Problem with trolls ingame and in the forums

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Edward Newgate, Apr 27, 2015.

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  1. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Austria Vienna
    Ladys and Lords of Novia
    (And every one els of cours ;) )

    My name is Thomas
    Some one of you might know me as my Avatar Edward Newgate.
    Befor i get to the topic, i want talk about somthing else first. My imrpessions and fealing for the community of shroud of the avatar since my first step in the world of Novia.

    Since the first day i was realy impressed how many people are helpfull and kindred. I fellt wellcome from the first moment. The support of the community for the devs and also for other meambers is remarkable.
    From bringing up ideas for the devs and giving them feedback over helping new Avatars to find there way in Novia. Some Avatars of you work realy hard to fill the world of novia with life and enjoiment. Making events, great turments, and decoration contests. And if there is nothing to do, people simply chilling arround on the beach talk and get drunk... some times... ok most times but thats not the point!. This kind of stuff makes this community so special.

    The Guilds of Novia work together and helping and support each other. Even most of us are in different guilds it feals like we are all a big family.

    Wich brings me to my topic.
    Like in a big family there are sometimes blacksheeps in a community.
    I watched this now for a very long time. I saw peaple in the forums, and allsow ingame akting trouble some and trolling arround.

    They are using discussion in the forum to "troll" and provocate others.
    Such discussion wich get overheated are for exampel between pvp and pve oriented community meambers. (this is an exampel and doesnt mean that pvp or pve players are trolls in general)
    They have different oppinions on how pve and pvp should work together. It starts harmless but get out of controll wenn this "trolls" start to provocate. And since some humans are eaysely imotional invested in such things, they fell for it and get them self in problems.

    Even the Moderators in the Forum had to swing from time to time the mighty hammer of thor.., am i mean of order to cool every one down. And some times if there was no other way some of them got banished from the forums or threads got cloesed.

    Having a discussion isnt a bad thing. Telling some on your oppinion about a toppic and get feedback with there own oppinion is a good thing. Even when the oppinions are different. Even you dont agree with them, try allways to respect them. Dont let any one drag you in a dirty fight you dont want be part of it, cous you will get dirty your self no matter what.

    If you wont to be tradet with respekt and get heard, you have allso to respekt others. Instead of atacking each other, use your different oppinion to find the problems and work to gether to find a solution. Give constraktiv feedback and allways be polite and handsome.

    For all the ones who try to troll. I know there are peaple out there who enjoy to get others angry, or thing its funny. Somtimes they have a bad day or problems and they use trolling as a ventil to get rid of there sorrows and anger. But some of time are only "peep" "peep".

    A real problem becomes it when such people try to interfere with others ingame. They sabatoage events, and try to be a pain in the butt for others. They use chat and open pvp as tools to porovocate other meambers of the community, you and me.
    They try to provacate and ruin events on perpos. On of there excuises is that this is rollplaying and the way they paly the game.(last part might be correct) But i dissagree with the rollplaying excuse.

    Here is a free tip for every one who wants be part of an event and sneak in there, there own little porjekt. Talk with the one who makes the event. Tell them you would like to rp an assination of some one for exampel. And if he gives you green light do it. Planning an event and playing an event are different things. The Player plans the evetn, the avatar plays the event out. If the players has a problem with your idea than you have to respect that.

    Spamming in the chat has nothing to do with rollplaying to. And again if you charakter has ingame a reason to protest, cous the charakter thinks that using bunnys as hocky pook is crule for exampel. Again you would need first to talk to the person who runs this event if the protest is ok. People stream, peaple moderat all that stuff, and having some one who is spamming the chat will mess every thing up.

    But again a troll wants to troll so what you as the target of the troll should do?
    Ignor them. Dont talk dont respons dont fight back. They get bored and will move on.

    What about the media? Like a streamer or avatars radio?
    As part of the media you should be totally nutral when somthing like this happens.
    Dont let you self get involved with it when you do your job. What you do when you are finished is you choice. But being nutral is very importent in such case.

