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Targeting - again

Discussion in 'Release 38 Feedback Forum' started by Myrradah, Feb 20, 2017.

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  1. Myrradah

    Myrradah Avatar

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    Ok, I gave the new targeting a shot and i still hate it. R37 version was much much better for me.

    After spending all that money, i really hope it doesnt stay the way it is.

    My suggestions
    1) Return to R37 - if people dont want to randomly shoot stuff, toggle between auto attack like i do. The R37 version was much more manageable than this is.

    2) Give us the option to choose between R37 and R38 and call it something

    3) Improve the current version so that I can look and target for auto fire because hitting the G key is just a waste of time in a pinch. But restricting me from shooting unless I choose a target is seriously annoying to hit G everytime i have to switch targets to shoot again or hit G over and over to get the target i want. Yes yes i can shift and click the target but I could do that in R37 as well and it was much more manageable. I only have two hands with a simple mouse and KB and i dont want to buy special equipment to play a game.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
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  2. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    I like the way it's working now much better.
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  3. Stundorn

    Stundorn Avatar

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    Estgard/ Cologne
    I don't see a change * shrug*

    What have they changed?
    There was another thread about it, but I didn't recognize any changes for me.
    I aim with my mouse or focus the enemy I want , switching through them with g.
    Partymembers I doubleClick, aim or F2...F8 to heal.
    For myself I use alt+ skill.

    Autoattack was for me while I used a Pole, but don't use it anymore.
  4. Net

    Net Avatar

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    I hate it.

    1) I cannot heal anyone unless I F# them to select them, really annoying for my mostly healer character. I want to look and heal option (with targetting someone with F key taking priority and Alt taking priority for safe heals)
    2) I am attacked by wolf, biting me, standing right in front of me, but a lot of times I cast fire arrow to completly peaceful wolf (or rabbit) 20 metres away. I do not want to attack neutral mobs unless I target them.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
    Retro, FrostII and MrBlight like this.
  5. Chris

    Chris Tech Lord Moderator Ambassador SOTA Developer

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    1) Yes, this bothers me too. I will try and prioritize some time for targeting in R40. Sorry this has lingered for so long.

    2) Not sure what you're seeing with that. Only explanation I have is they might be just off to your side and out of your forward arc?
    Retro and Net like this.
  6. Browncoat Jayson

    Browncoat Jayson Legend of the Hearth

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    This happens to me all the time as an archer. It seems to happen most often while moving, but occasionally its just that the creature I'm about to hit is closer to the middle of the screen than the one I have selected. Note that I've made the reticle completely transparent, as it shouldn't matter; I have a target selected (using "G"), focus on killing that target regardless of how many others are in the area, and then move on to the next. This is using charged attack not autoattack, so it doesnt seem that anything has really changed for me this release. Its been like this for a while...
  7. Net

    Net Avatar

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    I think the wolf tends to be in the bottom of my screen, rather than off side, I can attack it with melee magic (death touch). This is not new to R38, I think. Still I hope that in the future the system will prioritize enemies attacking me over those in distance (aand closer to the center of the screen). I sort of assumed that targets attacking me are kind of targetted automatically unless I hard target other mob.
    Retro likes this.
  8. majoria70

    majoria70 Avatar

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    I would love it if we could one touch the party or player to target them to heal or rez. Sometimes it works or I thought it was working but then the other day I was clicking again like mad and killing my wrist in the meantime. Also Rez is being weird and making me walk all the way around the player to rez sometimes or lagging or something. I don't mind touching the player or enemy to target either. It just needs to be responsive. I don't use auto attack or didn't although my game has recently started auto attacking. I have to see if I can change it back. ;) I play a melee character wielding bludgeons when I'm not healing.

    Also can we revisit healing others or finding a way to get a notification to heal a newbie that says 'majoria is trying to heal you do you want to accept the heal, or majoria is trying to rez you, do you accept, yes or no. I think in regards to if I tried to rez a pvp player it should say the usual 'you are about to heal a pvp player and will be flagged pvp accept yes or no, and the notification to the pvp player could be by accepting this heal you may forfeit the battle you are in or lose with a heal from another player and a harmful debuff from accepting the heal will plague you ;) Just ideas too ;)
    Xandra7, Retro and Net like this.
  9. Barugon

    Barugon Avatar

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    Sometimes a mob will target me and I'll shoot some innocent rabbit or doe that just happens to be nearby.
  10. Cirsee

    Cirsee Avatar

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    I have problems as a ranger with my auto attack swapping targets on me.. granted I think I may be doing something wrong. I have an archer targeted and then the foot soldier comes in and all of a sudden I am off my ranged target and am hitting the new one. Is there a key I need to press to stick to a target?
  11. Lifedragn

    Lifedragn Avatar

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    I have been looking straight at a mob, selected as target with their HP bar on my screen as selected target and then used my spell only for it to veer hard left or right to attack something closer but not not targetted. Really stinks when you are getting the drop on a mob with a 4-stack spell only to have it hit a rabbit that was way off to the side and have the mob spot you while waiting for your card to re-draw.
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