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Favorite Moment in R15?

Discussion in 'Release 15 Feedback' started by Poor game design, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    Such a great Idea. I have wanted something like this. *Majoria does not just want to jig*. You should start a post. like top 11 ideas only short but sweet ideas too;)
    Themo Lock, Doctor, Ice Queen and 3 others like this.
  2. Moiseyev Trueden

    Moiseyev Trueden Avatar

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    You beat me to my favorite bit. Chatting with BurningToad and then kidnapping y'all for my tour of the map. I've got 2k images now that I need to get the finished versions of for the comparison pics.
  3. Chaox

    Chaox Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    It's been over a year now since Bren and I began our pipe-dream of creating a system that would allow the world's largest virtual conga line - not just two players, but anyone could join the train as it snaked through a town.

    May all our wishes come to fruition.

    (This post is not a joke)
  4. Chaox

    Chaox Dev Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    ...and thank you all for the kind words on the Spectral Mines that I've been finding! I get a bit rusty when I don't worldbuild for a while, and I worried a bit that my four-week map wouldn't be up to snuff. But I began early with getting Richard's vision for what he wanted there, and things he hadn't quite seen yet, from the small like locked doors to bigger things like the feeling of a single-player game. I look forward to getting more time in on more maps and not getting rusty again. (And also some backfill time to polish up the Spectral Mines experience)
    amaasing, Kaisa, Themo Lock and 16 others like this.
  5. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    I hate spoiler tags but just to be nice.

    The room of crystals with the spiders should have two things added in my opinion. 1) There's a natural blind spot behind the crystals in the center of the room, a perfect place for a large spider to hide and then jump out as the player enters the room. Right now you can see that spider and you know not to go back there. It also gets stuck so any ranged attacks will make it a moot point. 2) The small tunnel entrance leading into this area should have either a cave in as you pass it, blocking your retreat, or it should have more spiders come up from behind you - or both. :)

    Oh, and for god's sake the ghosts. I had ZERO problems with them, because I had Celessial Blessings stacked high and used Death Magic to kill them. That was like the perfect combination, I could've have had my 6 year old do it. I know ghosts are crazy hard. But I think it's worth noting that Death Magic should not kill ghosts...really it should make them stronger.
    Chaox and Moiseyev Trueden like this.
  6. Moiseyev Trueden

    Moiseyev Trueden Avatar

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    I agree with your thoughts on the strangeness of death doing damage to undead, but then it would be a headache to fight them and try to heal yourself with life magic (as it would obviously have to do damage to undead if death magic heals them and would require you to constantly change targets during a fight).
    amaasing and Ice Queen like this.
  7. Doctor

    Doctor Avatar

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    -He deeply coughs and blushes bright red reading this as he feels overwhelmingly embarrassed.-

    Er...hummm. Well. It was shocking to see a lady avatar extremely excited to have her pants down and invite me over to find out what type of bug it was.

    A first for everything. -he looks away and scratches the back of his neck before whistling- It's....not what it sounds like. I'm not that type of doctor....

    MOVING ON.... my favourite moments in R15? It's been incredible. Every release seems to get better and better but nothing beats the friendships I've made and built up because honestly, if it wasn't for this fascinating forum community and the vibrant avatars in game that bring so much flavour and opportunities to the game, I would have a hard time settling in well.

    Some highlights:

    - Having my druid house published on the main site for the decorating contest as well as the caverns Podcasting from Asclepius and Lord Baldrith. Thank you! AND All those that supported me (you know who you are).
    - Realizing how bad I am at making shapes during the "Shapes of things to come" contest. (first caverns event!)
    - Having pets because they simply are adorable. Especially that dog on Owl's Head bridge that looks like a cheeto. -slaps his lips together- cheesy.

    Love and the best of health to you all. May you too have a wonderful R15.

    -Doctor Shroud
  8. Drocis the Devious

    Drocis the Devious Avatar

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    There's a life magic spell called "repel undead" that should be used to hurt them. It would cost less skill points to get that than it would death magic. I don't know if it's effective yet. But I do know that from a design standpoint players shouldn't be using death magic on undead of any kind unless it's specifically designed to hurt them.

    Likewise we shouldn't be able to heal the undead (not even summoned undead) using life magic. I'm hoping that the devs just haven't gotten to this point in the development process yet.
    Moiseyev Trueden likes this.
  9. Moiseyev Trueden

    Moiseyev Trueden Avatar

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    That's what I get for not looking into life magic very much. Thanks I didn't even think about that.
  10. Moiseyev Trueden

    Moiseyev Trueden Avatar

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    I was just looking at that image you posted and realized it was when we were trying to do the fun random closeups.... so since that doesn't really show off much of Novia I'll post some of those.

    The three mountain sages. I asked them how to gain wisdom and become a better person.


    Master the physical aspects of the body by constant training.


    Master the soul by finding amusement in all aspects of life.


