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Construction Decoration Set! (as promised from the R60 Livestream)

Discussion in 'Developer Work and Blog posts' started by Scottie, May 4, 2019.

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  1. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    You're very welcome, and glad to be of service!

    As far as collision issues go, yes indeed, they are some of the most exasperating, even for us developers... That's why I was very particular when creating sets of things like all the chimney sets and such, hoping to make the collision and stack-ability as smooth and functional as possible... In fact, now that I've discovered this recent functionality trick, I may go back and add it to all of those as well! So, yes, in cases where I can, I will gladly try to fix the most egregious examples of the stuff you are referring to as I can... Of course, unlike UO where the art was a 2-D pixels, the polygon meshes of SotA still require, and are thus limited by, their collision shapes... Sometimes we can be very precise with them, and sometimes we are required to use a simple box-collider, which disallows the kind of precision you'd probably prefer...

    However, yes, if there are particularly egregious example deco objects or deco sets that you would love for me to take a stab at, feel free to PM me and if I'm able to fix it I will... Just include a screenshot of the problem that needs fixing, a brief description of your concern, and the specific name of the deco object in question.

    Scottie ^_^
  2. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    OK! I have fixed it such that now, these 8 divider and bulletin board objects will accept other "hang-able" objects being hung on their appropriately-large vertical surfaces. I was even able to add and tweak basic box-collider shapes for the ones with the inset surfaces so that the wooden slats will no longer "cross over" particularly shallow painting canvas surfaces as they did in the earlier example image... These changes should be able to take effect in the next milestone, I'm assuming...
    I chose to ignore adding this functionality to the "hospital"-style room dividers, because they are supposed to be made of thin cloth, and it wouldn't make sense to allow the hanging of items like torches and painting and such stuff...

    I'll have to look into all the crafted "Castle" style walls from Recipe Vendors later, as those account for enormous and complicated items that have enough random protrusions that adding this functionality could prove problematic... I'll have to experiment with those before I can determine whether the fix will work or not... I'll let you folks know as I go, in another thread!

    Scottie ^_^
  3. Cora Cuz'avich

    Cora Cuz'avich Avatar

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    Veritas Sanctuary
    A god among men.
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  4. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Wow! Thanks @Scottie.

    [edit] Hey, I have a small request. Currently, the moondials are treated like statues. In other words, they are not placeable on other objects. I have always wanted to place a crafted moondial on top on a crafted fountain. I think this would look great! Do you think you could make it so that the regular size moondials can be placed on top of other objects?
    Scottie likes this.
  5. Arkah EMPstrike

    Arkah EMPstrike Avatar

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    Also the constellations on the moondials (Not the planets!!!) need to be rotated 3 spaces counter-clockwise to match the in-game sky
    Jaesun, Scottie and Barugon like this.
  6. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    That's great Scottie. The color of the flyers was so muted players didn't notice them easily. Also for example I have a class I named Music 101 I offer in my School of Rock and I wanted to make a certificate of completion for participant's to hang on their wall but all we have is a flyer that is not noticed that easily to use. If we could get flyers of different sizes, shapes, maybe with borders, etc for things one day that would be amazing. So I'm just putting that out there. Thanks again for adding things we can place on surfaces.
    Scottie likes this.
  7. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    This may merely have to do with the settings in the Asset file for that sized Moondial... I'll need to do a bit of testing to make sure... When you say "regular" sized, do you mean the ones that are about as wide as a character is tall?

    Hmnnn! This may be an issue for the fellow who created the code to make the positioning of Moondial elements match the skybox... I actually have no control, in the art, to make this happen... Let me see if I can create a JIRA about it so the programmer in question can take a look and hopefully fix it... To my knowledge, everything had been working fine with it before, so it's possible something may have recently broken the code... Thanks for the head's up about this!
  8. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    I'm glad the functionality I added seems to do what you had hoped... I couldn't find a "rose" you had mentioned to test... Is a rose something you've been able to "hang" on walls in the past?

