Make SotA meaningful... Give us NPC Guilds/Factions

Discussion in 'Archived Topics' started by Vallo Frostbane, Nov 15, 2017.

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  1. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    Hi @Chris and @Berek.

    We saw a lot of ideas lately to make playing the game more meaningful.
    They were in the line of "if I kill trolls, give me the troll-slayer title" etc.

    While all that can be a nice addition, it doesn't solve the problem as people quickly
    feel obliged to farm those 1000 wolves to get the wolf-slayer perk of +1 dex or whatever.

    It just becomes another form of leveling your character. We need to solve the problem
    one level higher.

    That's why I suggest we implement NPC Guilds. I will call them Factions from now on.

    Warriors Guild, Mage's Guild, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood... I think everyone recalls them from TES.
    Your possibilities are endless, and you could also align a certain virtue element to them.
    E.g.: Mage Guild only accepts Truthful characters etc. You could implement a nice quest line
    to join a faction, if a player wants to betray it - another Quest line. Then join a different faction if
    you suddenly feel like it.
    People in a faction can't kill each other, or lose XP for their Faction/get kicked out if they do, but every
    Faction could have their own set of rules of what is acceptable or not.

    Having a Faction enables you to take part in Daily Faction Missions which reach from the usual
    deliver 100 swords to your Master, fetch an artifact from a scene where it randomly spawns or
    kill x mobs. You could also give quests for Boss kills, and I am sure via a Faction Chat channel
    people would group up to do it, if they know they get a guaranteed reward for their time like Faction XP.

    You could implement ranks within the faction that offer titles.

    Titles within the faction could be relying on your virtue levels, amount of faction XP you attained
    through Quests, Missions etc.

    Give players special abilities, buffs etc based on their progress in their faction. This could always be
    combined with a quest to attain the next rank. It kinda makes sense that I learn to become a mage in a Mage's Guild for example. So pointing people towards a Faction also could improve the New User Experience.

    You could add repeatable missions that make people go to the Shardfalls or somewhere else.
    Maybe have in-game triggered Events of making a mob spawn in PVP/PVE areas, or hide artifacts
    that can be collected by anyone but only a certain Faction wants it.

    You could add weekly or monthly quest lines for factions that are also available in single-player.

    Let players become Leaders and Officers of their faction by different modes of determination fitting the lore
    of the faction. Most XP gained, Most Courage, Most kills... etc.

    I think having factions would be the right thing for SotA currently. It creates content for Singleplayer, PVE and PVP players. Based on this you could always add another mechanic to the game embedded in something bigger. It could give you possibilities to implement needed sinks for items through crafting or fetch missions etc. You could make some Factions a local thing, others are spread all through Novia... someone like @Lord British could for sure come up with the lore for them, if it isn't already there ;)

    You have it.


    Implement Factions
    -Faction Chat, Alignments + Rules
    -Repeatable Missions in PVE/PVP zones
    -Daily Crafting/PVE Missions
    -Implement Quests to join, leave and to attain certain Ranks
    -Have weekly or monthly Quest lines for each faction, that can intertwine.
    -Faction buffs/perks/titles/items based on rank etc.

    All things you implement down the road can be embedded into something deeper.
    Offers content for single-player offline, online PVE AND PVP.
    You create conflict and at the same time bring different players together.
  2. Halvard

    Halvard Avatar

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    I would hope a few factions would be at all time war to bring some pvp goodness with infiltration tasks like CTF stuff

    tasks (fetch quests are task to not defile the name quest) I'm sure is nice for some but does not add more to the game for me
    Vladamir Begemot and Stundorn like this.
  3. Vallo Frostbane

    Vallo Frostbane Avatar

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    Exactlythat's why I tried to name them missions. You could use the Shardfalls for that and give the zone a purpose. If you remain unseen there and complete your task or just kill everything on your way depends on your style I guess.

