@chris why does magic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brass Knuckles, Mar 11, 2019.

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  1. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I’m wondering why magic is so heavily resisted and or immune on so much of the high end content? Physical attacks don’t have Any content that’s immune or has the level of resistance magic attacks have, in addition there are skills like puncture or piercing shot that avoids armor.

    Envy angel immune to my sun/moon/ice arrow as in 6 stacks for 0 damage. But all physical attacks eat her up. 1305 in sun 1600 in moon 1268 in water all zeros. However my 1050 in archery is butter on all of this stuff. And most oddly magic does not get auto attack and has slower cast charge time.Physical attacks get Auto attack on physical and that = huge dps then add poison as the cherry on top with a sneak attack option.

    Ravenmourn lich immune

    Rise lich boss near immunity (except banish)

    Dragons extremely resistance to fire(ok I get that one but also sun and I’d think they would take extra damage from water.

    The spider queen hugely resistant to all my magic

    This isn’t a rant I’m just wondering if you realize this?

    @devilcult I think you have a large list as well of stuff immune?

    Edit: forgot to tag @Chris
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2019
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  2. Senash Kasigal

    Senash Kasigal Avatar

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    The only spell I could do damage with was banish undead. Then an archery guildmate came to aid us and shot Envy like nothing. That was fun. Especially because we were livestreaming this and I had to bite my tongue to not use bad language.
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  3. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I’m thinking at this point they don’t realize it seams every boss type these days are like this.

    I can see a mob coming with high resistance in a school every once in a while but all schools all boss types nah something is wrong in the code someplace.

    Based on the fact spells are slower to stack and cast and they don’t have auto attack I’d think they would be a tad higher on the damage side than their counter parts.
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  4. Chiasma

    Chiasma Bug Hunter

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    I like playing as a mage when I first joining SOTA. But I changed to train bludgeon skill too as I cannot kill ghost fast in starting area. Sadly, most end game boss immune to magic or having high magic resistant. I can only play as a healer in a group or do some low damage bludgeon attack on them.
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  5. Vero

    Vero Avatar

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    a little 'advocate of devil';

    Agree on magic resist being to high for the most part but:

    'a while ago' allot of high-end bosses were 'not/hardly' killable at all with magic, now we can! (by far against all mobs, don't get me wrong)

    - We kill dragons with different magic (dragons are burned down alive, earthmagicced down or shredded by death magic to give some examples)
    - We can fry the firechicken with firemagic stupid easy
    - We 'can' kill liches with fire (like ravensmoor lich, compendulum lich etc)

    OK: Reading my own comments here i come to the conclusion that first off fire is OP with the right gear/int/attu/resist debuff. that being said: it's not that our magic can't hurt against bosses at all :p

    Totally agree on topic tho! it sucks to see 0 dmg popup with some insanely high level magic skills versus for example Envy Angel. totally agree

    Would love to see some changes to magic resist but since spec we are able to do some more end-game with more builds then very specific nichy builds.
  6. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    I guess I will have to take a weapon skill up again.
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  7. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Yea fire is the best for sure but even that there are many that is immune to fire @devilcult has a list of several he cannot kill with fire.

    The big issue is why magic is so discriminated against with the high end content stuff, it’s counter part physical damage is faster has auto attack nothing is immune to its damage type and has many skills that avoids armor al together and then there is the reg cost side I’ve not even mentioned.

    If you want to be a mage and kill end game stuff U’ll need a physical off set.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
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  8. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    From all the testing I have done Melee / archery has the most advantage over everything with the exception of PVP. from a DPS view Mages can hit big numbers with stacks but are very limited on cool downs to the amount of over all dmg they can output. When compared to All other physical classes they at least have auto attacks that can out perform all mages through speeds and unlimited sustained dmg. I think this needs to be looked at for some more balance. I am currently forced to either use my mage and grind slow on bosses or a melee which can rip them down like butter as posted above. This kind of sucks for a mage that wants to just play magic. I also feel like OP said that there are too many bosses that I can count that are super magic resist, where none exist that dont take dmg from physical.
  9. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    Doesn't this fall under the risk vs reward thing people are always looking at (despite risk vs reward being completely wrong in sota)?
    Melee have to be close to do any sort of damage and if you can hit it, it can hit you.

