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A working world map?

Discussion in 'Wishlist Requests' started by Aurelius Silverson, Aug 18, 2021.

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  1. Aurelius Silverson

    Aurelius Silverson Avatar

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    Please explain if I'm missing something that should be obvious, I do that pretty regularly - but when I was reading the thread about Sky Palace, which mentions several pots through the whole thread (first post mentions the building being in Maiden's Blush at Sky Farm, Anpu's footers mention his town of Hemut ) I wanted to go find them - none of those names are findable on https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/map/ .

    Looking back on the thread about the map and it's updates, the last post before the thread was closed is dated 2018 - https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/forum/index.php?threads/map-updates.106776/page-2#post-1059165

    I can't find any way to locate places on the in-game map, so is there something I am missing somewhere? It seems insane to talk about the great work players do on pots and buildings as a huge feature and attraction to the game on the one hand, but for the 'official' map linked on the main game website to be so hopeless.

    I found Hemut by just happening to notice it when walking in the area, but that's not a great way to find places of interest.
  2. Archer

    Archer Avatar

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    You're not missing anything. The map has not been updated in quite a while. Ravalox says that there are plans to begin work on revamping it toward the end of this year.
  3. craftymethod

    craftymethod Avatar

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    Hit Richard up on place names and locations, He's full bottle on where all the towns are, after all he signed the map!
    Cordelayne likes this.
  4. Turk Key

    Turk Key Avatar

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    I hear your pain. An alternative, easy to accomplish wish would be to create a teleport to zone directory for towns as an option when using a teleport scroll.
    Winfield likes this.
  5. Jakkal

    Jakkal Bug Hunter

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    It'd be nice if the world map had some functionality.

    1) a search function. Type in the name of a town or scene and the map auto-centers in on the location based on the coordinates.

    2) a scene tier filter. So for example we can select tier 3 and see all tier 3 scenes highlighted.

    3) a port highlight option for all major ports.

    4) fishing/event scene highlight as an addition to the current port scroll listing.

    maybe even give an option for pot owners that flag on the map that a particular type of event is taking place.

    It'd also be helpful if all pot's that have an inactive governor and no recently active players are displayed with a ghost town icon instead of the normal collection of houses.
  6. Tahru

    Tahru Avatar

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    And please enable the ability to hide certain lots completely.
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