    Having a permanent War between some Factions would also be nice. I guess it would have to be with another flag though to keep it consensual. But if you openly show your faction flag, then why not?
    Stundorn, Gorthyn and Disgruntled like this.
  4. Lazlo

    Lazlo Avatar

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    Factions could also be connected to existing lore and give a lot more meaning to virtue decisions, etc.
  5. Elrond

    Elrond Avatar

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    Crafters Town
    I like it. I think they mentioned in some video on you tube they don't want factions in the game... I really hope they change they're minds .
    By Tor likes this.
  6. Bayard

    Bayard Avatar

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    Game communities eventually develop their own factions regardless of the developer's desires or game system. I think the SotA community would develop some excellent, and fun, story lines if SotA supported factions.
  7. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    So, Ultima Online factions. Yup, let's copy that too.
  8. Halvard

    Halvard Avatar

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    What more Ultima Online do we have? must have missed that.
  9. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    I would also say it were better to have player runned Faction, but we wont see the players to do and enlive that, just not enough players are interested in meta gaming/ roleplaying.

    Like the idea!
  10. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    Player run factions would be great, but requires a lot of tools to make meaningful quests that are not just exploit factories. Without that, it's just a guild, which is little more than a chatroom with a title at the moment.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    Hornpipe and Disgruntled like this.
  11. Hornpipe

    Hornpipe Avatar

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    I love the idea.
  12. Brass Knuckles

    Brass Knuckles Avatar

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    Nice work, Nice ideas would be cool if they considered them. I enjoyed factions in uo and I loved battlegrouds in wow (grinding for pvp gear).
  13. Ben_Hroth

    Ben_Hroth Avatar

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    Having never played UO... This sounds great!!
    Disgruntled likes this.
  14. Bow Vale

    Bow Vale Avatar

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    All great ideas, ALL should be incorporated, This is faction light imo....This is basically what i think should have been planned and in as default, no arguments or begging required.

    I am a believer as stated many times of giving the player's the ability to make most of the content, claim land under a guild/faction banner and generally make a mark and leave an impression on the world. Comradeship and allegiance is best procured by conflict and reward, dance parties are great but as an icing on a cake, the cake itself needs to be substantial and filling in the first place ....not just a cake of pure icing.....I want a lot more and had hoped these developers had the knowledge/skill and desire to implement these kind of features at a minimum.....from small acorns......
    Disgruntled and Hornpipe like this.
  15. Berek

    Berek Portalarian Emeritus Dev Emeritus

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    Austin, TX
    Sounds like a really interesting idea! I'm not sure how that would be done, and if it can be done... will reiterate this thread to @Chris though to review for future possibilities. Maybe we can do part of it.
  16. Bow Vale

    Bow Vale Avatar

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    This kind of 'thing' has been around for years. UO managed most if it, and more back in 97.

    Lip service to an idea, features...making a shallow experience in my opinion is worse than not doing it at all.
    After 4 years of waiting, we...I...can wait a little longer for something good and deep to be put in. No one is imagining anything can be put in for E1, in fact i don't want anything personally put in for E1 as it will just be a shallow implementation. When we see the roadmap and features for E2 then i will know if Novia will be my home for many years..or just a place i once hung my hat...

    Thanks for the acknowledgment on the OP's thread though :)
    Vallo Frostbane and Disgruntled like this.
  17. Duke Gréagóir

    Duke Gréagóir Legend of the Hearth

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    Dara Brae
    Tell @Chris this will cover UO Factions copy mode -


    • September 25, 2014 Note: As of Publish 86 Factons has been removed from the game. It has been replaced by the Vice vs Virtue PVP system.
    When Minax took over Lord British's realm, she started a rift, both among her followers, and among the followers of Lord British. Both sides split into two different groups, with different ideals, and war ensued among all 4 sides.

