Is Selective Multiplayer working or will it destroy SotA?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord_Darkmoon, Dec 11, 2016.

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  1. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    SPO = instance that is solo
    FPO = instance that has a range of solo to zone cap (decided by the player)
    OPO = instance that has a range of soli to zone cap (decided by the server)

    Instancing is a accepted practice in MMO's. The economic balance can be achieved with instancing.

    Don't get confused by the jargon.
  2. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Lol. Avery.. i dont got the energy to really go into exactly why i think your right. But you are.

    Bascially this change means SPO and Friend modes where your safe and in your own world, you will need to actually explore and not sit and power farm.

    Cant really power farm in mmo mode due to other people. So yes honestly this is the first real Balance between the modes theyve done in a while.

    Just because you dont abuse spo mode doesnt mean it isnt being abused. And frankly, in spo mode especially, you should have to use more then 1 spawn point to farm. Your bypassing other players to get more nodes and mobs.
    This change is for the better without a doubt and really not surprsing.
    In no way is this FORCING people out of those modes. I use friends mode to grind all the time. Damn rght it effects me, but i also see past my own nose when it comes to balancing 3 modes that players can switch between without consequence.

    The points about economy..
    I think this might make gear more appealing to buy, which is good. Its entirely too easy to stay self geared atm, then people cry their stuffs not selling.
    Need to break this self efficient stuff a lil.
    Spo mode can still play solo all day, and still have acess to replace what they dont want to make thmselvs.

    Im all for this change. And its amazing the panic befoe its even implemented.
    Also - i dont think it really matters the wording on what the games advertised. Your playing it right now. If you cant see the imbalances that need to be addressed, your either intentionally ignoring them.. or.. ( prevents comment from being deleted ).

    The only thing thats really making me curious is the mines. Current mines are all party mode anyways. But they are entirely too small as is. So bringing friends doesnt make sense.
    That being said, high crafting skills will be more treasured, and items will start selling a lil bit more if silvers not 150 an hour anymore. Which thank god.

    Reality is it takes a week to hit a point whrre u can make 5-10k an hour.
    Would be nice to see people actually spending it instead of dumping 100% on their own stuff and becoming master craftsmen just cause they can so easily.
    Duke Avery likes this.
  3. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    They who? The RMT gold sellers or the RMT commodities traders?

    Your argument is so confusing to follow... You want SPO and Friends modes because you don't want all the noise and clutter from a sandbox MMO... but you want the sandbox MMO's economy because without it SPO and Friends mode would be boring. Is that about right?
    TarrNokk and MrBlight like this.
  4. Bubonic

    Bubonic Avatar

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    lol. OMG

    if the single player mode is an add-on then we have been deceived since day one.

    Dantuin, Womby and Lord_Darkmoon like this.
  5. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Or they have adjusted since day one to appeal to the larger part of the playerbase instead of basing the game solely on a smaller market. Making the smaller market more of an add on instead of the foundation.

    Its an RG game. The story and quests are coming regardless. Which means that for the rest of the game functions, they still need to balance the modes to keep it relativly fair for the two types of people. Which they are doing.
  6. Ristra

    Ristra Avatar

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    None of the above.

    I want a story driven game where Bosses do not sit ticked away in instances waiting for players to kill them. Evil forces with a plan. Goals.

    I want a nonlinear story that allows for sandbox elements which gives the world a living feel.

    I want selective player modes so people can choose to go at it solo or with friends, or open up to a full world of players.

    The economy is not a concern in all of that. The economy is a sublevel feature that fits within the living world feel aspect.

    The term MMO only clouds the issue with preconceived expectations.
    Dantuin, Numa, Pickley and 2 others like this.
  7. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    The economy is paramount...
    SPO and Friends modes without balance threatens everything.
  8. Dirk Hammerstrike

    Dirk Hammerstrike Avatar

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    A few random thoughts:

    There are a number of places where I'll gladly accept that the resource respawn rate is lower, if I don't have to face those 3 mobs all respawning around me in the middle of mining or adventuring. I'll be quite happy to see the Crypt of the Avatar get a spawn rate 1/8 its current. I actually don't explore as much as I'd like to because of the existing respawn rates!

    The new MAX means I'll have to travel from mine to mine rather than sit in one for boring hours on end grinding my life away. Not a big deal if you think about it that way.

    The whole point of the selective experience is to try and cater to as many folks as possible. I think they'll keep trying to deliver for everyone, so I don't know why folks feel like their personal play style is threatened, or feel the need to dog on someone else's play style. Balancing was and is inevitable. We read a dozen times a day in these forums that the game isn't done, needs work, etc... and then people go fire and brimstone when they hear their play style is affected. Makes no sense.

    Wait for the change and _then_ complain. If there is enough complaining and the data sustains it, perhaps the pendulum will swing the other way.

    Personally I think other issues with wealth and XP amongst the player population are a much more serious risk than anything discussed regarding spawn rates, balance or even the 25%+ for PVP.

    Let them play.
    mass and Stundorn like this.
  9. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Everything you want is not relevent to the changes. I agree they need that stuff.
    Balancing the spawn and economy between the modes doesnt strip them of anything u have listed.