    As far as new Flyer styles go, I'll create a JIRA for some, and see if that's possible. If I recall correctly, what let the individual flyer that already exists work before, was the fact that it was "hard-coded" to function specially (before I figured out a way to let you hang other stuff too"... I'll need to mention what I did to the programmers to make sure I didn't mess up their special "Flyer" code by adding this new functionality... That special code they made seemed to only allow one kind of specific flyer... Hopefully what I did will allow other kinds to be used... I'll let you know what I find out! ^_^
    Lord Stein, majoria70, Jaesun and 2 others like this.
  9. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Yes. Specifically the crafted moondial.
    Scottie likes this.
  10. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Yes roses and bouquets already work on the bulletin board as long as it is on a lot but does not work if the bulletin board is placed on a pot. Then only flyers work. Hopefully we can brighten the yellow color do these can be noticed better. Such progress we are making for QOL. I just love it.
    Scottie likes this.
  11. Nick

    Nick Avatar

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    @Scottie, would it be too much to ask if you could also create partition wall pieces (concrete) with hang-able functions? Trying to create partitions in a house or dungeon using wooden dividers just doesn't look that good in many instances.
    Scottie and Alley Oop like this.
  12. Flientje Vantmeeden

    Flientje Vantmeeden Localization Team

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    Thank you @Scottie, you are amazing!
    Scottie, Barugon and majoria70 like this.
  13. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    That's great and as mentioned the flyers themselves don't stand out much. If these could be improved and other variations like framed different sizes and shapes it would be great. Flyers hang on walls, columns, podium, and more but not on blocks, castle and Palisades walls of course which we can't yet deco. We already have some variations you made Scottie like Christmas cards and Valentine's Day cards but these don't hang on anything. Lots of possibilities to improve.

    If you're in game Scottie sometime check out my music trivia wall as an example. This wall is on the 3rd floor and signs point to the walk of fame. I had to use signs and flyers to put the trivia on display but again so many don't read signs ATM which is sad to me when trying to create interesting situations. School of ROck is located in Wizards Rest behind Owlshead in Hidden Vale. Thanks again for listening to us and for caring about the game with us. It means so much.
    Scottie and Time Lord like this.
  14. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    Ah! OK, I'll check into all the ones that are available at this size... It may be a settings issue with all of them...

    Thanks for the head's up!
  15. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    Hmnnn! Strange! It will be interesting to see whether my changes have fixed (or broken) any of that existing "functionality"... Please forgive me if what I did breaks anything, and I'll be glad to try to fix it (if so), it's just that I have no ability to test things on the QA server (where I would be able to access POTs and such)... And since we don't really have a "QA" department anymore, I'm left stuck waiting for a build to see if people tell me things are broken and need fixing...
  16. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    I'll see what I can do! Creating any new assets like that means going through Starr and making sure that a handful of other people have the time to set anything I make up as an asset that players can actually "get their hands on"... I can add fun new art to the game all day, but unless those three or so other folks are given time to set them up on the store, or for in-game merchants to have in stock (or whatnot), players won't be able to "get" them anywhere to use... I certainly think this is a good suggestion for a new item, though, for the exact reasons you mention. And it wouldn't really take me that long at all to create and test... ^_^
  17. Scottie

    Scottie Master Artisan SOTA Developer

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    Yes,...the sad thing about these particular items is that, for each item, the choice has to be made to either mark them to lay flat on a horizontal surface, or "hang" flat on a vertical surface... An individual object can't do both, the way the code needs to work... Regardless of the new functionality I discovered I could add to allow objects to receive other objects...there's nothing I can really do to make individual object get place on both types of surface... It must always be either one OR the others...unfortunately... So sorry about that limitation...
  18. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Would it be possible to request that these card have a "recipe" added to convert them from a table-top decoration to a hanging decoration? The Bulletin Board Flyer is just a piece of paper and a metal scrap to act as a nail. If the cards were the same, we could use them either way! (I realize, again, this is work for other people and not just you. But it would solve a lot of issues we have with some deco!)
    Time Lord and Scottie like this.
  19. Vladamir Begemot

    Vladamir Begemot Avatar

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    If you are speaking generally, weapons can be on both walls and floors/table.

    Animal rugs used to able to be (don't move yours if you have them up already!), I don't know why that was taken out but made the hunting lodges not work as well.
    Time Lord and Scottie like this.
  20. Synergy Blaize

    Synergy Blaize Avatar

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    Australia- The Land Down Under
    I cannot comment on what Marjorias issues are/were... But...

    I have a Guild-Mate, who has placed a Keep on a City sized lot.
    They have been unable to place any shelves on the internal walls.
    They have however been able to place cloaks on the internal walls.
    Maybe this is something to look in to?
    Hoping you can look into why there is this anomaly in placing shelves in a Keep wall, for my Guild-Mate...

    P.S. Thank YOU Scottie, for participating in this thread & doing your best to answer, all of the somewhat related questions being fired at you, RE: Deco placement!
    Time Lord likes this.
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