Episode 2 Info?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MightyUnclean, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Streams. I watch them all some live some after the fact. between those and dev tracking in the forums you can get all the info for all of this. its not all in one place however, sometimes you have to take multiple streams to get each little part to something bigger but Chris will say in streams that they need x for y to come or work.
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  2. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    Seems the Oracle Watcher person (people?) gave up trying to keep up with the streams. Which goes to show how piss-poor of a method streaming a dozen hours a week is, for disseminating information.
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  3. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    I think it was, because Chris was on vacation.
    Hopefully the Oracle Watcher isn‘t on vacation yet? We will know soon ...
  4. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Streaming is the best method and I will tell you why. We get more questions in real time responded to as well follow up questions to information returned from the previous question. its also how we get new features and purpose fixes to things they are about to change. Players have a voice in real time which is better then QA as well we get more sneak peaks into the future of things, see things first hand being worked on. See dungeons being built which gives insight. I do feel bad for the few that decide they don't want to watch a stream as they are loosing out in great information and details, but that is a choice they make because they dont make the time.
  5. oplek

    oplek Avatar

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    ... which isn't, and hasn't been, exclusive to streaming. There's nothing stopping them from engaging in more efficient ways, such as the forums. Further, it's not searchable, and wastes a gargantuan amount of other peoples' time. In virtually any angle to analyze this, it is inferior.

    The only reason we get "more" is because that's how he decides to do it. That's not an argument for streaming. That's developer preference.

    ... which isn't, and hasn't been, exclusive to streaming.

    In fact, him streaming slows him down because he's constantly distracted by things like doing prizes, responding to donors, and generally putting on a show.

    In fact, we have this entire "wishlist requests" section of the forums where we can tag things, they can be searchable, we can attach screenshots, etc.

    In virtually any angle to analyze this, it is inferior.

    ... which isn't, and hasn't been, exclusive to streaming.

    There's no real difference between typing things into a box and seeing responses on the forums, and typing things into a box and seeing responses in the Twitch chat. "Real time" is non-applicable if you can't find the time to watch live, which few people can actually do. Additionally, more people have ready access to text-based mediums than listening to a stream, such as at work (setting aside whether they should be).

    In virtually any angle to analyze this, it is inferior.

    This isn't relevant, as it's not "disseminating information".

    ... which isn't, and hasn't been, exclusive to streaming.

    I'd argue this isn't relevant either. The kind of "information" we're talking about is "what's happening with Episode 2". That is the kind of information that is, inexplicably, confined to having volunteers spend dozens of hours of their life sifting through mostly-noise, to try to pluck out the bits of newsworthy information.

    Some of us have lives outside of watching Chris streams. "Choosing" is presumptuous.

    Yes, it is a choice they make. A bad choice. Among many.

    They *are* making the time... and using it wildly inefficiently in a way that excludes 90% of the playerbase.
  6. Gorthyn

    Gorthyn Avatar

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    Only best for those who can spend X hours a day watching them and even it's still not great imho.
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  7. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Bug Hunter

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  8. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    Lets take a step back. they have release notes once a month where you could use the forums to post on what you see in the notes. We still get this every month which is how it was always done before which is when they put up the QA server.

    the streams were an added bonus as people wanted to engage with the devs more often, and in a more realtime manner. Everything that is brought up and done in twitch that ends up in live still ends up in the notes on for QA etc. So I dont understand why complain about the extra information they are providing compared to what it was before? they do both.
    Jaesun and Chatele like this.
  9. Forum Name

    Forum Name Avatar

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    This is probably way more simple than we realize. Chris loves metrics - guess what twitch streaming does? Gives him immediate gratification and feedback by seeing revenue come in via twitch subs and donations. Guess what doesn't give Chris immediate revenue or spending metrics? Anything to do with these forums. And that is why he is largely absent from here - as with most things, just follow the money for the answer.

    Only over time will Chris learn if ignoring the forums and largely abandoning non-stream methods of communication hurt the cause. If people who have made the choice to not watch dozens of hours of streams (or like, don't want to spend hours outside of the game to piece it together) to learn what the heck is going on and get sick of it, eventually the non-twitch revenue will go down. And perhaps then more avenues than just twitch will come back into Chris' favor. But those twitch dollars are the new hotness for him I reckon :)
    Cordelayne and Maya SaintClaire like this.
  10. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    I disagree with your claim as to why twitch for Chris. He still posts on the forms as do the other devs. Information still still in the forums as it always has been. The complaint in the basic form is that those that watch learn about what they are working on for the next release before it hits QA with the patch notes. The notes still come in when they always do just before testing. Twitch he went to when the offices went away they needed away to still do live streams remotely. Then Chris decided he would start working on things on a stream then later added the bits for fun. Now he has on average 200+ players on every stream. People who donate like myself larger numbers is to help support the game and to pay for the prizes that are given out, as well some extra coffee and pizza for the devs.
    Chatele likes this.
  11. Feeyo

    Feeyo Avatar

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    I for one do not watch his streams, because for one. I have better things to do with my time. Like work, be with my family and sometimes relax and enjoy a game.
    Now to come back at the OP. I really thought we would have seen EP2 content already? Is it being postponed? or am I just confused..
  12. Forum Name

    Forum Name Avatar

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    Yes, we may just have to agree to disagree. Patch notes do not suffice what used to be provided - stand ups, quarterly plans, dev diaries, dev blog posts, etc. What is provided in bare patch notes is not great for many of us and it only tells of what has been added - surely you appreciate that knowing what is or may be coming is exciting to many who don't watch the streams. The oracle dev/mod account was a really great step to give some love non-stream watchers, so it would be disappointing if that is petering out.

    I am sure you are aware of how many bit some give; claiming that is fun money/pizza money is, well, an interesting take. It is awesome that many show their support via twitch and it shows Chris you like what he is doing, but I have some bridges over here for sale if you think monetizing the stream was for "fun" or a box of pizza.
  13. Paladin Michael

    Paladin Michael Bug Hunter

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    No, well, not more confused as all of us, I suppose ;)
    - - - > Just read my post on Page 1 of this thread. Starr announced what EP2 content looks like ;)
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  14. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    thats why I listen to them well I work or drive, or even well I am playing then it don't interfere with anything :)
    Feeyo likes this.
  15. Xee

    Xee Bug Hunter

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    I donated 10k bits for fun and to show I love what Chris is doing. mind you I dont donate that much every month as I would rather spend my money in the game to expand it further as well to help decorate my town and dungeon :)
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