    The rebellion began in Moonglow, where the council of Mages decided that Lord British was no longer fit to rule Britannia. He'd not only failed to protect his lands from the invading hordes, but many of his own people had abandoned him and fled to the side of darkness, taking post with one of the factions of evil.

    British's loyal followers tried to crush the rumors quickly that Moonglow was planning on seceding from the throne's grasp, but this only furthered their cause, making those who died or were jailed martyrs for the cause of the mages. The Council of Mages now believes that what Britannia needs is a new leader: one who can not only lead Britannia against Minax, but who can also keep peace once it's restored. To this end, they have begun preparations to do something drastic.

    Though they've never had to do this themselves, they are the keepers of the arcane knowledge, and they have prepared many notes and items which they will need in their quest. They oppose Minax, and Lord British, and as such, are not safe from danger in either company.

    Meanwhile, Minax has something of a rebellion herself occurring. Strangely enough, from within her own rank and file, there are those who are calling for the Shadow Lords to be released from the Abyss to take their rightful place as the rulers of the dark land. While her minions are grateful to Minax for allowing them the opportunity to strike terror at Lord British, they feel she is only useful as a magical tool, and is not powerful enough to lead them against Lord British for an extended period of time. To this end they have begun preparations to do something drastic of their own; call for the Shadow Lords.

    Her minions are now split amongst those who would follow her, and those who wish to see her dethroned. Infighting is the only thing thus far that is keeping Minax from working out a way to breach the virtue spell that protects Lord British and his followers.

    The Faction System is a broad game system designed to promote organized player conflict within the society of Britannia. The fundamental goal of the conflict is to provide a foundation for player conflict based upon meaningful and contextual combat and conflict-related interactions. The system is designed to encourage the inclusion of a wide array of player types through the use of game mechanics that appeal to a broad set of play-styles. [1]

    Factions is a group PvP system that exists only within the Felucca facet. The system consists of 4 Factions, 2 good and 2 evil, struggling for control of Britannia. Control is determined by eight Felucca cities (Britain, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper and Yew). Cities are captured by stealing the town Sigil, taking it back to your base, holding it for 10 hours to corrupt, and then placing it back in the respective town. The town is secured for 3 days until the sigil can be stolen once again. All factions are aggressive towards each other, meaning each faction member can be attacked freely by members of another faction. This type of warfare only takes place in Felucca, enemy faction players appear neutral in all other facets.

    To join a Faction, visit the stronghold of the one you wish to join and use the signup stone located near the entrance. You will be given a robe to show you allegiance and be able to join in the fight immediately.

    The Factions
    True Britannians
    They follow the teachings of Lord British and their base is Castle Britannia in Britain.

    Council of Mages
    A good matured faction that have issues following the teachings of Lord British. Their base is in the Parliament Building in Magincia.

    They follows the evil mage Minax. They are based in a mountain stronghold.

    This faction follows 3 demonic entities known as the Shadowlords. Their base is the Yew Crypts.

    Leadership Roles
    Faction players are eligible for public office within their faction. The three eligible offices are: the office of Faction Commander, Town Sheriff, and Town Finance Minister.

    Faction Commander
    The office of Faction Commander is attained through an election process that occurs once per week. There is only one commander per faction. The Faction Commander may send a global command to all faction members twice per hour by simply saying, "message faction". Most commands made by the Faction Commander are decided through Faction and Town Stones.

    Town Sheriff
    Appointed by the elected Faction Commander to control the placement of guards in a captured faction city. There is one sheriff per city. Town Sheriff may view the town/city treasury and may hire guards by simply saying, "I am Sheriff" out loud.

    Town Finance Minister
    Appointed by the Faction Commander to manage taxes and resource vendors in a captured city. There is one finance minister per city. The Finance Minister may access the town/city treasury to change tax rates and may hire vendors by saying, "I wish to access the city treasury".

