Trash to Treasure: Dropped Items Turn-in

Discussion in 'Recurring Player Events' started by Coswald_Dirthmire, May 3, 2021.

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  1. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Greetings Novians!

    Some unscrupulous fella has been flooding all of New Britannia with junk: Headdresses, Wings, Backpacks, assorted miscellany of every sort. It's time to clean this trash up and so a bounty has been placed on all gear crafted by Coswald Dirthmire that is turned in each contest period!

    • The current R107 Contest Period runs from Friday October 28th to Thursday November 17th

    Contest periods fall somewhere roughly within each release period, and entries can be placed in a container with your name on it, and submitted one of two ways:
    • Mailing items (in a named bag or container) to Coswald Dirthmire
    • Dropping a named container in the barrels outside the crafting pavilion in Arlia's Shoppes district (directions below)

    Once you've dropped a bag in the barrel you'll still be able to add to it any time during the competition, or feel free to submit multiple bags via mail throughout the contest period. To make the bag requirement a bit easier 1,000 backpacks have been crafted and sold into the loot table, and more are being introduced every contest period.

    Every release a new special item will be added, worth 5 points to your total if submitted in the same period it was first seen:
    • R89: Perennial Coast Peasant Slippers
    • R90: Polar Bear Skin Rug
    • R91: Aeronaut Pieces (Boots, Gloves, Helm, Jacket, Leggings)
    • R92: Gustball Uniform Pieces (Jersey, Leggings, Boots, Helm)
    • R93: Wizard's Hat
    • R94: Halloween Items! (Burial Coffins, Gravestones, Spider Cloaks, and Jack-O-Lanterns!)
    • R95: Feast Items! (Brewing Ingredients, Turkeys, and more!)
    • R96: Christmas Items! (Many Holiday Items Included)
    • R97: Variety Items! (The first example of every type of item will count for 5 points)
    • R98: Valentines Items! (Rose Bouquets, Red Dresses, Red Wine Ingredients)
    • R99: St. Patrick's Day Items! (Assorted Beer Ingredients)
    • R100: Celebration Items! (Bonus points for any item that has been a past specialty item, or any item related to the R100 celebration!)
    • R101: Shroud 101 Items! (A few precious Books of Learning, Uncommon have been added to the loot table. Anyone turning one in will receive 25 bonus points and have the book returned after the contest!)
    • R102: The Luminous Atavists have returned to Novia, and they have over-packed for the trip. Any extra Luminous Atavist Robes have been sold into the loot table as this release's special item!
    • R103: To help with July Celebrations a number of Summer Fun items will be worth 5 points each, including Coconut Bras, Perennial Coast Farmer Sandals, plenty of booze and more!
    • R104: Leather Belts, Cloth Belts, Metal Belts
    • R105: Back to Basics - No specially item
    • R106: Fight and Fright! Basic Weapons (Bows, Axes, etc.) and Halloween themed items (Spider Leg Cloaks, Jack-o-Lanterns, etc.) will be worth 5 points each!
    • R107: Feast Items! (Brewing Ingredients, Turkeys, and More!)
    The player that submits the most items by the deadline will receive 100,000 gold and a heartfelt thanks from the Citizens For a Cleaner Novia. A further prize of 50,000 gold will be awarded one of the participants chosen at random from the named bags submitted!