    This my request for all the community meambers out there.
    We are all part of this community let us work togher not against each other. Stopp trolling, stopp harrasing.
    Try to be respektfull and handsome. Be frindly and polite.

    Dont be a *peeeeeep*

    Your Lord Thomas
    aka Edward Newgate

    ps Thanks for your Time!
    Winfield, Net, Hraw and 18 others like this.
  2. Thadeus Crook

    Thadeus Crook Avatar

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    I agree with you wholeheartedly, Ed.
  3. Asclepius

    Asclepius Avatar

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    Very well put. If everyone heeded these words of wisdom New Britannia would be a very peaceful and happy place.

    There is ample room for all play styles - just don't rain on somebody else's parade and ruin their experience.
  4. Satan Himself

    Satan Himself Avatar

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    I tried to read the OP but then fell asleep after the first paragraph. o_O

    KIDDING. Sheesh.

    I think there is actually VERY minimal trolling in this forum, especially compared to other forums I've trolled, errrrr...... been a part of.

    The obvious trolls here tend to be pretty new entrants - usually when you sense some trolling, you'll see someone with a pretty low post count. They're typically ignored and go away, or stop trolling.
  5. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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    I read it too, thanks for repeating the forum rules in this interesting poetic language :)
    Tahru likes this.
  6. Ravenclaw [BEAR]

    Ravenclaw [BEAR] Avatar

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    Although I think the spelling was a little rough around the edges, I must say you got your point across eloquently and I agree with everything you wrote.
    TheMadHermit, Chatele, Tahru and 4 others like this.
  7. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    The OP isn't wrong but I disagree on the overall attitude.

    I think the streamers can make their own decisions on how they want to behave as it's up to the viewers to decide whenever or not those streamers are worth their attention. When I livestream, I do it as a player; not as a news reporter.

    If you want everyone to work together, you got to do better than just ask THEM to stop. Compromises need to be made. Limiting your community by secluding yourselves isn't a compromise because it benefits no one.

    They're already bored; that's why they're interrupting your RP session. What happened to the "We're all part of this community"? Now, you want to shut them out?

    I can understand if you're being harassed through "whispers"; that's a different matter. Other than that you just need to learn how to share the playground. Pointing fingers and telling (and expecting) them to stop isn't the solution.
    Tahru, Alexander, Isaiah and 3 others like this.
  8. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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    Hmm :D
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  9. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Sorry iam not nativ speaking english
  10. Cordelayne

    Cordelayne Bug Hunter

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    Personally, I just liked your use of an old Masters of Magic picture as your avatar lol ;)

    Good points all around, I love the community here and in game. I think most people (Budner being the exception ;)) are always willing to help out and offer guidance.
  11. Xi_

    Xi_ Avatar

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    there isn't a problem with 'trolls' here, there is a great divide in this community that gives the illusion of trolls.
    argyle, Chatele, Tarsin and 3 others like this.
  12. StrangerDiamond

    StrangerDiamond Avatar

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  13. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    They're already bored; that's why they're interrupting your RP session. What happened to the "We're all part of this community"? Now, you want to shut them out?

    I want to shut them out? Depends who you mean?
    A player thats bored wich wants to play some one evil who hase his mark set on some one? No the way if they want to do such things at an event i allready wrote.
    Some one who is bored and thats wy he wants to interrupt there RP session of other peaple are bad persons. NOt charakters.
    ITs like when you have to childs in the kindergarden. one plays with lego and build a cool tower. A nother kid comes and smashes this tower cous it is angry or bored.
    The second kid act wrong in many ways and thats a fact in my personal book dont know how you would see that.

    And yes such a person i wouldnt want to play with or to talk with :) thats my choice. Every one has a bad day from time to time
    But there are person that do that every time. its haressment and its wrong.

