    'Solis', Ariel muttered and they faced the Arrival - their hackles raised ...

    ... to be continued ...
  16. Net

    Net Avatar

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    May 1st
    I found perfect location to stay hidden. I can observe the K'kong in the distance, Ebon Cultists performing their dark rituals, I am pretty sure the action will take place nearby. The floating shards in the circular area might be the power source for the next portal. I might be able to heal my allies from safety. Maybe not very courageous thing to do, but then suicidal courage will not get me far. The attack on Ardoris proved I need to be smart, I need to stay ahead of the enemy, and to do so I need to observe and learn.

    - an excerpt from Net's diary
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
    Aeryk, Rentier, Jaesun and 6 others like this.
  17. Antrax Artek

    Antrax Artek Avatar

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    It 'a rainy day in New Heaven, the shadow of clouds caresses the faces of those who leave their homes today to join the noble cause, a lightning beats the sky as an omen that something terrible is going to happen.


    The brave members of the Antrax's Army prepare their weapons and provisions to travel to the ruins of Dysborg.


    They do not know what awaits them, but the duty to protect the inhabitants of New Britannia is stronger than any fear, their chief Antrax Artek sails with his soldiers from the thriving port of new heaven while the inhabitants sadly greet their loved ones.
  18. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    Only one week left. My training finally pays off. I can not only use my spell in any situation, I also know now all backfire that can happen and be prepared for them. My has a lot of bruises and cuts thanks to the backfire, but that is a small price to pay to survive a critical situation.

    Today I also recieved a package from Gaelis with good and healthy meals. Sadly there is also a letter in it that tells me, that she can't join the battle on may 4th. While she was in Jaanaford she also visited Ophelia. Net recommended it. When she tried to milk this cow the accident happend. Ophelia seems ticklish and stepped on her foott. All bones were crushed in her left foot. Although she is a good healer she could only set all bonefragments where they belong. She couldn't let the bone heal, it has to heal by itself. This way she would be no help at the battlefield. So sad this news, I'm kinda reliefed. One friend less I could see die. And it gives me the oppurtunity to send Leeroy to her to look after him. That way this guy is also safe. He would only cause more trouble than he could help in a fight. Time to leave this house and travel to harvest. I need to do some preparations there.
    Cerus, Rentier, Jaesun and 4 others like this.
  19. Hemswal The Descended

    Hemswal The Descended Avatar

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    To anyone paying attention... You may have noticed a visible dark energy emanating from an unknown avatar, wandering across the lands. Does this dark avatar have anything to do with any of this recent tension and death? Perhaps the recent issues are coming to a head? Perhaps finding this dark avatar is the answer to ending all of these attacks? Who is to say? Who is to say...?

    We. Shall. See.
    Cerus, Rentier, Jaesun and 4 others like this.
  20. Sindariya

    Sindariya Avatar

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    The battle starts in 1 hour. The doom is near.
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