    Previous Winners:
    • R89: Gwendolyn Obscurro (100,000 Gold First Prize, 40 item-points!)
    • R89: Dorn Slate (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R90: Sargoto Omega (100,000 Gold First Prize, 49 item-points!)
    • R90: Makia Goodblood (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R91: Aeolus Adara (100,000 Gold First Prize, 34 item-points!)
    • R91: Lilith Ayin (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R92: Lilith Ayin (100,000 Gold First Prize, 155 item-points!)
    • R92: Keyman (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R93: Lilith Ayin (100,000 Gold First Prize, 83 item-points!)
    • R93: Chakotay (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R94: Gwendolyn Obscurro (100,000 Gold First Prize, 21 item-points)
    • R94: Zandara Wildus (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R95: Tetron Firestorm (100,000 Gold First Prize, 49 item-points)
    • R95: Alley Oop (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R96: Echondas (100,000 Golf First Prize, 30 item-points)
    • R96: TrikSteve (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R97: Data Missing
    • R97: Data Missing
    • R98: Tetron Firestorm (100,000 Gold First Prize, 49 item-points!)
    • R98: Alley Oop (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R99: Blast ItAll (100,000 Gold First Prize, 101item-points!)
    • R99: Gwendolyn Obscuro (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R100: Yigg Endimion (100,000 Golf First Prize, 75 item-points!)
    • R100: Tetron Firestorm (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R101: Blast ItAll (100,000 Gold First Prize, 36 item-points!)
    • R101: Regina Ignis (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R102: Galorn Hammerthrow (100,000 Gold First Prize, 168 item-points!)
    • R102: Maximum Impact (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R103: Airmid (100,000 Gold First Prize, 45 item-points!)
    • R103: Data Missing
    • R104: Isabel Ayin (100,000 Gold First Prize, 54 item-points!)
    • R104: Keyman (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R105: Airmid (100,000 Gold First Prize, 19 Item-Points!)
    • R105: Dorn Slate (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    • R106: Pranksterfanfan (100,000 Gold First Prize, 58 item-points!)
    • R106: Airmid (50,000 Gold Random Winner)
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
  2. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Linked on the events page -- thanks for the event, this is a nice use of the loot system!
    Mhtic, Mal Hari, Time Lord and 2 others like this.
  3. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    What no Ranger armor??!?
  4. Malek Zandor

    Malek Zandor Avatar

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    Hope you got a lot of your crafted stuff back and cell tell us a winner ?
    Mal Hari and Time Lord like this.
  5. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Congratulations to the winners of the R89 contest! Gwendolyn Obscurro took the 100,000 gold first prize with 40 item-points, and Dorn Slate was chosen at random from amongst the participants and received a 50,000 gold bonus prize. Winners were drawn on my twitch stream shortly after the contest ended, sorry for the delay in an update.

    A new contest is underway, and will run until Monday, June 21st. Winners will be chosen and verified on stream shortly thereafter. This period's special item is the Polar Bear Skin Rug, and 200-250 will be introduced into the loot table throughout the contest period. Good luck everyone!
    Mal Hari, Time Lord, Sonja and 2 others like this.
  6. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    The R90 contest has concluded with congratulations going to Sargoto Omega for winning the 100,000gp grand prize after turning in 49 points worth of items, including seven polar bear skin rugs! The 50,000gp random winner was Makia Goodblood, and further congratulations are in order for her!

    The new R91 contest will run until Monday, June 21st and winners will be announced on stream shortly thereafter. This release's special items are pieces of the Areonaut armor set! Many crafted areonaut leggins, gloves, boots, helms, and chest pieces will be created and sold into the loot table, so keep your eyes peeled for drops. Good luck everyone!
    Mal Hari, Time Lord, Elgarion and 2 others like this.
  7. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Congratulations to the winners of the R91 contest! Aeolus Adara won the 100,000 gold first prize with 34 item-points, and Lilith Ayin was chosen at random from the participants and received a 50,000 gold bonus prize. Winners were drawn live on twitch.

    A new contest is underway, and will run until Tuesday, August 24th. Winners will be chosen and verified on stream shortly thereafter. Every Gustball Uniform item turned in during this period will count for 5 points! Good luck and happy hunting
  8. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Linked on the events page again -- thanks for running the event! :)
  9. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Congratulations to Lilith Ayin for taking first place with 155 item-points! This smashes the previous record and earns her the 100,000 gold prize. More folks turned in items this contest than any of the previous months, and from them Keyman was drawn at random to win the 50,000 gold prize, so further congratulations are in order there!