    By the way this has nothing to do with open pvp i like open pvp my self a lot :)
    Dinsoo [MGT], Chatele, Tahru and 2 others like this.
  14. Xi_

    Xi_ Avatar

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    I dislike this thread, its hateful, divisionary and I see nothing positive coming from it.
    Tahru, Alexander, Isaiah and 3 others like this.
  15. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Oh Iam sorry that you get the fealing or think thats hatefull or divisonary maby you can tell wy? since english is not my nativ speach maby i wrote somthing wrong? :) so if there is somthing offending you pls tell me :)
    Chatele, Tahru, FrostII and 1 other person like this.
  16. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Thank you one of my favorit games of all time :)
    Tahru likes this.
  17. Xi_

    Xi_ Avatar

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    from one perspective you are are the troll here. But I digress, this is a game, it has winners and it has losers, and just because someone took an underhanded approach to achieving victory in a video game doesn't make them a bad person or a troll. The term troll no longer means what it once did, mostly due to posts just like yours, you've labeled a sect of people as trolls and bad people, some that I have indeed found to be nice people. What if you got labeled as a troll and this community began ignoring you from that day forward?
  18. Edward Newgate

    Edward Newgate Avatar

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    Well thats a good question? You realy see me as a troll? Maby you get my point wrong with the ignoring part. Its not ignoring them for ever but if you get the fealing some one is provoking you maby its batter to ignor it and go away .

    And trolling has not somthing to do with winning or loosing or achieving virtory. And you are right it is a game. Its not my attention to saying some one should be ignored for ever or nobody should play with some.

    Do you questin if iam labelt as a troll. hmm i would think for my self i did somthing realy wrong. It wouldnt feal great. I never got harresd or trolled in this game some one wrote me a pm that troll is a word should be used carfeully, and the person is right. every one has there defenition of a word. Peaple from differen country with different speach haver there for different defenitions. So maby ther is a problem to. As i sayed iam not trying to troll you :) and if you have somthing to imporve my post or how you would wirte somthing different pls tell me :)

    This post isnt made for the attantion to get against some on, this post should helpe every one to get allong with each other. (wich doesnt mean no open pvp ect). Its a fun idea to have players who play evil or chaotic charakters. but as i said abov we need to sepparte here between players and rollplaying. Allways harrsing a player or his event so they cant do what they want isnt right in the same way it wouldnt be right to tell a nother player what he has to do or what not but, if the player destroys the playing expi, for others by acting allways that way this would be than a problem dont you think MOonshadow?
    Chatele and Tahru like this.
  19. Gix

    Gix Avatar

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    If a kid smashes another kid's lego structure, your reflex should not be to isolate the two kids; you find an activity (probably not involving legos) that both kids can do together and enjoy. Whenever those two are together, promote that activity. Both kids might not do exactly what they ideally want to do, but they should always try to compromise and learn to play with other kids. That's how you share a playground.

    I'm saying that if someone is breaking your RP session, try to have fun with them. Don't try to force them into RPing (your way) or try to shut them out because that's destructive (divisionary as @Moonshadow points out) in itself.

    You might not accomplish what you've set out to do, but you'll have more fun that way.
    Sophi, Tahru, Moonshadow and 2 others like this.
  20. TantX

    TantX Avatar

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    This right here is why I hated RP communities on Trammel-based servers. Everyone wants to win, but in a competition, there's always a loser, and it always involved blacklists and ICQ rumor-mongering and the like.

    Felucca, open world PvP where victory was something you could virtually touch (loot, camping an RP town and killing visitors and friends) meant that victory and defeat conditions were less subjective. If people rolled with the punches and learned from their shortcomings, accepted a defeat, used it to empower their guild or community, and fought back, epic battles and wars would be something to read about. There's a reason you don't see many of those kinds of stories in RP communities - they're all fought on ICQ among GMs banning and blacklisting folks after the battle.

    The greatest realization I ever made as a role-player was when I said "Non-RPers are RPers, too." When I didn't judge them differently, didn't close my mind that they wouldn't play the way I played or the way I wanted, I got into more genuine interactions with them, more meaningful storylines and plots. They didn't particularly care someone was writing a story, but they played their part - their role, I dare say.

    Others called them trolls, PKers, griefers; I called them the best role-players I ever played with in my life.
    Ariella, Tahru, Gix and 1 other person like this.
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