    Master the mind by drinking copious quantities of mead to remove any ill thoughts you may have.


    With this wisdom in hand, I swam back to shore and promptly headed to Wody's bar.
  11. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    LOL ahhhh memories thanks;)
  12. Sophi

    Sophi Avatar

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    why Doctor how unchivalrous of you! :(
    Tahru and Moiseyev Trueden like this.
  13. Traveller13

    Traveller13 Bug Hunter

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    My favorite moment to date for R15 is when I legitimately soloed the Challenge Dungeon-- in what you might call hardcore mode.

    This has been a personal goal since the Challenge Dungeon was put in. I could not get past the first lich in the fifth room for quite a while. I've gotten an idea as to how powerful the character needs to be and the tactics to use over the course of time. I did solo it in R13. However I made use of "/stuck" about five times to avoid death, so the achievement was tarnished. I tried it once in R14, and the liches in the next-to-last room got me-- as they had all the other times I made it that far as well.

    My R14 character was level 70 at the end, and I carried it over to this release. It was a level 70 Adventurer and level 30 Producer during the attempts in R15. I used the crossover skill points from the Producer level to enhance my marshal only build. I have three Stone Fists to prevent slugs, and Knight's Grace to counteract the liches as the only magic spells I use. The rest is my plate armor of strength, and a flaming great sword of crushing. I switched to that weapon to see how it compared to 'Lectric Shave, my electrified great sword of speed.

    I tried the Challenge Dungeon several times in R15. I was the victim of the eternal combat bug and I found The Spot during the first two tries. The Spot ended my run in each case. I also was killed in the elemental room, and the eternal combat healing meant I had to spend a lot of time doing nothing but recovering hit points.

    So, I made a third attempt. This time vowing to miss The Spot, and to try a different approach to the elementals. The eternal combat bug made its presence felt in the slimes only room. So, in essentially Hard Core mode, I made my way to the elementals room. Instead of going after the ice elementals first, as I had during the first two attempts, I instead went after the fire elementals. This time, I was able to kill all elementals without getting myself killed. So it didn't take as long to combat heal before moving on to the other rooms.

    I made it to the second elf room-- the one with The Spot. I made sure I didn't come anywhere near The Spot this time. Then I had the unsettling thought of "what if there's another one?" Anyway, if there is another one, I haven't found it. Onward to the lich room...

    I can handle a lich one-on-one, and maybe two-against-one. I can't handle three or more. So, my strategy in the lich room is to hide behind a statue from the time I activate the monsters and the time they appear. I had been picking up stuff all along, and was over-encumbered enough to slow my movement. A lich flashed into being just as I ran past it to my position behind a statue. Fortunately it didn't see me.

    After I got into position, the trick was then to get one, and only one lich, to come after me. To make a long story short, I managed to do just that, clearing the lich room in around twenty minutes. The mimic room was easy after that. I cleared that room and got the contents of the chest. I didn't die, and I avoided The Spot. The third time was the charm.
  14. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    @JayBee13 Congrats on soloing the Challenge Dungeon. That is perseverance or persisitancy. I applaud you. **claps hands**:)
  15. Shibokain

    Shibokain Avatar

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    My favourite moment came straight after i logged in .
    Realising the goodness the new engine brings us.
    I walk around the city and enjoyed the lighting and the way my Avatar looked .
    This was a moment where i really did feel and see visual progress .

    Its like betting on a horse race and see it pass the finish line first place ... ;)

    I might have logged in on a quit moment but all was very responsive .
    This has been proven not to be the case just yet when more people are online.
    But it gives a pretty good feel how it will be when all is optimized!

    There 's been more of course moments like the wedding and some other cool stuff where i might not been present but i can enjoy to see other people having fun .
    So yes please keep posting those special events and funsies :)

    Mad Hermit should always be invited to be sure your glorious moments will be documented in style :)
  16. The Hendoman

    The Hendoman Avatar

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    the downs are overweighed by the ups! I trust that is a trend!

    Seeing that the shape making conga line event could be turned into a video where people animate some scenes and items like a music video i saw a while ago (someone link this if they know what i am describing. like the pirate it drives me nuts. it's shot from a roof to the street below, and i think people below have umbrellas and make cars, birds fly, idk...it was a music video) , which could promote Sota in a good way and require only about 40 people and a ventrilo account is my favorite so far. Thank you Baron for the post. Well put and needed.

    The Hendoman
  17. Kara Brae

    Kara Brae Avatar

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    One day the two guards I spoke to in Kingsport talked to me in German. The next day it was all back to English, thank goodness. I am glad to hear that SOTA is being localized in different languages, but I want to be able to decide for myself what language I see.
  18. graylake21

    graylake21 Avatar

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    i logged in.
    I came, I saw, I conquered. Wrote a guide, killed wolves. Inspired legions of nerds everywhere to forum more.
    became horribly broken emotionally realizing so much of the game still isn't in the game. Learned some stuff. mostly that part I guess.
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