    Two posts up with the bullet form list. Lol
  10. Womby

    Womby Avatar

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    Building walls between modes is a non-starter, because typically those who use modes other than multiplayer also like to use multiplayer. They switch between modes, taking advantage of an advertised feature of the game.

    A more practical solution to the problem of resource balance is to base resource spawn rates on the number of players in a scene in all modes, including multiplayer. The spawn rate for a multiplayer scene with a single occupant should be the same as the spawn rate for a friends only scene with a single occupant. Giving those in multiplayer an XP boost should be enough to compensate them for additional unrelated problems like kill stealing.

    Doing the above would look fair, and can be sold as balance, rather than looking like trying to force people into multiplayer.
    majoria70, mass and Dirk Hammerstrike like this.
  11. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Why the MP lovers do not go an harvest in SPO if they feel falling behind?
    The MP PvP people talk that way to the S/FM PVE players when the Bonus xp discussions began.

    What @Duke Avery and @MrBlight stated is unilateral to me.

    The powergamers, goldsellers etc... are flooding the market with or without SPO possibilities!

    The Economy will never be balanced because of casual and hardcore gamers.

    You totally ignore casual gaming and roleplaying as a notable playstyle and the fact that selective multiplayer as we actually have give these people way more possibilities and undisturbed environments they never had in MMORPGs

    And why, because you want everybody need to compete with you to make profit, wins battles etc against people that dont want it.

    And the goldsellers and abusers as i already stated do it allways anyway.
    Numa, mass, Dirk Hammerstrike and 2 others like this.
  12. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    Why do you need a multiplayer economy hooked into SPO and Friends mode in order to enjoy playing alone? I'm not suggesting those modes be done away with - I'm only suggesting that the multiplayer economy be divorced from SPO and Friends modes.

    People like SPO because they go there to be alone.
    People like SPO because they go there to be alone and harvest everything and mastercraft and do whatever they want in their own personal sandbox. Why do they need a multiplayer economy to do this?

    Divorce all the modes and be done with it... people will choose whatever mode they want to play in and there it is. The economy doesn't need to be shared.
    TarrNokk and MrBlight like this.
  13. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    That post is just to easy.

    1. I stated i do use friends to do exactly that, abuse and farm in excess due to its imbalance.
    2. Casual gamers will have no real negative from the spawn changes. Because your not grinding same spot for 7 hours at a time. Your exploring the instance more. Which is good.
    3. Roleplaying seems like respawning non stop makes less sense.. doesnt it? Sounds like i can get a better rp experiance WITH the change.
    4. Dont get me started on mmo pvp bonuse as the sheer reality is no one has shown facts against it other then the abused exploit they r fixing.

    5. Compete with me? No. If spo mode COULDNT change modes. Then problem solved. But wanting balance so people cant keep abusing it to destroy the mmo mode is iggnorant? Please.

    6. So your argument is that because i can make 20k an hour in spo mode, as opposed to 10k an hour contested in mmo mode, that gold farmers are still there, so ignore them?

    And lastly. Its hardly competing for wanting you to have to spend 1/10th of the gold u make on a crafting tree you dont have gmd yourself. But nono. The 0 buying n selling of gear is a WAAAy better system.
  14. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    I want options!!!

    Simple that.
    I play mostly MP, but switch to FM or rarely SP if i'm disturbed or want to be alone.
  15. Burzmali

    Burzmali Avatar

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    They barely have the resources to compete in the niche MMO market, they'd get laughed out of the general MMO space.
  16. MrBlight

    MrBlight Avatar

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    Whats the numbers when it comes to current sota players.
    Mmo vs spo
    Generally curious.
  17. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    I am not against lowering the spawnrates for all including MP depending on player numbers, but totally against segregating modes or shut down FM or SPO.

    I am a casualgamer and roleplayer and the maximum grind was 2 times harvested Owls Nest Mine for around 5000 Gold i need to pay for my row lot tax ;)

    Now i have a tax free, so never need to grind again, i hate it, it's not playing a game it's more of beeing greedy and impatient for more success to me.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2016
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  18. psteg

    psteg Avatar

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    Divorce the modes and you will anger people who like to play in all the modes. Why are you so hell bent in ruining other 's game play to satisfy your own wishes? You really think there will be a financial balance in this game? With all the players who have millions already? And the many more who will by the time release is here? If you do I have a bridge you may be interested in.
  19. Gideon Thrax

    Gideon Thrax Avatar

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    I can give you a laundry list of reasons why the shared economy is bad for the game.

    Can you you list three reasons why it should exist? Just three reasons... list three reasons as to why all online modes should share an economy and why the game (the game, not you) is better off for it. Just three.
  20. psteg

    psteg Avatar

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    1 - It will not make the game better either way because there is no such thing as balance.
    2- the people who use them will be able to continue with their play style as they were promised from day one.
    3- Port will attract more players with the original offerings left alone.
    4- There is no such thing as balance.

    The bridge I have for you is in Detroit. It goes from Detroit to Belle Isle Park. Give you a great deal.
    Duke Avery likes this.
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