    Starting with Publish 56, players can now use silver to purchase special items and equipment. These items are only usable by faction players. Worn equipment requires a certain level rank to use. Inside each stronghold near the faction stone is a Cooperative Collection chest. Donate silver to it and collect rewards. In the future, silver donated to the faction in this way will be beneficial to the faction.

    • Faction Stronghold Rune - 150 silver - On use, the faction member will be teleported directly to their stronghold faction stone, destroying the rune in the process. All normal flagging rules apply. A cool down between uses applies based on rank.
    • Shrine Gem - 100 silver - Upon death, the faction member will be offered to be teleported to a random shrine. If accepted, they are teleported and the gem is destroyed. The gem is blessed.
    • Supernova Potions - 100 silver - On use, creates a ring of fire around the player that inflicts fire damage to enemy targets within a 5 tile radius. The closer the enemy, the higher the damage will be. Damage is increased based on player’s Alchemy skill and Enhance Potions item property. There is a 2 minute cool down between uses.
    • Greater Stamina Potion - 50 silver per potion - On use, restores 100 stamina points over 5 seconds. The player cannot drink another such potion while one is already active.
    • Enchanted Bandages - 100 silver for 10 - Bandages that lift curses like Enchanted Apples do. Curses are removed regardless of healing skill or success of applying bandage. Standard application time rules apply.
    • Powder of Perseverance - 300 silver - On use, player can target a faction artifact reward to reset total durability on it. Each time the player uses a recharge on the item, the total durability will decrease (1st time 225/225, 2nd time 200/200, etc.). Faction artifacts can be recharged a maximum of 5 times.
    • Morph Earrings - 1,000 silver - While wearing your Human character can wear Elf Only armor and clothing. If the player removes the earrings, equipped Elf Only items will drop to the player’s backpack. If his backpack is full, the equipment will be sent to his bank box.
    Item Rank Cost (SP) Bonus
    A Primer on Arms Damage Removal 7 3,000 Hit Chance Increase 10%
    Clainin's Spellbook 9 4,000 Lower Mana Cost 10%
    Crimson Cincture 4 2,000 +5 Dexterity
    Crystalline Ring 9 4,000 Faster Cast Recovery 3
    Fey Leggings 1 1,000 Better resistances: 15% 11% 10% 4% 22%
    Folded Steel Reading Glasses 9 4,000 +10% Defense Chance Increase
    Heart of the Lion 4 2,000 Better resistances: 20% 15% 15% 15% 15%
    Hunter's Headdress 4 2,000 Better resistances: 10% 10% 15% 10% 10%
    Kasa of the Raj-in 1 1,000 Defense Chance Increase 10%
    Mace and Shield Reading Glasses 10 5,000 Damage Increase 10%
    Order Shield - Museum of Vesper Replica 9 4,000 No -1 Faster Casting
    Ornament of the Magician 10 5,000 Mana Regeneration 3
    Ring of the Vile 4 2,000 +10% Hit Chance Increase
    Rune Beetle Carapace 1 1,000 Better resistances: 8% 6% 17% 6% 17%
    Spirit of the Totem 7 3,000 Better resistances: 20% 10% 10% 10% 10%
    Stormgrip 1 1,000 Hit Chance Increase 10%
    The Inquisitor's Resolution 10 5,000 Better resistances: 10% 10% 20% 10% 10%
    Tome of Lost Knowledge 7 3,000 Mana Regeneration 3
    Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses 7 3,000 Better resistances: 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
    1. Jump up↑ UO Publish Notes (December 6, 2000). "The Faction System - Faction Introduction". UO Developer. Retrieved on 2008-10-28.
    Vallo Frostbane likes this.
  18. Halvard

    Halvard Avatar

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    Why man? :)
  19. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
  20. Ravicus Domdred

    Ravicus Domdred Avatar

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    Get In MY BELLY!
    Thanks Vallo. I have brought this up multiple times over the years and I fully support the idea. I hope it gets traction.
    Vallo Frostbane likes this.
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