    One contest ending means another has started, and to celebrate the new and exciting alchemy changes the special item this release will be Wizard's Hats! This contest period runs from now until Tuesday, September 28th, and good luck to all!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2021
    Elgarion, Sonja, Mal Hari and 4 others like this.
  10. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    R93 Items have been tabulated and congrats again to Lilith Ayin for pulling ahead in a close contest to take the 100,000 gold main prize! The 50,000 gold random prize was awarded to Chakotay, and the R94 contest is now underway!

    This release will be Halloween themed and Gravestones, Burial Coffins, Spider Cloaks, and Jack-o-Lanterns will all be sold into the loot table and worth 5 points each! These items will be slightly more rare since they require more mats to construct (many thanks to Gwendolyn Obscuro and Skeggy Media for contributing materials!) but a greater number of "normal" items will be sold this month to make up for it. Happy hunting!
  11. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    The R94 contest is complete! Gwendolyn Obscurro took first prize for 100,000 gold and a further 50,000 gold was won by Zandara Wildus who was chosen at random from all the entrants!

    For this November release thousands of feast items will be sold into the loot table, so be on the lookout and turn them in to win!
    Sonja, Anpu, Sean Silverfoot and 3 others like this.
  12. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Congratulations to Tetron Firestorm for wining the R95 contest with 49 item-points worth 100,000gp! Alley Oop was chosen at random as the 50,000gp runner up, and a new contest is underway!

    The R96 contest will run until Tuesday, December 28th. While R96 is a short release (so the contest actually runs into R97) this will give folks more time to collect drops and also let them be used as Christmas deco before before the turn in. This month's bonus items are various and all Christmas/Holiday themed, so be on the lookout for lots of new drops, and of course the same old headdresses, wings, etc are still well worth turning in too!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2021
    Time Lord, Sonja, Elgarion and 3 others like this.
  13. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    What POT is this in?
    Time Lord likes this.
  14. Alley Oop

    Alley Oop Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    just east of nightshade pass
  15. Echondas

    Echondas Bug Hunter Bug Moderator

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    Doh.. I thought that meant there was a section of a town named "Arlia's Shopping District" - didn't realize "Arlia" was the name of the POT itself. Thanks.
    Time Lord and Coswald_Dirthmire like this.
  16. Elgarion

    Elgarion Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Event page updated :)
    Time Lord and Coswald_Dirthmire like this.
  17. Coswald_Dirthmire

    Coswald_Dirthmire Bug Hunter

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    Congratulations to Echondas for tracking down Arlia and winning 100,000gp with 30 item-points! TrikSteve was chosen at random as the 50,000gp runner up, and a new contest is underway!

    The R97 contest will run until Tuesday, January 25th. For this release the first example of each item will be worth 5 points, with subsequent items of that type being worth 1 point each. For example: someone turning in 3 Bear Headdresses (5pts + 1pt + 1pt) a Wolf Headdress (5pts) and 7 pairs of wings (5pts + 1pt + 1pt+ 1pt + 1pt + 1pt + 1pt) would get 23pts total. Many new items will be sold into the loot table for this release, and many items from previous releases are still filtering their way through, so expect to see lots of variety!
    tomcat_de, Sonja, Elgarion and 4 others like this.
  18. Mhtic700R

    Mhtic700R Avatar

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    Canada, Quebec
    Wow !! Nice Work Coswald!
    Time Lord and Coswald_Dirthmire like this.
  19. Isabel Ayin

    Isabel Ayin Avatar

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    Is the Trash to Treasure event still going on? It's announced in the release notes but no winners have been announced since R96.
    Time Lord likes this.
  20. Gwendolyn Obscuro

    Gwendolyn Obscuro Bug Hunter

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    I think Coswald may be slacking on the forum posts a bit but I know he drew the winner last month. Don't remember who it was or if he said what this months special items were though.
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