    They are completely different play styles and shouldn't really be compared in doing a single activity. Yes, melee might be better at bosses but mages / archer are better at other things. My wife plays a mage and I'm swords, I kill the demon faster than she does but she can gain twice the xp and loot I can in pretty much any scene with AOE and ranged capabilities.
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  10. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    How do you justify 0’s ?

    As in :

    3 days later
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  11. Scoffer

    Scoffer Avatar

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    I don't think I understand the question.

    Unless you mean Rend on undead which is about 80% of the things you are fighting in every scene.
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  12. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Fight for envy angel as a example 140 seering ray with crazy attunement hits for 0 damage Every time I use it. Same with ice arrow and meteor storm. There are many bosses with results close to this.

    When I switch To a bow she’s dead in 5, spider boss my crazy high attunement barley scratches her but my arrows hit for-awesomeness and though I’m gm In ranged non spec and Im barley the close to what I have in sun, water or air magic levels.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
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  13. kaeshiva

    kaeshiva Avatar

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    Magic immune bosses are one of the most frustrating aspects of Sota for me. I too have to keep ranged tree levelled for 'contingencies' - envy angel no exception.

    With 255 earth attunement I can, at last, take down a dragon with my wands on. And it takes twice as long as with a lvl 100 melee skill. For like x200 the xp investment.
  14. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    I played all the mage classes and spec'd each, as well blades, bludgeon, archery. I can tell you being that I was lighting for 90% of the game with Sun that well yes in some scenes the aoes can take down lower level mobs faster, At the higher tiers 10+ there is a much larger balance issue. Range and Melee are 100% comparable and I will tell you why. As a blade I fought dragons, and Boss tolls solo right up close and personal. I also play my archer the same right in your face for those bosses as the fights play the same for me. Both can rip them down very easy, although I found it much easier as a blade with rend even though the bow seems to output more dps. As a Mage with 130skills I can shoot 6-12 good hits then its cool downs for about 1 minute, there is no sustainable DPS. Using wands to hit is very small dmg, using artifact focus = no dmg as well so we dont have that autoattack dmg in between anything. Where a Melee / archer can output hundreds of dmg well they are on cool down. Even looking at the biggest hits recorded in the game its not mages that hold the title, so not only do melee / ranged get massive crits with unlimited attacking, Mages simply can't compete. Mages can however output a large short burst which is great for low health mobs but any of the higher tier zones with mobs 4000k+ health you will find its very imbalanced to the point that most mages are required to have a melee build unless they want to do things much slower.

    Take Boss trolls in Ruined keep. Mage can do it solo, however they can get 3 kills vs a melee or ranged that can do 8 kills in the same amount of time. That is fully testing the top mage builds in these tiers. I am simply asking for a little more balance there should not be that size of a gap. Can you imagine what it would be like if all your auto attacks were on stamina pool and depleted every 45 seconds... That is what a mage life is like when they are not resisted.

    As to a mage being up close and personal vs melee that is a choice. Ask anyone I can tank as a mage just fine in multiple decks.
  15. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    This game was touted as being a game where you had free choice of build, but as a mage I soon discovered that I needed to level up several schools of magic, not just one. Later I discovered I needed a melee build to switch to because of the magic immunity of so many mobs. When I started playing SotA, I expected to be able to create an identity with a certain magic skill set and identify with that skill set.
    It has been extremely disappointing to have to spread my XP thin across so many different builds. And I haven't enjoyed it.
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  16. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    I honestly Think the devs are not aware hence the reason for the thread, @DarkStarr or anyone for that matter :)
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  17. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    I think death and fire are fine, but a lot of the other schools suck against pretty much every boss afaik.
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  18. Lord Tachys al`Fahn

    Lord Tachys al`Fahn Avatar

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    Give Chris' livestreams a watch to see how aware they are...
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  19. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Yea I’ve seen him play I’m not surprised but at least he’s playing now!!!!

    I remember I grouped with him in krul and was like wow what’s he doing lol. I’m more concerned that this stuff is correct than him knowing how to play a character build.

    I’m also surprised that multi shot can out dps banish in upper tears now. Banish only works against undead it should beat multi there.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
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  20. DavidDC

    DavidDC Programmer Moderator SOTA Developer

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    i spoke about this for so long i abandonned the idea that they ever balance the game right, imagine ep2...
    now we got that new bow that does 2x what polearm could do...
    Its not the game that need a fix but the guy implementing all this ;p
    My guess is they gonna break the game so much til ep2 that people will have no choice to agree for a wipe, watch it go.
    Brass Knuckles likes this.
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